As I was tucking Audrey in tonight, I said to her what I have said many, many nights to both Ethan and Isabelle as they have grown and faced different fears through the nights: "Remember, God is always with you. You are never alone. He is right here with you and there is nothing to be scared of." She looked up at me with still innocent 4-year old eyes and said, "But Mommy, when you leave, God goes with you." I sucked in my breath to keep from getting choked up and said, "Audrey, God is so big and powerful and amazing that He is always right with me wherever I am AND He is always right where you are...even if you are in your room and I am in mine." She then asked if God was with Jesus when He died on the cross.
(Here is a really good look into her mind. She is ALWAYS asking questions- good ones, too, as you can see).
I explained to her that, yes, God was with Jesus on the cross.
She asked me if God made Jesus.
"Yes, God made Jesus, sweetie."
"And God made me, and you and Ethan and Sissy and Daddy and even all the people that I know and all the people that I don't know, right, Momma?"
"Yes, Baby, that is right."
"And God made everything?"
"God made the trees, the sky, the planets, the stars, the land the water- everything you see and everyplace you cannot see- God made it all."
"Does God have a wand?"
"No, Baby, God does not have a wand. God does not need magic. Magic like you see on tv isn't real. But God is. And He is able to all things, even things we cannot understand, like say a word and the land and water and sky are in place, like we see them today."
"Well, what words did God say."
"Well, remember the story of Genesis, when God created everything in six days?"
"Yes, kinda."
"We can read it again tomorrow, ok?"
"What word did God say when Jesus died?"
(WOW...I'm thinking...where are these questions coming from?)
"Well, Baby, right before Jesus died, He said 'It is finished.'He said that because He knew that what God had planned was that Jesus needed to die on that cross so that He could save us from our sins. The only way to do that was for him to die."
"But Jesus came back alive, right?"
"Yes, he did, Baby. Yes, He did."
"And God doesn't have a wand?"
"No, God does not use magic. God is real and able to do all things even things that seem imopossible like Jesus being dead and then three days later, alive again. Wands are not real and God does not use a wand."
I told her that she asks really good questions and to keep on asking them. I pray that she does.
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
1 comment:
Sometimes kids get right to the heart of things, don't they?
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