Well, after the final picture post has been posted, I reflect some on what is not in the pictures. The stories known in my heart, those that cannot be told with a picture.
One such story is of the amazing way the Holy Spirit worked through my husband as he was obedient to share what God had placed on His heart. We were not ashamed to share openly about our necessity to leave Costa Rica for a time, in order to secure more financial partnerships. We were at the lowest level of support we've ever been at. We no longer had the funds to continue living in Costa Rica, nor serving her people.
So, naturally, you would conclude that our focus would be on our finances as we prepared to share with supporters, churches, and new families in the states.
God, however, who is supernatural, Lord, and supremely omnipotent in all things, clearly spoke to our hearts that this should not be our focus. We, more specifically Matt, were to place all of our focus on Him and on the work He has done in us, what we have seen Him do in all parts of Costa Rica, and specifically challenge all we could about the call of discipleship in their lives.
So, that is how Matt prepared to share. And that is what he shared everywhere we went. I am privileged to be his wife. I am honored to walk beside him on this journey. God spoke through him and used him t o deliver a powerful message of redemption, of His saving grace, of the salvation found only in Christ. God, though Matt, issued challenge after challenge to individuals and churches, family members, and friends, about the call and command to make disciples in Matthew 28:19-20.
There are no pictures no demonstrate that power. You just kinda had to be there...but if you were, I think you'll agree it was pretty amazing!
I also had the privilege to spend the afternoon with a good friend visiting an amazing young women named Jen. Her body is racked with a terrible disease that has robbed her of strength, control, speech, the ability to swallow well among a host of others things. But what the disease has not and cannot take form her is her smile, nor the light inside of her- both of which reflect Christ living in her. I went to her house one day prepared to minister to her; and left being the one to whom she had been greatly ministered. No picture could tell the story of how God spoke to me through her that day. She is the epitome of God having a plan a purpose and of God working for good in all things - her life and faith are evidence s well as the lives changed by her journey.
I truly wish i had a picture of the day Ethan I finally got to meet Caleb and Tyler Wolfe. It was a day i had long awaited for and although very short, was very sweet to meet these adorable little boys. I am very thankful for that little bit of time with them.
There is no way to show the love expressed to us by our church family. No way to count the ways in which they graciously gave to allow our needs to be met while in the states. We were given the use of an amazing home to use, meals, offerings to sustain us, bicycles to ride, a car to use, hugs, hugs, and more hugs :) They also went to great lengths to make sure we were able to return to Costa Rica. We are forever thankful!
One last cherished memory is the evening Matt, Ethan and I spent with Mike and Sharon Druley. Mike is going through his second bout of cancer, this time it is extremely aggressive. We were able to spend one wonderful evening with them and I will cherish it forever. I received an update from his CaringBridge site today and I wanted to share it with you.
May you be blessed as I too have been by the faith of this brother and sister in Christ.
And...PS: Only God could burden the hearts of His people to give sacrificially, commit abundantly, and pray fervently as they did so that we now are at the CLOSEST to full support that we have ever been while! Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!
"Today was chemotherapy # 5. The Lafayette Cancer Care is not how I planned to spend this summer, yet when I enter this center, there is a sense of peace, joy and hope. From calling me by my name to the compassion and skilled care offered makes this a special sanctuary for healing and for hope. Sharon and I thank God for leading us to this place where we feel so much at home. I would also ask for your prayers on July 1 @ 8:30 AM when I have a CT scan and on July 5 @ 4:45 PM when I have a PET scan. These two scans will be paramount in showing what my cancers are doing and what help I am receiving from the chemotherapy. When I used to wait to see Dr. Trowbridge (still love that man), I would become quite nervous about five minutes before seeing him, and Sharon would silently tap my leg and say "God is in the midst of this." When I meet with Dr. Narayan to discuss these scans, I am sure I will again be quite nervous, and I know for sure I will feel a silent tap on my leg with Sharon saying "God is in the midst of this, Michael." How blessed I am!
Today was also a time of introspection for me. In this "treatment ward" are ten recliners for cancer patients. At any one time today six were filled, all women save for another gentleman and me. Since I was first today, I was able to see each patient who entered for either a treatment, a lab draw, or a removal of his/her pump. Yet as each entered, I studied each patient's face. Some seemed a little tentative but all seemed to have positive attitudes. Three of the ladies wore scarves to cover their loss of hair or baldness. I remember vividly when I lost my hair in 2001, and it was a very traumatic time for me, yet I can only guess how frightening that would be to a lady. I have such empathy for these beautiful and strong individuals. A lady entered who had an ill-fitted wig, yet that did not hamper her spirits in any way. But I kept thinking where each of these individuals are on their respective walks in these scary and complex journeys. Do they have a faith which will accompany them through the valleys? Do they have a church family like Sharon and me who reach out to us in compassion and love? Have they placed their lives in God's hands to take control and give up their desire to be "in charge"? But then I started to think about what these and others saw when they studied my face. Do they see a man who is worried about his own mortality or do they see a man who has taken comfort in Christ's words that indeed "...my Grace is sufficient for you for my Power is made perfect in weakness?" And even I wonder where I will be if indeed I come to the end of my life in the next several months as the prognosis states. Will I allow God to be in control or will I wrestle with a desire to live one more day? That's why your prayers are so cherished as I could never fight this battle alone. I have expressed to our mighty God that I desperately want to live to spend the wonderful quiet times with Sharon, to watch our children continue their respective success stories, and probably more than anything, to watch Katie, Meghan and Elizabeth grow from little girls to beautiful ladies, yet as I first shared with Marshall, I have had no fears or anxieties about dying - another emotion I could never have without your prayers, our family support, and thoughts and prayers from Arizono to Florida and from New York to California. How awesome is our God. But please know that Sharon and I have tremendous hope because we know that the GREAT PHYSICIAN in the only one truly in charge and that is where we place our turst!! Amen! I would encourage all of you to watch two videos on youtube by Zac Smith. Go to youtube and type in Zac Smith. One video is entitled "Cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me", and the other is "The Letter". Zac was 32 with a beautiful wife and three children when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. After a short remission, the cancer returned and Zac died at age 33. In 2001 I also said that cancer was a gift. Today I know that cancer comes with a PERFECT PLAN from our Heavenly Father even though I do not understand what that is - now. I, like Zac, believe I am a better husband, father, grandfather, friend, and follower of Christ because of this disease. And I also believe what Zac said with these words: "If God decides to heal me, then God is God and God is good, but if God decides not to heal me and allows me to die, then God is STILL GOD, and God is STILL good!" Thanks Zac.
Thanks to Megan and Marshall for such wonderful and moving testimonies Sunday. I have not experienced a loss as have they thus I cannot begin to feel the depth of their grief, but I can see the width, breath and depth of their faith.
Thanks to Pam Hall who gave me a book Sunday by James McDonald entitled "When Times are Hard". I read it in a day, will re-read it again as it truly ministered to me and validated some things we are doing. He states (paraphrased) that when times are hard and we feel pain, whether it is minor or very serious, we need to EMBRACE that pain and use it to glorify God. I have a ways to go, but with God's help I shall do better each day.
I mentioned how much I enjoy visitors. Sharon and I were reared in a farm community and lived about two miles apart. Back when we were young, we didn't think twice about visiting someone on a moment's notice. I guess we remain there believing it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I still recall vividly in the spring of 1955 when we brought my father home from the hospital in Richmond after serious surgery. He was worried about how he would get the 180 acres prepared for planting. As we pulled into our driveway in northeastern Rush County, it was a sight to behold! Twenty-seven tractors with plows and diiscs were in our fields - forgetting their own personal needs to reach out to a friend in need. Wow! And that is exactly what you are doing for us. No amount of thanks could ever express our gratitude.
Please continue to pray for Jen and Mark, Ginny and Max, Ann and Ron, Olivia and Larry, and beautiful Emma Wolfe and her parents Chris and Stephanie as well as others who need our prayers. And in case you do not know, the Wolfes have a Caringgbridge sight as well. (www,Caringbridge.org/visit/wolfekids. You will see three beautiful children plus follow Emma's progress.
I apologize for the length and pensiveness of this writing, but I have simply felt the hands of God upon my heart today. In the Gaither magazine there is a statement about friends from Henry Nouwen which allowed me to see within myself to where Sharon's and my ministries should be. Maybe this will speak to you as well.
"The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and berevement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a FRIEND who cares."
Thank you for being our FRIENDS! May God shower you with His mighty Grace, Peace, Mercy and Love.
In Him,
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
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