Tonight I felt the peace of God. Sitting in Los Guido in a makeshift circle of benches some 50 brothers and sisters in Christ offered praise and worship to the Lord, our God, Jesus Christ in the form of prayers and song, and for me personally, a laying down of things that were keeping me from a more personal communion with my Creator.
Tonight I felt my face warmed by the presence of the Creator. You know how when the sun is really warm and you lean your head back to get the full benefit of its great that feels? Tonight I felt that same warmth, but I know it was the presence of the Holy God himself because we were sitting at the Finca, it was a chilly night and it was dark.
Why would God allow me to feel his presence? The only answer I have is that I was offering him all I am, all that I had and asking him to fill me with things only from him. I was offering my gratitude for all he has given me down to the very bed I sleep in, the walls that keep me dry, the clothes that cover me, the food that sustains me, the husband that loves me and cares for me, the children he has given me to protect, nurture and train, my family in the states as well as the family here in Costa Rica. I pray that this was pleasing to him and he allowed me to feel his presence because of that.
My heart felt a tinge of homesickness tonight for the church family we have back in Frankfort. Our church grew from simple, but intimate evenings devoted to prayer like this Tuesday night was. Our Sunday mornings always held an element of intimacy like I felt tonight. How thankful that God would grant me the privilege to experience worship like this with my fellow brothers and sisters of the New Life in Christ Church here in Costa Rica.
Thank you Father for this evening that really was "tan linda"- so beautiful. Thank you for your Spirit which was with us tonight. Thank you for the team you've given us here Father. We are all so very different come from very different backgrounds, but God you have united us with a passion for serving you. Even united us so far as to call us separately and individually to sacrifice and deny ourselves in order to follow you, serve you and to seek you. Thank you for guiding us to the point of finding you. Thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you for loving us while we were still yet sinners. Thank you for your grace through which we are saved through faith in you. Thank you Father that I am not saved by the things I do rather by the grace you have freely given me that I do not deserve. Thank you that you called me by my name and have written my name in the Book of Life. Father I pray for those walking in the darkness tonight that do not know you. I pray for those tonight that are blinded by addictions, temptations, and that are bonded by the strongholds of the enemy. I pray God that you might see fit to use sinners like those you've brought here to share your Word in it's holiness to spread the aroma of life to those who are dead in their sins. Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ. May I die to the sinful desires of my flesh and be filled with the fruits of your Spirit. Amen.
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
Your posts are always super encouraging to read. Especially after being wiped out from writing a bajillion essays for medical school. Compared to your blog, my posts are so...frivolous :( Thanks for sharing, Brooke! And as for your question. The answer is, shortly. I will be visiting the McClain family shortly.
Oh, that was just beautiful!! I'm so happy you got to have such a sweet experience with the Lord!! By the way, John is down with a fever now, so we aren't gonna be able to do a lunch date today. This Sat., we just have a meeting from 8:30- 12:00, so let me know what time is possible for you guys!! Love you, sweetie!
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