
1 Corinthians 3:4-9

"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?

What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."

1 Corinthians 3:4-9

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weekly Prayer requests

Below you'll find our weekly prayer requests sent out this morning. If you have always been on our email list, and did not receive this, please leave a comment here. We are both having major difficulties sending and receiving emails- we apologize for any inconvenance.

Dear friends,
Please join us in continuing to praise our God who provides! We received a wonderful blessing that has allowed us to purchase our return trip tickets to Costa Rica. We have booked our tickets in faith that God will continue to provide and that our time in the states will be fruitful and will reap a harvest of new financial partnerships.

Not only has God provided in the funds for our return, but also for every other need for this trip- He has provided! Our flight to the US, funds for a rental car (the cost of which way exceeded what we had anticipated, but God knew and provided for), gas money, a home to stay in while in IN, as well as a car to use while in IN, homes to stay in while traveling, even traveling expenses! God Provides! We will walk forward trusting Him who can and will and has done and will continue to do immeasurably more than anything we can ask or imagine!

Please pray for the new churches we will be visiting in Florida, northern Ohio, and southern Illinois. Please pray for the connections we will make with people in southern Georgia, as well as many other states we will be visiting. Please also pray for our time visiting current supporters. Pray for sweet fellowship and God to be glorified through our conversations. We know that God knows our needs and is already preparing the hearts of His people. Please pray in faith with us in Jesus name, for the new partnerships we believe He has planned for us with these new churches. Please pray for the churches we are still making arrangements with. Pray that God continues to direct us.

Please pray for our travel- Thursday, April 22 (leaving for San Jose) and this Friday, April 23 (flying to Orlando). After a 7 hour drive, we'll arrive at our first stop. Then on through 5 more states. Please pray for safety, protection from other drivers, no car trouble with the rental car and for sweet family time as we travel through the southern stats during one of the prettiest times of the year.

Please pray for our home and our pets while we are gone. Pray for our neighbors as they will be caring for both the house and our pets while during our trip.

Praise God for His amazing provision! God called us to Villareal without any clear understanding of the reasons, except that we were to make disciples. Now, five months later, we see fruit! We see disciples reproducing disciples! We see lives changed by the power of God's Word. We see about half of the members of First Baptist Church being discipled! We witnessed the Great Commission being taken seriously and the charge given in Calvary Chapel church to go out and make disciples. We sat in worship Sunday evening, and God gave us a glimpse of why He has called us here. Praise Him for His perfect vision, for His perfect plans, for His direction in our lives!

Praise God that Ronny will begin discipleship with Pastor Phil soon! Please join us in rejoicing for this answered prayer! Please pray specifically for Marcella and Carolina, two women who began discipleship last week with Brooke, but need a Spanish speaker to continue with them. Please pray that God raise up someone from the church to continue meeting with them.

Lastly, we have a personal prayer request. Often times, missionaries, pastors, church leaders are looked at as having all the answers and having things all figured out. While this may appear to be the case in some people's lives, it is not so in our case! We are learning as we go, relying on God, who is rich in mercy and love, and who through whose grace, we pray we reflect His glory. Sometimes, we lose track of each other and get on a crazy cycle in our marriage. We then have to stop and regroup. Sometimes, our children get shorted for our attention, due to our lack of putting what is most important first. Please pray for our continued sanctification; for our daily dying to self and to our own desires. Please pray specifically this week for Audrey as she is demonstrating some disturbing behavior the past week or so. It is most likely just a phase, but she has been acting aggressively with other kids, with her siblings and with Brooke. She has been having trouble listening and obeying and has been acting unkindly in certain sensitive situations. We understand the great need our children have for our family to remain solid, strong and true to the Word of God. Please pray for Audrey, as well as Ethan and Isabelle, during times when we are weak. Please pray for God's grace to be upon them and for it to cover all of our failures as parents. Pray for Audrey during this season in her life.

Thank you for praying for all these things, for rejoicing with us.

Serving Christ 'til He comes back,
Matt and Brooke :)

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