"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the muck and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord." Psalm 40: 1-3
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him." Psalm 62:5
I write today with a new song in my mouth. As I write today my feet are set on the solid rock of Jesus Christ. My soul is at rest and my hope comes only from him.
I thank all of you have written and called to encourage and lift us up this week. While the battle continues to rage, we have felt some of the darkness lift. I was reminded of these two scriptures today from a friend back in Frankfort. These scriptures hung on the mirror in our bathroom for two years. I had forgotten to take them down before we moved and our friend who is living in our home until it sells wrote to encourage me with these scriptures as well as tell me how they have encouraged her. How refreshing to be reminded this morning of just how very stable our God is. We serve an incredibly capable and mighty God. There is nothing- NOTHING that he cannot do. I am filled with joy today to become reacquainted with these favorite scriptures.
Thank you Father for your precious word.
I want to share Psalm 91 with you this morning. Thank you - so many of you - who pray diligently for us. We feel your prayers! We pray for you as well- please know that!
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.' Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. If you make the Most High your dwelling- even the Lord, who is my refuge- then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 'Because he loves me,' says the Lord, 'I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him and show him my salvation.'" Psalm 91:1-16
Father, thank you for hiding me under the shelter of your feathers, thank you for the refuge I find under your wings. Thank you for the safe place you provide me when the night is full of terror and the day is full of arrows. Thank you for the promise I find in your word- that you have sent your angels to cover me, that you recognize the darkness around me yet you will never allow me more than what I am able to flee from. Thank you for being with me in trouble and for delivering me! Praise be to you and glory to your name, Father! I love you. Amen.
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
"I have overcome the world"
"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
I wrote yesterday to ask for prayer for those families at school who have been struck with illness or injury.
Today, I come again seeking for prayer...if you are willing, pray without ceasing for the students at ILE (the language school).
This morning, 19 women and myself met to pray, as we do every week. This week it was so evident the spiritual battle we are in and the darkness hanging over the school. Not a single one of us has not been attacked in some way- either personally or through family members this week in difficult, painful even life-threatening ways.
The 20 of us this that met this morning are not the only ones either, to have felt the attacks of the enemy. Many more families have been affected with illness and difficult - very difficult- situations.
I want to be very careful because as I write this blog. I try to share transparently with you. I try to give you an accurate glimpse of our life here. I also try to maintain a positive upbeat blog- you know me :) But I share this today with you only because we need those of you that read this blog to lift us in daily prayer. That has been my main prayer request since this journey began for us almost one year ago. I want no glory to come to the enemy. I want you to look to this and see what the Lord will do and the ways he will be glorified. But I do want you to know that life as a missionary in langauge school carries with it some heavy enemy fire. I have yet to meet one perfect person here, not one. All fall short of the glory of God. Yet we are all here trying to learn a language so that we may take the gospel to all nations and making disciples in countries around the world.
Jesus says of the trials we will face, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!"
Jesus Christ is the victor of all things in this world. We cannot escape the effects of siin in this world and therefore we cannot escape tribulation and trials. This I know. I also know that God has equipped us with the necessary armor to fight this battle (Eph 6).
Paul says in Romans 8:37-39, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I ask you to fall on your knees tonight for those aflicted, broken hearted and broken down; pray for all those in language school with us. Some we are beginning to know well, others we only know by face. Regardless, we are all in this together and we are all bonded together as a family in Christ.
Father, I come to you now weary and burdened for my brothers and sisters facing terrible trouble and illness; distraught for the evil that exists all around us- for the blatant displays of sin that are thrust into our daily lives and the lives of our children. But Father, it is through you that we can accomplish all things. It is through our weakness that you are made strong. It is through our moments of complete and utter dependance on you that you are glorified and it is to that end that I live my life. It is for that reason I give you my life. It is for that reason that I can rejoice now in you and because of you. It is because you live that I rejoice- even now in the midst of so much trouble and darkness- because you have overcome the world! You have won! Even when for us the battle looks so intimidating and way too much for us to handle- you know the end and the end is victory for you and victory for those that love you and know you! So I lift my brothers and sisters to you now Lord, confident of you, the Ultimate Victor! Thanks you Father for what you will teach us and the way you will be glorified through all the trouble we encounter in this world!
I wrote yesterday to ask for prayer for those families at school who have been struck with illness or injury.
Today, I come again seeking for prayer...if you are willing, pray without ceasing for the students at ILE (the language school).
This morning, 19 women and myself met to pray, as we do every week. This week it was so evident the spiritual battle we are in and the darkness hanging over the school. Not a single one of us has not been attacked in some way- either personally or through family members this week in difficult, painful even life-threatening ways.
The 20 of us this that met this morning are not the only ones either, to have felt the attacks of the enemy. Many more families have been affected with illness and difficult - very difficult- situations.
I want to be very careful because as I write this blog. I try to share transparently with you. I try to give you an accurate glimpse of our life here. I also try to maintain a positive upbeat blog- you know me :) But I share this today with you only because we need those of you that read this blog to lift us in daily prayer. That has been my main prayer request since this journey began for us almost one year ago. I want no glory to come to the enemy. I want you to look to this and see what the Lord will do and the ways he will be glorified. But I do want you to know that life as a missionary in langauge school carries with it some heavy enemy fire. I have yet to meet one perfect person here, not one. All fall short of the glory of God. Yet we are all here trying to learn a language so that we may take the gospel to all nations and making disciples in countries around the world.
Jesus says of the trials we will face, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!"
Jesus Christ is the victor of all things in this world. We cannot escape the effects of siin in this world and therefore we cannot escape tribulation and trials. This I know. I also know that God has equipped us with the necessary armor to fight this battle (Eph 6).
Paul says in Romans 8:37-39, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I ask you to fall on your knees tonight for those aflicted, broken hearted and broken down; pray for all those in language school with us. Some we are beginning to know well, others we only know by face. Regardless, we are all in this together and we are all bonded together as a family in Christ.
Father, I come to you now weary and burdened for my brothers and sisters facing terrible trouble and illness; distraught for the evil that exists all around us- for the blatant displays of sin that are thrust into our daily lives and the lives of our children. But Father, it is through you that we can accomplish all things. It is through our weakness that you are made strong. It is through our moments of complete and utter dependance on you that you are glorified and it is to that end that I live my life. It is for that reason I give you my life. It is for that reason that I can rejoice now in you and because of you. It is because you live that I rejoice- even now in the midst of so much trouble and darkness- because you have overcome the world! You have won! Even when for us the battle looks so intimidating and way too much for us to handle- you know the end and the end is victory for you and victory for those that love you and know you! So I lift my brothers and sisters to you now Lord, confident of you, the Ultimate Victor! Thanks you Father for what you will teach us and the way you will be glorified through all the trouble we encounter in this world!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Feliz Cumpleanos to you!
Hi! I had to write today even though I just wrote yesterday...Today is Eli's 14th birthday. Eli is Pastor Marvin's daughter. So, this afternoon on the way to Los Guido from Tejarcillos, our girls wanted to sing to Eli. So, we sang her happy birthday in English first then sang it in Spanish (my kids know the words in Spanish without missing a beat- I however cannot seem to remember them from time to time singing it!)
Anyway, the point is it was so funny when we got to singing it in Spanish. Audrey starts belting it out a few seconds after she hears Isabelle and Ethan singing and she gets the first part of every line: "Feliz Cumpleanos..." but then ends the line with "to you!" Then she switched to "Happy Cumpleanos! Feliz!" It was so funny and sweet and such a true example of what happens to your brain when you try to learn another language!
We are still trying to get in the groove on Sundays. We so deisre to be able to see everyone in both churches but our family just cannot take the long day. We have been going to Tejarcillos in the morning and then straight to Los Guido for lunch. Then we catch a taxi home. I have started to stay in the nursery in Tejarcillos, partly because Audrey isn't comfortable without me and party because I love the connections I have with the kids in there. What an adjustment it is though from the comfortable nurseries we have in the states. Let's just say that God is definetly giving me the opportunity to be humbled and not worry about my comfort or even that of my children. We are so geared in the states to make ourselves comfortable and especially our kids. But it is amzing the things kids can do without and how amazingly healthy they remain amidst such poor living conditions. Praise be to God that our kids do not seem to care or even notice the difference in the way we used to live and the way we live now. They don't seem to care that the places we go where all of our friends are have dirt floors that they have to sit on the floor, that we are always dirty it seems...I watch Ethan in amazement as he goes straight for Elvis each week and they play together as if language isn't an issue. Why do we adults make it so hard? I watch these little kids who have no food share what they have to eat with our kids- just because they want our children to know that they are loved! I watch all these little kids shout out "Audrey!" (something like: or- dray) "Isabelle! (ESS-A-Bel)" and "Ethan!(E-TAN)" I love it! I love seeing my kids in the mix of all these beautiful dark skinned children making mine feel comfortable and part of their lives.
This picture was taken the day the church took God's word to the streets of Los Guido. Every one walked from Marvin's house to La Finca reading scripture and the kids from each Sunday School class held the banner. Look closely and you can see Ethan, Isabelle and Audrey mixed in with the other kids holding the banner. Isn't that beaustiul?
God, how do you do it? How have you given us such humble and loving children? How did you know that you would bring us here and our kids would be so loved and offer such love back...I could never have imagined it to be this way. I cannot imagine what you have planned for my children and what lessons you will teach them through this time in their lives.I love you Lord Jesus!
Anyway, the point is it was so funny when we got to singing it in Spanish. Audrey starts belting it out a few seconds after she hears Isabelle and Ethan singing and she gets the first part of every line: "Feliz Cumpleanos..." but then ends the line with "to you!" Then she switched to "Happy Cumpleanos! Feliz!" It was so funny and sweet and such a true example of what happens to your brain when you try to learn another language!
We are still trying to get in the groove on Sundays. We so deisre to be able to see everyone in both churches but our family just cannot take the long day. We have been going to Tejarcillos in the morning and then straight to Los Guido for lunch. Then we catch a taxi home. I have started to stay in the nursery in Tejarcillos, partly because Audrey isn't comfortable without me and party because I love the connections I have with the kids in there. What an adjustment it is though from the comfortable nurseries we have in the states. Let's just say that God is definetly giving me the opportunity to be humbled and not worry about my comfort or even that of my children. We are so geared in the states to make ourselves comfortable and especially our kids. But it is amzing the things kids can do without and how amazingly healthy they remain amidst such poor living conditions. Praise be to God that our kids do not seem to care or even notice the difference in the way we used to live and the way we live now. They don't seem to care that the places we go where all of our friends are have dirt floors that they have to sit on the floor, that we are always dirty it seems...I watch Ethan in amazement as he goes straight for Elvis each week and they play together as if language isn't an issue. Why do we adults make it so hard? I watch these little kids who have no food share what they have to eat with our kids- just because they want our children to know that they are loved! I watch all these little kids shout out "Audrey!" (something like: or- dray) "Isabelle! (ESS-A-Bel)" and "Ethan!(E-TAN)" I love it! I love seeing my kids in the mix of all these beautiful dark skinned children making mine feel comfortable and part of their lives.
This picture was taken the day the church took God's word to the streets of Los Guido. Every one walked from Marvin's house to La Finca reading scripture and the kids from each Sunday School class held the banner. Look closely and you can see Ethan, Isabelle and Audrey mixed in with the other kids holding the banner. Isn't that beaustiul?
God, how do you do it? How have you given us such humble and loving children? How did you know that you would bring us here and our kids would be so loved and offer such love back...I could never have imagined it to be this way. I cannot imagine what you have planned for my children and what lessons you will teach them through this time in their lives.I love you Lord Jesus!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
In the Battle
I write this post today to ask that you prayer specifically for health, safety and protection for the students at ILE (the language school we are attending). This past week a nasty stomach virus has srpead through the school sending several people to the hospital for several days or more. Sometimes it manifests itself differently but mostly it is a massive headache that is not affected by any medication along with high fever and vomitting. It has affected several families, including Audrey in our family (praise the Lord it only lasted for 24 hours in her). Please pray for the Lord to release the students of this virus. The enemey will use everything he can to distract us from learning this language. It is tough- really tough!- to be in school trying to learn this language. The enemy is relentless in his pursuit to derail us from sweet fellowship with the Lord. Praise the Lord that He relentlessly pursues us - that He chooses us - and that intercedes for us on our behalf!
Also this week, many families have injuries and experiences where the evil that exists here was very powerfully felt. Please join us in asking the Lord for protection and safety.
Our family has had a pretty great week! We had an evening out Thursday and went to McDonalds and let the kids play for awhile and then had ice cream! It was DELICIOUS!!!! Alex went with us and we had a great time! The kids are loving having Alex here. I think they've claimed him as a new uncle! :) HE is great with them and the beg for the "Tickle Monster" to come out! He usually leaves tired because they have worn him out!! He seems to enjoy it though ;)
We are looking forward to next month. We have several teams coming and we are looking forward to meeting them and reconnnecting with old friends! Please pray for these teams as they prepare to serve the Lord here next month.
Also please kleep the Price family in your prayeres. Bill and Joanie and their 5 girls will be moving here in early December. Our kids are anxiously awaiting their arrival :) Please pray for Bill and Joanie as they begin final preparations for their move and continue to connect with prayer and financial partners. Please pray for this transition time in their life that is both exciting and difficult at the same time.
Praise the Lord for his mercies that are new every morning!
Also this week, many families have injuries and experiences where the evil that exists here was very powerfully felt. Please join us in asking the Lord for protection and safety.
Our family has had a pretty great week! We had an evening out Thursday and went to McDonalds and let the kids play for awhile and then had ice cream! It was DELICIOUS!!!! Alex went with us and we had a great time! The kids are loving having Alex here. I think they've claimed him as a new uncle! :) HE is great with them and the beg for the "Tickle Monster" to come out! He usually leaves tired because they have worn him out!! He seems to enjoy it though ;)
We are looking forward to next month. We have several teams coming and we are looking forward to meeting them and reconnnecting with old friends! Please pray for these teams as they prepare to serve the Lord here next month.
Also please kleep the Price family in your prayeres. Bill and Joanie and their 5 girls will be moving here in early December. Our kids are anxiously awaiting their arrival :) Please pray for Bill and Joanie as they begin final preparations for their move and continue to connect with prayer and financial partners. Please pray for this transition time in their life that is both exciting and difficult at the same time.
Praise the Lord for his mercies that are new every morning!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Museo de Niños
Today was a great day! I usually start my days around 5 am- today I slept in until about 5:45! WOOHOO! I got up and got ready to go walking with Meg. Our weekend routine is to walk together on Saturday and Sunday mornings, then I go to the Feria (today she came with me) and then one of us usually goes to get cinnamon bread for our families. Walking in the mornings make s me feel so refreshed! I wish I had the time every morning to do that...un dia...
But after I got home and we finished up breakfast, we all got ready and headed off to a local park and met up with another family from school. We all road the bus together downtown- which was a fun experience- and surprisingly easy :) We set off walking downtown through the "Walking Mall" which is a long strip mall that you literally walk on the street through. The street has been closed down and it was a neat area. Our desired destination was El Museo de Niños- The Children's Museum. After a longer than expected walk, but one full of interesting sites of San Jose, we found the bright yellow castle like building called the Museum.
We paid our ridiculously cheap admission (less than $10 for the entire family!)and entered the museum. The people were so nice and many spoke English very well. The museum was packed with great things to do and see. Of course it was all in Spanish, but it was entertaining and exciting. It felt so NORMAL!!! to be at a museum with our kids! They got along great with the kids from the family we went with and it was just a very fun morning!
Our friend started up a conversation with a museum worker and we ended up waiting for the workers break and he took us to a great little restaurant with really great food!
By the time lunch was over, it was of course raining, so we took a taxi home, which proved to be fun and a great way to see downtown. I was happy to recognize many sites form my two trips to the Clinica Biblica.
God showed us a glimpse of normality today. For two weeks now, we have taken Saturday mornings and done something fun with the kids. It has proven to be a system that is working. Today was a really big step for us to venture out into the city. It still intimidates both Matt and I to get out someplace with the kids, not knowing very much Spanish. But we are learning and growing more adventurous as the weeks go by. It helps to have friends that feel the same way we do and also want to fight that "trapped feeling" we seem to have.
We praise the Lord for giving us friendships and a day like today!
On a side note, Matt and I had our first date since we've moved here this past Wednesday. It was really the first venture out into the city for us. A friend from school offered to babysit and of course we took her up on it! So we went out for a few hours in the afternoon and into the evening. We took a taxi to a nearby mall and walked around for awhile. On Wednesdays, movie theatres run a two-for-one special- so decided to see a movie that is new here- Evan Almighty. It was really great- you should see it! It only cost us $4.00 for both of us to see the movie and 2 drinks and big bucket of popcorn was about $5.00! What a cheap date! It was good to be together. The evening didn't go exactly as planned and we had to endure a very rude and obnoxious taxi driver on the way there, but all in all it was good! It was exciting for me to see that it CAN be done- finding things, getting to (almost) the place you are desiring to go, and being able to communicate with limited knowledge of the language.
I praise you Father for some normalcy in this week!
But after I got home and we finished up breakfast, we all got ready and headed off to a local park and met up with another family from school. We all road the bus together downtown- which was a fun experience- and surprisingly easy :) We set off walking downtown through the "Walking Mall" which is a long strip mall that you literally walk on the street through. The street has been closed down and it was a neat area. Our desired destination was El Museo de Niños- The Children's Museum. After a longer than expected walk, but one full of interesting sites of San Jose, we found the bright yellow castle like building called the Museum.
We paid our ridiculously cheap admission (less than $10 for the entire family!)and entered the museum. The people were so nice and many spoke English very well. The museum was packed with great things to do and see. Of course it was all in Spanish, but it was entertaining and exciting. It felt so NORMAL!!! to be at a museum with our kids! They got along great with the kids from the family we went with and it was just a very fun morning!
Our friend started up a conversation with a museum worker and we ended up waiting for the workers break and he took us to a great little restaurant with really great food!
By the time lunch was over, it was of course raining, so we took a taxi home, which proved to be fun and a great way to see downtown. I was happy to recognize many sites form my two trips to the Clinica Biblica.
God showed us a glimpse of normality today. For two weeks now, we have taken Saturday mornings and done something fun with the kids. It has proven to be a system that is working. Today was a really big step for us to venture out into the city. It still intimidates both Matt and I to get out someplace with the kids, not knowing very much Spanish. But we are learning and growing more adventurous as the weeks go by. It helps to have friends that feel the same way we do and also want to fight that "trapped feeling" we seem to have.
We praise the Lord for giving us friendships and a day like today!
On a side note, Matt and I had our first date since we've moved here this past Wednesday. It was really the first venture out into the city for us. A friend from school offered to babysit and of course we took her up on it! So we went out for a few hours in the afternoon and into the evening. We took a taxi to a nearby mall and walked around for awhile. On Wednesdays, movie theatres run a two-for-one special- so decided to see a movie that is new here- Evan Almighty. It was really great- you should see it! It only cost us $4.00 for both of us to see the movie and 2 drinks and big bucket of popcorn was about $5.00! What a cheap date! It was good to be together. The evening didn't go exactly as planned and we had to endure a very rude and obnoxious taxi driver on the way there, but all in all it was good! It was exciting for me to see that it CAN be done- finding things, getting to (almost) the place you are desiring to go, and being able to communicate with limited knowledge of the language.
I praise you Father for some normalcy in this week!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Missing tooth :)
HI! Had to make a quick post tonight before beginning my studying...
Ethan's top front left tooth came out tonight (finally!). He had been working it for more than a week and it had been hanging on...but it just wouldn't come out. So tonight I told him it was coming out- I pulled hard twice and out it came! So, here are some pictures. The permanent tooth is already halfway through!
Isn't he the cutest kid in the world?
(Yes, I know his hair is long!!! But he likes it that way ;]
And actually- I do too ;)
Brooke :)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Last weekend there was a special celebration in the Los Guido church. It was called a Quincinera and it is the celebration of when a girl turns 15. The celebration is HUGE in Latin America- almost like a wedding. The girl wears a beautiful dress (that is sometimes rented or even made by someone in the family) and it usually is a huge party.
Alejandra is on the Los Guido leadership team and is the first girl in the church to celebrate her 15th birthday. The adult ministry team decided to celebrate this special day with her and her family. The families in the church cannot even afford presents on their birthdays (some don't even know when there birthday is) and a celebration like this is totally out of the question because of the cost that is usually involved. So this was very special for her and her family.
The celebration was a little different than the normal quincinera in that it was thrown by the church and held at the church so the very nature of the celebration was to give thanks to the Lord for this young girl's life and for her love for the Lord.
There were many girls from the leadership team that read special scriptures to Alejandra and there was a special time for her mother to pray for her and give thanks to God. Alejandra also had a special time of sharing her thanks and prayers and praises with the Lord.
It was emotional for her and her family and I found myself shedding tears, even though I couldn't understand alot of what was being said. It was emotional for me simply because what I could not understand through words I could feel through the emotion in Alejandra's mother's voice and her own voice. I was looking ahead at the day when my own daughter's will be 10...15...25...and I cried with the mom and gave thanks to God that He has given Matt and I three beautiful children to love and cherish.
Alejandra looked beautiful and I thank the Lord we could be a part of it. Here are a few pictures of the day.
Thank you Father for the chance to invest in the lives of these youth that live broken unfair painful lives. Thank you Father for your Spirit that lives inside of them and that brings smiles to their faces. Thank you for Alejandra and her life and her witness. Thank you for this special day in her life and for allowing us the privilege to be here to witness it. I thank you for the plans you have for her life and so many others in Los Guido and Tejarcillos. I pray God that you deliver these precious youth from the evil and the darkness that surrounds their lives. I praise you for your power and your Spirit and your goodness that shines through even the darkest areas of Costa Rica. Thank you Father for your son Jesus. Amen.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Introducing Cereal
I promised pictures of Cereal and I have finally gotten them on the computer and here they are! They were both taken not long after we got her. You can see how little she was when we first got her- she fit in one side of her food tray!
The other two pictures were taken just before we left. The one of Ethan and my mom I just LOVE! I had to post it so I could also talk about just how smart my son is :) He is learning to read and it is so amazing so I have to tell everyone about it! HE got a 100% on his spelling test last week! He is such a great kid! He started soccer today and it was so much fun watching him help defend the goal! He had a great time but he did ask me not to talk to him from the sidelines! I was just excited for him!! What can I say?
Then, finally the other picture is of the kids last tractor ride with their Pappy! I love this picture, too so I thought I'd put it on here!
Things are well today! God is good and his mercies are new every morning! Praise the Lord!
Brooke :)
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Being Dependant
Hi! Sorry for the delay in posts. It has been busy around here lately. Last week, we were visited by our boss from CLF, Jack and also a youth pastor named Will. Will and another pastor from his church are leading a medical team in November and came to stay for a few days. It was great to see Jack again and fun for him to get to meet our kids. Will was fun to pick on- and we enjoyed getting to know him. They were here from Wednesday to Friday. We look forward to the team in November. On Thursday, the "new guy" on our team arrived. Meg and I picked him up at the airport and it was good to finally meet him. That night, Jack, Will, Mark, Meg, Mariana and Valeria, Alex, Alejandria, and even Melinda and Noami, came to eat supper at our apartment. What a great time of fellowship! How blessed we are that the Lord has blessed us with a small, but cozy, yet also very functional home that we can use to serve those we love. Alex seems to fit into the mix well, with the team and our family. As you can imagine, Ethan is thrilled to have a guy to hang out with and tell stories about his Legos and Bionicles and movies and that sort of thing! But Alex is also able to hang out and relate to our girls as well. He does a great imitaion of Sponge Bob's laugh, too :) And, joining our team for the week, is a kind and compassionate woman named Cindy from New York. She has visited and served in the ministry before and shares our love for the people of Los Guido and Tejarcillos. It is a joy getting to know her.
All this activity, along with - what's that other thing we've got going on right now...oh yeah...SCHOOL!!!!! Yes, that...you know, actually, school is going pretty well at the moment. I was pretty stressed about the exams and quizzes I had last week, but my scores showed that language retention is actually a very real tangible goal that I seem to be reaching!! Praise the Lord! It is only by the Lord's grace and mercy and through His strength that I can say that I am learning this language. I definitely don't have it in me to stick this out, but, thankfully, HE does. Thankfully, I have complete assurance that His purpose is to be glorified through my life and through me and at this moment - that means also through me learning to speak Spanish.
It is such a joy watching God work in Ethan as well. He is learning to read and write and spell AND speak Spanish AND seems totally adjusted to this new life God has given us. He is his same calm and laid back self and he has made some great friends at school. But, he really is getting a grasp on the language as well and he isn't afraid to try to speak- which I love to see! He and Elvis continue to grow in their friendship- what an amazing relationship to watch grow!
Well, it is necessary for me to catch up a little before I get to the point of today's post.
Today in chapel, a man named Danny spoke about being dependant. Most of what I say next comes from his sermon today, but some things are my own personal thoughts as well. I'll try to quote him when necessary so as not to plagiarize...(is that how you spell that?)
Danny talked about how we, in America, are taught from a very young age to be independent. Our parents teach us things that allow us to gradually get closer to the day when we will "leave the nest" so to speak. We strive to become successful, therefore, independent. As Danny said, the most obvious way we try to do this as Americans is to become financially independent- therefore not being dependant on any one person or organization.
As Christians, this is somewhat paradoxical for us to grasp. Here we are, trying to do all these things to become independent and yet we are called by Christ to be DEPENDANT on Him. As a wife and mother of three small children, I find myself wobbling between these two sides of the scale often. I desperately desire to become so transparent and dependant on Christ, yet at the same time it seems that I must be strong and independent for my spouse and children. After all, they need me to be strong and keep things going, right? I need to try to be Supermom and independently do-it-all, right? WRONG, sister! Why do I constantly fall into this trap set by the enemy? My husband, no matter what it seems like to me, does NOT expect, nor desire for me to be perfect or do it all, but I continue to listen to this lie and it continues to cause problems for me.
One of my favorite scriptures is in John chapter 15 where we are are given such a beautiful picture of how very DEPENDANT we are on our Creator.
Jesus says, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful...Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart form me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the firs and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love..."
What a picture Jesus gives us of how our relationship with Him should be. A branch is dependant on the vine for the life-giving water the vine carries to it. Much like Jesus Christ is the Living Water that quenches the eternal thirst we have without drinking from His cup. But Jesus lays it out in these passages. We can bear no fruit: NUNCA! NADA! NINGUNA! apart from Him. Actually- the scripture says we can do nothing without Him. So, all my trying to be independent for my family actually results in a whole lot of wasted time and nothingness that, for me, means a period of being "cut-off" from the One I love most...
I am of no good or glory to God when I try to be independent of Him or simply try to "do it on my own." I must remain in Him to be of any good or for my life to glorifying to Him in any way.
The next few verses read as follows:
"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete...My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends..."
"I have told you this so my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." WOW, Do I ever desire that kinda joy to resound in my heart...Lately I have not felt much joy at all. It doesn't make sense, really. I am here in the place He has specifically planned for me to be, willing and ready to make disciples of Him, yet I am at a loss to find that sweet, sweet joy.
Back to chapel today...Danny shared a video clip that some of you may be familiar with. It is a clip of a father and son team running a triathlon together. (I apologize for not being able to remember the name) The father runs, bikes and swims the different sections of the race for both he and his son. His son is bound to a wheel chair stricken with a disease that leaves him unable to speak or walk. This video paints a picture of a Father who cares deeply for his son, despite the apparent weaknesses that his son has. The joy that radiates on the faces of both the son and the father throughout the race is unmistakable. This is very much like the way our Father cares for us. Despite, or maybe because of, our weakness, our dependence, His strength is more than enough for the both of us. He desires to radiate joy in our weakest, most dependant moments, just like joy radiates from the father's face in the video we watched today.
The last part of the scripture reads as follows: (and I love this)
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last."
I was pretty emotional after chapel because I know that I have not been remaining in the Lord. I barely find the time for sweet quiet time with Him lately. I have let the world come before my God and I was hit hard in the face with that today. A sweet friend reminded me that His grace is enough and God will give us all that we need- He will be all that we need to be- He will enable us to do all that we need to do- if we only will let Him...
I am comforted that my God chose me- He chose me...He appointed me to go and bear fruit, and not just fruit that looks good on the outside, but is nasty on the inside. Not fruit that starts out sweet and juicy, but by the end leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. The scripture says, fruit that will last.
I have no choice but to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing by bringing me here, with all my weaknesses, all my faults, all my desires to be independent despite my need to be dependant. I trust Him because He created me and He knows the number of hairs on my head. He has all my tears in a bottle. He has my name written in His book of Life.
He chose me.
Thank you Father, for choosing me. Thank you Father for carving out my place in this life. Thank you Father for allowing me to remain in you and for remaining in me. Thank you for your mercy and your grace that is always enough. Thank you for being strong and matching my weakness with your strengths. I pray God that I might never become like the branch that is withered and thrown away. I pray God that I always look to you as my source of Life. I thank you and I praise you Father for the great things you have done. I pray for that sweet joy to resound in my heart Lord. I love you Father. Amen.
All this activity, along with - what's that other thing we've got going on right now...oh yeah...SCHOOL!!!!! Yes, that...you know, actually, school is going pretty well at the moment. I was pretty stressed about the exams and quizzes I had last week, but my scores showed that language retention is actually a very real tangible goal that I seem to be reaching!! Praise the Lord! It is only by the Lord's grace and mercy and through His strength that I can say that I am learning this language. I definitely don't have it in me to stick this out, but, thankfully, HE does. Thankfully, I have complete assurance that His purpose is to be glorified through my life and through me and at this moment - that means also through me learning to speak Spanish.
It is such a joy watching God work in Ethan as well. He is learning to read and write and spell AND speak Spanish AND seems totally adjusted to this new life God has given us. He is his same calm and laid back self and he has made some great friends at school. But, he really is getting a grasp on the language as well and he isn't afraid to try to speak- which I love to see! He and Elvis continue to grow in their friendship- what an amazing relationship to watch grow!
Well, it is necessary for me to catch up a little before I get to the point of today's post.
Today in chapel, a man named Danny spoke about being dependant. Most of what I say next comes from his sermon today, but some things are my own personal thoughts as well. I'll try to quote him when necessary so as not to plagiarize...(is that how you spell that?)
Danny talked about how we, in America, are taught from a very young age to be independent. Our parents teach us things that allow us to gradually get closer to the day when we will "leave the nest" so to speak. We strive to become successful, therefore, independent. As Danny said, the most obvious way we try to do this as Americans is to become financially independent- therefore not being dependant on any one person or organization.
As Christians, this is somewhat paradoxical for us to grasp. Here we are, trying to do all these things to become independent and yet we are called by Christ to be DEPENDANT on Him. As a wife and mother of three small children, I find myself wobbling between these two sides of the scale often. I desperately desire to become so transparent and dependant on Christ, yet at the same time it seems that I must be strong and independent for my spouse and children. After all, they need me to be strong and keep things going, right? I need to try to be Supermom and independently do-it-all, right? WRONG, sister! Why do I constantly fall into this trap set by the enemy? My husband, no matter what it seems like to me, does NOT expect, nor desire for me to be perfect or do it all, but I continue to listen to this lie and it continues to cause problems for me.
One of my favorite scriptures is in John chapter 15 where we are are given such a beautiful picture of how very DEPENDANT we are on our Creator.
Jesus says, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful...Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart form me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the firs and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love..."
What a picture Jesus gives us of how our relationship with Him should be. A branch is dependant on the vine for the life-giving water the vine carries to it. Much like Jesus Christ is the Living Water that quenches the eternal thirst we have without drinking from His cup. But Jesus lays it out in these passages. We can bear no fruit: NUNCA! NADA! NINGUNA! apart from Him. Actually- the scripture says we can do nothing without Him. So, all my trying to be independent for my family actually results in a whole lot of wasted time and nothingness that, for me, means a period of being "cut-off" from the One I love most...
I am of no good or glory to God when I try to be independent of Him or simply try to "do it on my own." I must remain in Him to be of any good or for my life to glorifying to Him in any way.
The next few verses read as follows:
"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete...My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends..."
"I have told you this so my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." WOW, Do I ever desire that kinda joy to resound in my heart...Lately I have not felt much joy at all. It doesn't make sense, really. I am here in the place He has specifically planned for me to be, willing and ready to make disciples of Him, yet I am at a loss to find that sweet, sweet joy.
Back to chapel today...Danny shared a video clip that some of you may be familiar with. It is a clip of a father and son team running a triathlon together. (I apologize for not being able to remember the name) The father runs, bikes and swims the different sections of the race for both he and his son. His son is bound to a wheel chair stricken with a disease that leaves him unable to speak or walk. This video paints a picture of a Father who cares deeply for his son, despite the apparent weaknesses that his son has. The joy that radiates on the faces of both the son and the father throughout the race is unmistakable. This is very much like the way our Father cares for us. Despite, or maybe because of, our weakness, our dependence, His strength is more than enough for the both of us. He desires to radiate joy in our weakest, most dependant moments, just like joy radiates from the father's face in the video we watched today.
The last part of the scripture reads as follows: (and I love this)
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last."
I was pretty emotional after chapel because I know that I have not been remaining in the Lord. I barely find the time for sweet quiet time with Him lately. I have let the world come before my God and I was hit hard in the face with that today. A sweet friend reminded me that His grace is enough and God will give us all that we need- He will be all that we need to be- He will enable us to do all that we need to do- if we only will let Him...
I am comforted that my God chose me- He chose me...He appointed me to go and bear fruit, and not just fruit that looks good on the outside, but is nasty on the inside. Not fruit that starts out sweet and juicy, but by the end leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. The scripture says, fruit that will last.
I have no choice but to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing by bringing me here, with all my weaknesses, all my faults, all my desires to be independent despite my need to be dependant. I trust Him because He created me and He knows the number of hairs on my head. He has all my tears in a bottle. He has my name written in His book of Life.
He chose me.
Thank you Father, for choosing me. Thank you Father for carving out my place in this life. Thank you Father for allowing me to remain in you and for remaining in me. Thank you for your mercy and your grace that is always enough. Thank you for being strong and matching my weakness with your strengths. I pray God that I might never become like the branch that is withered and thrown away. I pray God that I always look to you as my source of Life. I thank you and I praise you Father for the great things you have done. I pray for that sweet joy to resound in my heart Lord. I love you Father. Amen.
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