
1 Corinthians 3:4-9

"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?

What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."

1 Corinthians 3:4-9

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Things are much better now after a full day of work inside and outside of the house. We were able to save all but a few minor things mostly school supplies and a few books. We were able to get all the remaining water out, all of the floors cleaned as well as the furniture (that was one of the most disgusting things I've done- the smell was horrible!) and our neighbors got a retaining wall up (to stop the water from the back field from entering our yard) in record time. We are praising God for good neighbors as landlords, who truly have become our friends. I am thankful for a family who knows not only how to play together but knows how to work hard together as well.

Thank you for praying today!

We haven't been out in the neighborhood yet, but heard there was some major flooding in other areas near us. We are praying for the families that we know who continually struggle with flooding. Last nights rains were worse than they've had in years our neighbors were telling us. They've never known our house to flood like it did. We told them we hope to never see it happen again! And now hopefully with this wall it will redirect the water so that it will not happen again. We have three months of rainy season left- the months with the strongest, most damaging rains. We are thankful Alvaro (our landlord) understood our concern and went ahead and took action to prevent this from happening again.

In other less pertinent news- I am fully aware of how old my body is after working through the night and into the early morning, pushing water out of the house with a broom (about 2 hours) anad then on my hands and knees sopping up the remaining water and applying disenfectant as I went (about an hour and a half).

Today we moved everything around in each room, soaked up all the water hiding in the corners and under things, mopped and disinfected, washed soaked stuffed animals, curtains, rugs and all the towels we own. then I spent a good two hours cleaning the furniture - the smell was horrible from the dirty water that had soaked them. It was back breaking work and I am sure I'll sleep good tonight. Matt ha to re-dig a drainage trench (for the second time) and he cleaned and mopped and swept and washed out whatever needed done. The girls took care of Daisy and took turns helping. Ethan jumped in and helped cut down the weeds and grass from the fence to prepare the fence for the concrete and boards to be made into the retaining wall. He is walking around holding his back- I am sure he is sore. He used his machete to cut things down- he was a big help and I am proud of him for helping.

I admit my fear and doubt last night in the wee hours of the morning as I looked around wondering how we were ever going to get all that water out. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think (more than once) about how much easier it be if we lived the typical gringo life of condo living. I thought of the possibility of packing it all up and moving into our friends old place high up on the hill. It would be great- it was great for them and great to visit with them :)

"But, for you, Timothy (Brooke), be different." Paul says this to timothy numerous times in his letter to his young disciple. And it ultimately is what God has said to Matt and I.

"But, for you, I have called you to something different. What may be right for them or them or them, is not what is right for you..."

Me: "Are you sure, Lord, because I'm really feeling that posh set-up, that nice cozy place just around the bend that just opened up...Are you sure, Lord?"

Those were my thoughts last night. But this morning after the light of a few hours sleep (and I mean a few), God reminded me of his Great Love for me. And in that, He know s what is best. He knows the purpose and reason for calling us to this little house in this little barrio next to this neighbors we've grown to love. Some reasons we may never know. today, I am reminded that I really don't need to know. My obedience is not on a need-to-know basis. He asks and I obey and that is enough.

Our problems were minor and miniscule in spite of the major floodings and natural disasters around the world. I am thankful for the minor affliction today that brings me back to the Cross, back to the One who created the world, who died for me, who has conquered death and who will one day return again.


Jenny said...

WOW, Brooke!! What an encouraging word! What truth God is speaking through you!! Thank you for prompting me to wrestle with these thoughts as we prepare for our Stateside next month and then our second term in a new place (prob. Mexico)- I pray that we will be faithful and obedient and willing to be different- I have been really battling my flesh with craving things- as we're packing up and selling- I keep being tempted to be so sad about these THINGS that we are going to not have anymore- ugh- how selfish and faithless- my flesh is amazingly wicked! Thank you for being so faithful and such a good testimony to us and your neighbors! Love you, Brooke!

The McClain's said...

Oh Jenny! Praise God that He spoke to you today. I actually was just wrestling with what I had said hoping it was taken in offense and considering going back and changing a few things- obviously God is in it and I'll leave it just the way it is. I struggled last night thinking "Lord what if we've lost everything?" But I realized that it was all stuff- albeit stuff I've come to love in my flesh- but ultimately just stuff. We have friends who have lived the past year and half with about 6-7 suitcases or totes of stuff- they are able and willing to be moved in a matter of hours if need be and God calls. In some ways I so want that freedom. (Their children are grown and there are no 'toy' issues to deal with, but I think that would be so freeing).

I have been praying for you and John and for the last approval to be made. You have both be a strong encouragement to me recently with your decision NOT to go to a first choice area because of the great work God is already doing there! That decision spoke to me volumes about courage and boldness to follow God and be obedient to Him.

Love you too, my sweet friend! I'll continue to pray as you get closer to your stateside date :)