
1 Corinthians 3:4-9

"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?

What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."

1 Corinthians 3:4-9

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The hands and power of God

One of the most wonderful things about our God is that He chooses to use us in mighty ways that are designed to fulfill his purposes. He doesn't care that we are not quite equipped to fulfill the job; He doesn't care that we might not be strong enough; He does not care that we might not be mature enough; He doesn't even care that we really don't even deserve the privelege of being chosen. He just uses us without expectation of our part in His plan- He just chooses to use us. He knows our weaknesses and exactly what we bring to the task at hand- which generally is nothing. He just chooses to use us to demonstrate His power and His hand at work.

This past week with the EFCN team from Naperville has been a true time of being able to bask in the power and glory of our God when He places His hand on a task and uses ordinary people to accomplish His purposes.

Last night, we shared in a time of celebration with the team at La Finca. This team came with the purpose of completing the new church building for the Los Guido church. This team funded the building project and arrived here to complete the roof and the floor. Many thanks were said by members of the New Life Church of Los Guido and also by members of the EFCN team. My sweet friend Luisa stood to speak her words of appreciation to the team, which she called "viejos," or "old folks!" As Mark translated what she had said- everyone busted out laughing. It is common to call someone by their "age" in this culture. For instance, when speaking to a teenage girl, you would say "muchacha," or the teenager. If you were directing someone to go to the older man across the room you would say "Vayase al viejo," or "Go to the older man." So, to her what she said was perfectly normal. However, when translated into English, it did sound rather funny. She used this terminology because she knew that their ages averaged in the 60's and some in the 70's.

This leads to my point: I admittedly was surprised at the ages of this "work team" when they arrived. I am truly happy to say that I as they said good-bye last night, I was more surprised at how God used them despite their ages to complete a mighty task. They really did work hard and the building is proof of that.

But what is even more proof, is that God's hand has guided and cared for this project since it started about a month ago. His purpose for this team was not just to build the building, but to build relationships that will last until eternity. Our God is a God of details. What I love to see in life is these little things that He cares for, like the weather, for instance. We had absolutely BEAUTIFUL weather in what should be the last stretch of rainy season. They should not be nice warm days full of sunshine and clear of rain. However, they were. Until last night when it began raining and it is raining again this morning already. God's hand was upon the team yesterday as they visited homes in La Carpio as well as Tejarcillos. They walked and met some of the people in the existing discipleship groups in La Carpio, as well as met some new friends. Then they travelled to Tejarcillos and walked through the Pines and visited with several families of the church. With all the things that have been happening lately, it was a decision covered in prayer to take the team into the Pines. However, God in his majesty, protected the team. They were able to meet members of several families in the church and spent sweet time in the home of Vilma and Ester- you may remember them. Vilma is one of the first from the Pines to complete book 1 and then move on to discipling a girl named Margerhita. What a blessing for the people of all three areas this team has been!

God's hand at work. If even one day of the team's time here had been rainy like this the project would not be where it is today, just a small amount of work left. Each litle detail that was God-organized and played out perfectly in His perfect order came together to get to where we are today.

Join me today in praising our God for the great thing He has done!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great testimony on ages of missionaries - especially to those who say (as an excuse) - "I'm too old to do such and such!" Would love to see pics.