I just feel an overwhelming sensation to praise the Lord tonight and I wondered if you might join me in worshipping our King and Creator, the Almighty God himself...
Matt and I and the kids have started going to the Tuesday night prayer services in Los Guido in an attempt to reconnect with our church family there. As many of you know, the past two trimesters of school we have not done much else in the ministry aside from attending church, and for the past trimester - just in Tejarcillos. Now that we have a much more flexible schedule, we are easing into the ministry more and more, which accounts for some of my joy tonight. Finally being able to be in the ministry is SO wonderful! Finally we are beginning to be able to do what God has called us here to do.
Last week, Pastor Marvin spoke about the delight God has in his children; the joy he has when they are born; and his enjoyment in seeing us walk with him. Tonight, he related some of the same to Noah and the life he led. Marvin spoke about 5 things that make God smile and used the life of Noah to illustrate these five things.
These are the some things that make God smile:
1. When we love him above all else
2. When we trust in him
3. When we obey him
4. When we worship him and give him thanks
5. When we use our abilities in ways that are pleasing to him
Marvin spoke about how there were so many questions that surely arose when God told Noah to build the ark, but Noah did not once bother God with questions, he simply trusted him, obeyed him and used the abilities God had given him to construct the ark. Noah was the only true, honest and just man God could find on all the earth. Because of this God chose to save him and his family from the flood and to build the ark. Noah loved God above all else and used his life to continually worship and give thanks to God the Father.
I was very intrigued to tonight's message because I know how often I personally let things of the world creep ahead of my love for God. I know how often I have not immediately obeyed when God has called to me. I know how often I have asked question after question and let doubt creep in and get in the way of pure sweet trusting in the Lord. I know how lazy I get in the little things in life and they became mundane and in no way do I reflect a sense of worshipping God Almighty while doing them. I fall guilty of laziness when it comes to using every gift and ability God has given me to glorify and honor the Lord.
I say all of this because although Noah was the only man to find favor in the eyes of the Lord, he was still a sinner, like me and like you. The the story of Noah is one of hope- hope found only in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth. And no matter how many times I may fall or you may fall, he is always there to pick us right back up, take us into his arms, smile at us and get us going again.
There have been times in my life where God has surely smiled upon me. It is my sincere prayer that there are far more times where he smiles at me then not in my lifetime here on earth.
Tonight I was reminded that this past 9 months spent in language school, struggling to balance life as a daughter of the King, wife, mother, missionary and student were not of waste. Tonight, I was able to sit and translate the service for the Wood family, who are visiting here for the week. Although several times I had to wait for several sentences to go by to get the idea of what was being said, I was able to (I think) effectively portray the jist of the message. My prayer is that this gift that God has given me can be used for the rest of my life to convey just what I did tonight- His Holy Word. (I say "gift" because to me it is just that and it is not something I could have ever purchased or gained by myself, but knowing he has placed within me this ability to speak Spanish). What a blessing to be able to relay the scriptures from one culture to another. Taxing and tiring, yes, I will admit. I definitely had to pay close attention, but I must say (eekk...If I say this I will for sure have a new job if Mark reads this...)...it was somewhat fun :) I am sure I am pretty weird and most who speak another language would not say translating is fun, but I have never claimed to be normal...why start now?? :)
All of this to say, somehow in my mind all of this connects to Ecclesiastes chapter 3and also leads to my thoughts of praise for the Lord. As of today, it is with joy I say that we have seen the Lord answer almost every one of our prayer requests from the last two months that were about tangible items pertaining to finances. It seems God may have planned to answer even the one remaining.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 says:
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven;
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
What does the worker gain from his toil? I have not seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for man than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil- this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing can be taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him."
This week, I have been pondering the last two years of my life and tonight after the message, even more so. The passage from Ecclesiastes really hit home as I thought about all that God has done in my life in the past two years. It was two years and 9 days ago that I first came to Costa Rica. I can still remember those first few days in the country that would soon become my home...Since then, I have seen times of planting and times of uprooting; seen times of killing and times of healing; seen things torn down, but also things being built up; I've wept like I've never wept in the past two years, but laughed like I never thought I would as well...I've mourned as well as danced; had to scatter some stones, but gathered so many more; I've felt loving embraces and felt the need to refrain as well...I've searched and searched for some things...and given the search up for a time on a few things...Kept a few things but thrown a lot more away (or given or sold)...In the past two years there have been some things in my life that have been torn, but in some things I can praise the Lord and call mended...I've felt myself strain to be silent and also felt free to speak...loved alot and hated a little...felt at war many, many times, but through it all felt a peace like no other.
What is about God that he can make the scripture come alive in such new ways at times when it is so perfect. I've read that passage in may life probably a hundred times, but never have I stopped to reflect its personal real meaning in my life.
My joy tonight comes at the peak of many storms that have been brewing in my heart. I have many real, deep prayers that I have offered to the Lord in the past few days and I'll admit was beginning to feel down, until tonight. I am thankful for people God has placed in my life like Marvin Villalobos, who have always spoke the Truth of God's word into my life since I met him two years ago.
Tonight, while there is sadness in my heart for things and people in my life, there is an unmistakable joy that rests in knowing and believing in the Word of God that promises us that "everything that God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing will be taken away."
Joy me tonight in praising our Creator...Worship and thank him for the great things he has done...and feel him smile upon you...
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I'm here!!!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately...
Matt started classes last Wednesday and the kids and I started homeschooling Monday with the kids. We've settled back into a routine and it good to be home.
Homeschooling is FANTASTIC!!!!!! The kids are doing well and I LOVE it!!! Tuesday we went to the park and learned about force, energy and work for science. After going through the book with Ethan (while the girls were listening)and experimenting with a few things around the house, we took the soccer ball and went to the park and Ethan demonstrated to the girls and I the use of force, energy and work. It was so cool and they all three learned from it! Yesterday, Lucia was here helping us and she spent time with each of the kids practicing their Spanish. Isabelle loves to be with Lucia helping her and at the end of the day, her and Lucia had a tea party. It was beautiful!
I love that God is showing me how to use what he has given us in this world and the people and places around us to teach my children in a real tangible way. Homeschooling is amazing! Not to mention how much I LOVE being back home with the kids!
Matt has decided to drop his conversation class at the institute. He will still be taking grammar, but will spend the morning utilizing the native speakers God has given us right next door. He will be meeting with Coco and also Mariana and Valeria to spend time conversing with them. Also, he'll have the opportunity to be in the ministry during this time, again conversing with native speakers. It seems to be the best option for him and we are all excited for him to have this opportunity.
We've enjoyed the company of many visitors lately. Alex's parents and sister were here for a short visit. It was great meeting his sister and seeing his parents again.
Here is a picture after church on Sunday in Pastor Rogelio's home.
And we also have been spending time with the Droke family. They are here with visiting until tomorrow. We've shared meals, ministry, fun and good conversation with them. Check out www.clfcostarica.com and click on team blogs to read their blog.
We are becoming increasingly aware of the blessings God continues to give us. We have prayed for a vehicle for almost a year now and while we still do not have one, we are confident that God will provide when the time it is absolutely necessary for us to have one...for now we have made our life walking and using public transportation and grown accustomed to. This week, we've become aware of some of the downfalls of having a vehicle in a foreign country like re-occurring flat tires during rainy season, hit and run accidents where you find yourself in a place where even the insurance agent won't come into because of the danger of the place itself, too much smoke emission from your muffler and the trouble that brings you, and just being at the mercy of the government officials here. Maybe it has been a blessing in disguise to NOT have had a vehicle at least during this first stage of life here. God knows so infinitely more than we do about things like this and his ways are always perfect! As we continue to pray for a vehicle, we also pray that we never take for granted our situation or circumstance as we live in it. But also we thank all of you who sacrificially give so that we may be here.
I have many more things to post about, but I have to start the school day!! More to come later!
Matt started classes last Wednesday and the kids and I started homeschooling Monday with the kids. We've settled back into a routine and it good to be home.
Homeschooling is FANTASTIC!!!!!! The kids are doing well and I LOVE it!!! Tuesday we went to the park and learned about force, energy and work for science. After going through the book with Ethan (while the girls were listening)and experimenting with a few things around the house, we took the soccer ball and went to the park and Ethan demonstrated to the girls and I the use of force, energy and work. It was so cool and they all three learned from it! Yesterday, Lucia was here helping us and she spent time with each of the kids practicing their Spanish. Isabelle loves to be with Lucia helping her and at the end of the day, her and Lucia had a tea party. It was beautiful!
I love that God is showing me how to use what he has given us in this world and the people and places around us to teach my children in a real tangible way. Homeschooling is amazing! Not to mention how much I LOVE being back home with the kids!
Matt has decided to drop his conversation class at the institute. He will still be taking grammar, but will spend the morning utilizing the native speakers God has given us right next door. He will be meeting with Coco and also Mariana and Valeria to spend time conversing with them. Also, he'll have the opportunity to be in the ministry during this time, again conversing with native speakers. It seems to be the best option for him and we are all excited for him to have this opportunity.
We've enjoyed the company of many visitors lately. Alex's parents and sister were here for a short visit. It was great meeting his sister and seeing his parents again.
Here is a picture after church on Sunday in Pastor Rogelio's home.
And we also have been spending time with the Droke family. They are here with visiting until tomorrow. We've shared meals, ministry, fun and good conversation with them. Check out www.clfcostarica.com and click on team blogs to read their blog.
We are becoming increasingly aware of the blessings God continues to give us. We have prayed for a vehicle for almost a year now and while we still do not have one, we are confident that God will provide when the time it is absolutely necessary for us to have one...for now we have made our life walking and using public transportation and grown accustomed to. This week, we've become aware of some of the downfalls of having a vehicle in a foreign country like re-occurring flat tires during rainy season, hit and run accidents where you find yourself in a place where even the insurance agent won't come into because of the danger of the place itself, too much smoke emission from your muffler and the trouble that brings you, and just being at the mercy of the government officials here. Maybe it has been a blessing in disguise to NOT have had a vehicle at least during this first stage of life here. God knows so infinitely more than we do about things like this and his ways are always perfect! As we continue to pray for a vehicle, we also pray that we never take for granted our situation or circumstance as we live in it. But also we thank all of you who sacrificially give so that we may be here.
I have many more things to post about, but I have to start the school day!! More to come later!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Home Sweet Home
We made it home last night sometime after midnight, after a delayed flight in Miami.
We had a fantastic time in Frankfort and in Illinois with Mark and Meg.
We spent time with our church family and a few other friends and family Friday night. What a blessing to be with them again. It was encouraging and exciting to be with them and Mark and Meg, now after serving with Mark and Meg for the past nine months. We are blessed to have the covering of their prayers. It was hard to say goodbye to them, especially hard for me to say goodbye to some of my youth group girls. (Te quiero mucho, mis amigas!)
We spent some time getting to know some friends from EWO on their turf and it was such a blessing to get to see them again. The biggest blessing for me was the gift of having my parents travel with us to Illinois and share in the fellowship we had with this church family. My dad had never met Mark and Meg, so it was really encouraging for me to have the pleasure to introduce them. Matt and I were really blessed to share time with Rod and Cathy and their kids. We appreciate our friends at EWO in Normal, Illinois!
After travelling from Bloomington, IL to Naperville for the last night of our time in the states we were all pretty wiped. But we really enjoyed fellowship with some of Mark and Meg's closest friends on Sunday night. It was fun seeing them in their element with their oldest friends.
After two uneventful flights, we made it back and today have been unpacking and reorganizing and getting some errands done. Tomorrow, Matt will start back at school, although classes actually began last Wednesday. The kids and will will finish up their school year within the next few weeks and then will have the summer off. I'll begin tutoring soon. I will also begin discipling a teacher friend of mine this week or next. Please pray for this relationship to bloom and for her to grow in the Lord. More to come on this in the future.
We enjoyed our time in the states, but truly are glad to be home. We have realized that despite the pain we have when the time comes to say goodbye to loved ones, we are truly called to be here in Costa Rica. And, for now, Costa Rica is our home. Near the end of the trip, Audrey had begun asking us if we could just go back home to Costa Rica. What a blessing from the Lord for even our youngest child to have grasped where our home is now...We are thankful for the many blessings the Lord provided while we were on our trip. We are also thankful and appreciative of all who sacrificed for our benefit and to meet our needs in the way of a vehicle, financially, through shelter, meals or just providing fellowship. We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of our partnering friends, family and church families.
We had a fantastic time in Frankfort and in Illinois with Mark and Meg.
We spent time with our church family and a few other friends and family Friday night. What a blessing to be with them again. It was encouraging and exciting to be with them and Mark and Meg, now after serving with Mark and Meg for the past nine months. We are blessed to have the covering of their prayers. It was hard to say goodbye to them, especially hard for me to say goodbye to some of my youth group girls. (Te quiero mucho, mis amigas!)
We spent some time getting to know some friends from EWO on their turf and it was such a blessing to get to see them again. The biggest blessing for me was the gift of having my parents travel with us to Illinois and share in the fellowship we had with this church family. My dad had never met Mark and Meg, so it was really encouraging for me to have the pleasure to introduce them. Matt and I were really blessed to share time with Rod and Cathy and their kids. We appreciate our friends at EWO in Normal, Illinois!
After travelling from Bloomington, IL to Naperville for the last night of our time in the states we were all pretty wiped. But we really enjoyed fellowship with some of Mark and Meg's closest friends on Sunday night. It was fun seeing them in their element with their oldest friends.
After two uneventful flights, we made it back and today have been unpacking and reorganizing and getting some errands done. Tomorrow, Matt will start back at school, although classes actually began last Wednesday. The kids and will will finish up their school year within the next few weeks and then will have the summer off. I'll begin tutoring soon. I will also begin discipling a teacher friend of mine this week or next. Please pray for this relationship to bloom and for her to grow in the Lord. More to come on this in the future.
We enjoyed our time in the states, but truly are glad to be home. We have realized that despite the pain we have when the time comes to say goodbye to loved ones, we are truly called to be here in Costa Rica. And, for now, Costa Rica is our home. Near the end of the trip, Audrey had begun asking us if we could just go back home to Costa Rica. What a blessing from the Lord for even our youngest child to have grasped where our home is now...We are thankful for the many blessings the Lord provided while we were on our trip. We are also thankful and appreciative of all who sacrificed for our benefit and to meet our needs in the way of a vehicle, financially, through shelter, meals or just providing fellowship. We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of our partnering friends, family and church families.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Today is Ethan's 8th Birthday! Last night we celebrated with some of our closest friends and family at Chucke E. Cheeses in Lafayette. The kids had a fantastic time as did the adults! (Matt and I were even able to play a few games of air hockey!)Please remeber our son today in your prayers. We pray always for his heart to belong to Jesus.
Today is our last day in Indiana. We've had such a wonderful time these past two and a half weeks. It has been such a joy to be with my brother and his family this week.
Tonight we meet up with Mark and Meg in Frankfort and we are excited about that!
Today begins the process of goodbyes with family, as we will be leaving tomorrow morning for Illinnois. Pray for our time with the folks at EWO and that as a team we will be glorifying to Christ throughout our time with them.
If you could pray for our family and friends and our family as well during this time- we would appreciate it.
My parents will be travelling with us to Ilinois- Praise the Lord!
I will post more after we return to Costa Rica on Monday!
Today is our last day in Indiana. We've had such a wonderful time these past two and a half weeks. It has been such a joy to be with my brother and his family this week.
Tonight we meet up with Mark and Meg in Frankfort and we are excited about that!
Today begins the process of goodbyes with family, as we will be leaving tomorrow morning for Illinnois. Pray for our time with the folks at EWO and that as a team we will be glorifying to Christ throughout our time with them.
If you could pray for our family and friends and our family as well during this time- we would appreciate it.
My parents will be travelling with us to Ilinois- Praise the Lord!
I will post more after we return to Costa Rica on Monday!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hi! Just checking in...we've had a busy several days. Last Thursday we shared a meal and fellowship with several dear friends. It was fantastic to see them again and sit and share with them about life. Friday evening was night of the same only with a different group of friends. These two evenings were relaxing and so enjoyable for us and we are so thankful to our friends for their willingness to open their homes to us and others. Saturday, Matt and I had a date with Mark and Angyl, Matt's brother and his wife. We saw a movie and ate a late breakfast. Afterwards we headed to Sam's (my brother) to settle in for the next week. We had a birthday party for my side of the family and had a great time. It was the first time most of us had met Sam's fiance Laura and her daughter Kaya. They are very sweet and kind. I especially enjoyed this time with my family. It was fun for our kids to be able to "celebrate" their birthdays with Ging-ging!
Today was somewhat of a whirlwind of a day, but wow what a great day! We visited with three different church families and were able to share the great things God is doing in our lives and in Costa Rica. We started out at the Brethern Church in Rossville where we spoke in the Sunday School hour. It was fun to see some familiar faces in the crowd and they were very welcoming and loving to our family. Then we headed off to the Rossville Presbyterian Church. this was particularly special to me because this was my Gran's church. I actually was a part of this church during different times in my life and some people there have known me my whole life. It was emotional at times but definitely encouraging and exciting to be partnering with them. After a brief rest, we headed off to Delphi and the Hickory Grove deacon board. We met in the home friends and spent about four hours talking and getting to know the leadership of the church. We were so encouraged by this group of people. We could hardly stop talking because we were so excited talking with them.
God has plans that he has already set in motion and we have no control over them. He are so excited to share with anyone who will listen about our lives and what God has done and is doing in Costa Rica. We know some will "get it" and some won't. We know some will be so excited that they'll desire to join the CLFCR team by supporting prayerfully and financially. We know that some will even be called to serve with us in Costa Rica. But whatever happens with the contacts God has given us, we pray He will be glorified in everything we say.
Thank you Father for this trip. Thank you for the many people you've allowed us to share with. I pray for the lost family we have - those that are searching for the answers, for that something to fill that whole in their heart that only you can fill. I am thankful for the time we've had with family, however short it may feel. I pray Father in this moment for the churches of Tejarcillos and Los Guido, for pastor Marvin and pastor Rogelio. Thank you for your Son Jesus and may he be glorified in our lives.
Today was somewhat of a whirlwind of a day, but wow what a great day! We visited with three different church families and were able to share the great things God is doing in our lives and in Costa Rica. We started out at the Brethern Church in Rossville where we spoke in the Sunday School hour. It was fun to see some familiar faces in the crowd and they were very welcoming and loving to our family. Then we headed off to the Rossville Presbyterian Church. this was particularly special to me because this was my Gran's church. I actually was a part of this church during different times in my life and some people there have known me my whole life. It was emotional at times but definitely encouraging and exciting to be partnering with them. After a brief rest, we headed off to Delphi and the Hickory Grove deacon board. We met in the home friends and spent about four hours talking and getting to know the leadership of the church. We were so encouraged by this group of people. We could hardly stop talking because we were so excited talking with them.
God has plans that he has already set in motion and we have no control over them. He are so excited to share with anyone who will listen about our lives and what God has done and is doing in Costa Rica. We know some will "get it" and some won't. We know some will be so excited that they'll desire to join the CLFCR team by supporting prayerfully and financially. We know that some will even be called to serve with us in Costa Rica. But whatever happens with the contacts God has given us, we pray He will be glorified in everything we say.
Thank you Father for this trip. Thank you for the many people you've allowed us to share with. I pray for the lost family we have - those that are searching for the answers, for that something to fill that whole in their heart that only you can fill. I am thankful for the time we've had with family, however short it may feel. I pray Father in this moment for the churches of Tejarcillos and Los Guido, for pastor Marvin and pastor Rogelio. Thank you for your Son Jesus and may he be glorified in our lives.
Friday, May 2, 2008
"It's a long way to Costa Rica!"
Just had to post about something my niece said today. It was too cute!
Today was the first time we were able to see her. She has had a real hard time understanding why she hasn't been able to come and see us, why she can't go to our house...that kind of thing. She'll ask my mom often to go see Aunt Brooke.
So, today when my mom picked her up and said they were going to go see Uncle Mac and Aunt Brooke Samanthat said, "Ging-ging, you can't drive to Costa Rica!" (My mom had already explained this once to her.) So, my mom tried to explain that we were staying with friends in Frankfort and they were going to come and visit with us.
Anyway, on their way out Samantha said, "Wow! It is a long way to Closta Rica!" (her pronunciation was C-l-o-s-t-a R-i-c-a). It didn't fit in her mind that they were still in Frankfort. She just thought they were travelling to Costa Rica!
So when she saw us she ran up and gave us huge hugs (I had to FIGHT to hold the tears back it was soooooo good to hug her!) And then she said, "we didn't know where you're house was in Costa Rica, Aunt Brooke!"
I said, "Sweetie, we are in Frankfort. This isn't my house. It is our friends house."
She said, "I live in Frankfort!" And then she just burst into giggles and thought it all was so funny! And then ran over and began playing with the kids again!
It is hard for adults to think about and process sometimes, but even harder for a 4 year old to process the changes in life. She is so sweet and it was great to hear her laugh and love on her tonight!
Today was the first time we were able to see her. She has had a real hard time understanding why she hasn't been able to come and see us, why she can't go to our house...that kind of thing. She'll ask my mom often to go see Aunt Brooke.
So, today when my mom picked her up and said they were going to go see Uncle Mac and Aunt Brooke Samanthat said, "Ging-ging, you can't drive to Costa Rica!" (My mom had already explained this once to her.) So, my mom tried to explain that we were staying with friends in Frankfort and they were going to come and visit with us.
Anyway, on their way out Samantha said, "Wow! It is a long way to Closta Rica!" (her pronunciation was C-l-o-s-t-a R-i-c-a). It didn't fit in her mind that they were still in Frankfort. She just thought they were travelling to Costa Rica!
So when she saw us she ran up and gave us huge hugs (I had to FIGHT to hold the tears back it was soooooo good to hug her!) And then she said, "we didn't know where you're house was in Costa Rica, Aunt Brooke!"
I said, "Sweetie, we are in Frankfort. This isn't my house. It is our friends house."
She said, "I live in Frankfort!" And then she just burst into giggles and thought it all was so funny! And then ran over and began playing with the kids again!
It is hard for adults to think about and process sometimes, but even harder for a 4 year old to process the changes in life. She is so sweet and it was great to hear her laugh and love on her tonight!
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