Yesterday we began the new discipleship groups in Jazmin. We started off for the day at about 8:30 and spent the entire day in Tejarcillos, two different times of discipleship and visiting in between. There were over 35 believers who began discipleship yesterday, including many young children who spent their time memorizing scripture.
I ask you to pray for this area, called Jazmin. We do not know what God has planned for us, but we (Matt and I) feel a special connection already to the many peopl who, amazingly, we met only a week ago. Somehow, it feels as if we've known them forever already. We also feel a sense of peace every time we are there. While the nature of areas like this brings a sense of danger, Jazmin seems to be much more peaceful. the kids do not seem to have that hard, rough edge that those in others parts have. The young girls in my group have quickly taken to our girls and our girls to them, which we love to see. :) Please pray God would direct Matt and I and allow us the privelege of ministering here at length with the purpose of developing long-term fruit for His Kingdom.
There were 20 new children and youth that began discipleship from The Pines on Saturday as well as Monday. Please pray for these youth. They live hard lives in a spiritually dark place. The area of the Pines is physically dark as well. You walk in and can get glipmses of sunshine, however, you can physiacally see (and feel) the darkness. The homes are dark inside as well. Please pray for the many youth and families from this area that we have in our church. Please pray for the violence that surrounds them day and night. Please pray for God to give them strength, courage and the ability to not become discouraged. Please give them boldness to share the gospel to their neighbors, to their families and to those who are separated from Christ and lost in their sins. Please pray specifically for special couple named Byron and Joanna. they have two samll children. Their sole source of income is selling DVD's (pirated copies that sell for about $2.00 each) door-to-door. Just last week, Byron was coming back home from work around 8:30 in the evening. He had travelled some distance from here to sell in a different area and had been gone three days. He was walking past what we have considered our "safe zone" near the school when three men and one women jumped him, assaulted him with a gun, and stole his backpack, which had all the DVD's he had not yet sold, plus the money he had earned the past three days, which was about $80.00. (When someone sells DVD's like this, they buy them first then resell them for a small profit on each one). this was obviously a devasting event for this family. Please pray for them to be encouraged in the Word of the Lord. They have been faithful in their discipeship with Rogelio and Neris, but had not joined us in Sunday morning worship until recently. Joanna spent the last week helping us in VBS. Every day she came with her two small kids, even though Byron had been away working. She was in charge of coffee and really took the job seriously. She helped in whatever way she could and it was such an encouragement to me to see her be so willing to help.
thank you for praying for the people that have grown to be family for us.
Please pray also for the last two days of VBS in La Carpio. Praise God for His grace and for new believers.
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
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