
1 Corinthians 3:4-9

"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?

What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."

1 Corinthians 3:4-9

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Top Reasons Why Isabelle loves Costa Rica


I had a conversation this morning with Isabelle and she was discussing with me the following reasons she loves living in Costa Rica: (in no particular order)

1. She loves Costa Rica because there are beautiful butterflies here.

2. She loves Costa Rica because there are volcanoes here and we have never seen a volcano before!

3. Isabelle loves living in Costa Rica because when e moved here we got a new kitty, Cereal.

4. Isabelle loves her teacher, Miss Lauren!

5. Isabelle likes her Spanish teacher because she teaches here Spanish!

5. Isabelle likes Miss Mimi at her school (because she has the same name as her Mimi!!)

There were many more reasons why she said she loves living in Costa Rica...

Isn't God good? This discussion comes off a pretty tough week for her and I praise the Lord that He would grant my child the peace that comes with feelings like these about living in a new place where everything is soo very different from all that she was used to.

Despite a rough start to the week...all in all this was a good week. God is so good and we have felt His prescense this week.

Like I said, Isabelle had a few days this week that were pretty tough. After having had time to process it all we think she was experiencing culture shock. She didn't want to go to school a few days this week- and for those of you that know her- when she does not want to do something- she DOES NOT do it with out a fight. So, long story short, we were patient with her but also realized that this was an opportunity to allow God to work in her life. We also saw this as an opportunity to allow her the chance to see that when we allow Him to, God will give us the strength we need to accomplish anything in life.

So, back to the story. Tuesday morning when we dropped her off for school she was pretty clingy, but she went in to her class fine. I got called out of my class about mid-way through to come to the office because one of my daughters had a stomach ache. When I got to the office, Isabelle was there and she came up to me saying her stomach hurt. After staying with her for the rest of the morning, I realized what appeared to be a stomach ache were really feelings of missing us and just plain nervousness about learning Spanish. So, I got her to go back to her class and things were fine.

Wednesday was not really a great day either, but we worked through it and she spent about half of the day in class. After several conversations with her teachers and the principal and the director, we've decided to make a few changes and just keep trying to get her there.

After much prayer from us and many of our classmates and other students, she has decided that she actually loves school and really enjoys learning to speak Spanish!!!

Her and I spent several hours together at school for a couple days and she spent a lot of time with Matt Wednesday morning. Her and I prayed together several times and we asked God to give her the strength and courage she needed to go to school and learn Spanish. Matt and her read through Joshua 1:9 and he discussd with her how God gives just the right amount of stregth and courage at just the right time when we need it. It was such a special time of helping her realize that when it is really hard to do something and we just don;t think we can- GOD can. She learned a valuable lesson this week about how God enables us to do things that we think we cannot do and things that we think are impossible!

Thank you Lord Jesus for working in the life of my child!

1 comment:

Trina Bobina said...

I am so thrilled at what God is doing in the lives of your precious children! I realize this is so hard and that what they are ging through is difficult on you and them. But remember that they are no different than we in that it is in difficulty and trial that we draw near to God. It is when we reach the end of ourselves and not until we reach the end of our ability to cope that we will reach out to God. What you are teaching them in these moments/days of frustration and fear and confusion is right on the mark. Turn to God, turn to God! Rely soley on God for your strength and He will provide what you did. What a powerful lesson for a child to learn. To see you living that out and for you to help them live that out. WOW! I know though that you must go to bed crying some days because you don't want you child to hurt but let me tell you, what they are gaining is so much more, so much greater, you may not be able to see it for the momentary. But these are ways of God, of maturity in Christ that you would never have the opportunity to teach them living in this country. You are being obedient to God's call on the life of your family!! God has a plan for each of you, even sweet Audrey. Oh my I can't wait to see what He has in store for your kids in the future. What awesome women and a man of God they are training to be. I miss you all so much, wish i could be there but it seems you are all in good hands!

Callie is going to be jealous of Cereal but I'm glad the kids have a pet, it's a good thing! :)

I love you! Please kiss and hug all the kids from me!
