We arrived in Guatemala City, Guatemala late Tuesday night after a long day of travel. We left Potter's Field Ranch in Montana at 5:00 am and headed to the Kalispell airport. All went well, there during check-in, although it took us over an hour to check in with our 11 suitcases to check and one carry-on we had to check because of its size. We were quite the spectacle, but we usually are. We are so thankful that Pastor Jim and Patti went with us to help out with the kids while we checked in.
We flew to Salt Lake City first and had an easy, enjoyable flight and then took off for Atlanta a little late, but nevertheless on our way. While in the airport in ATL, our hearts began eating a little bit faster as we began hearing Spanish and seeing Guatemaltecos (Guatemalans) waiting for the plane to begin boarding. We noticed the difference in their accent right away and admittedly were a bit nervous about understanding everyone once we arrived.
We arrived a little late, but got through immigration without a hitch and got all of our bags. We were thrilled to see them all come off together, in tact! We headed to customs and the official did not even blink at eye at us and waved us right on through! PRAISE THE LORD!
We were so excited to see the three IGNITE interns currently serving in Antigua as we exited the airport and it was a very happy reunion as we all hugged right there in the middle of the walkway! :)
We got to the shuttle waiting for us and took off on the hour trek to Antigua. I was so surprised at how many similarities there are here to Costa Rica. It was fun seeing familiar things and we instantly began feeling a sense of comfort at that. We caught up t=with the girls as we traveled to Antigua and that was good. They told us everything they could think of about life here and then some!
We arrived at the center and in all honesty I felt like we were coming home! It was such an incredible feeling as we pulled in.
There is currently a mission team here right now as well as many members of the Calvary Chapel Guatemala City church and the pastor who will be overseeing the Bible College on our campus. He has just arrived with his family from Columbia and they are just settling in themselves. So the center is at full capacity and there is a lot of activity.
Wednesday, our first full day here, the mission team was holding a sports camp for the Potter's Field Kids. There were most likely 200 plus kids here! It was pretty crazy! Matt was in his element! HE loved it! Ethan has made fast friends with another MK here and they had a blast getting to know each other that day. Our girls and I were pretty wiped so we laid down in the afternoon, but went out later and they really had a great time.
Spanish for all of us has kicked in and I have no doubt it will not be long before our tongues don't feel so tied. The accent is different, as are some words, but for the most part it's all good.
We walked around town as a family in the morning Wednesday and it felt great to find our way around. We made it to the bank and got some money exchanged. That was a very typical process that took quite some time. While we were waiting, I was able to sit with the kids in the shade and observe the people as they were walking. I was happy to find I could pick up on most of the conversations happening around me.
We saw a few of the landmarks here in the city like La Merced church and the famous Arch used by the nuns long ago as a passage between the church and the monastery that allowed them to pass but not been seen.
We fell into bed exhausted and slept well.
Today has been a full, but good day. I was able to go out this morning with Karen, who is a missionary here with her husband and children and are serving here with PFM. We hit it off and have a lot in common and it was good to go out with her.
I felt right at home as we started out to accomplish to main tasks- pay the cell phone bill and pick up lunch for the mission team. We were having a hard time finding a parking spot and then we saw a few main streets blocked off and then Karen remembered that the President of Guatemala was in the city today. There were police everywhere and so many people on the streets and traffic that we soon realized it was going to be impossible to find a parking spot anywhere close to the cell phone place or the restaurant. So we parked a good ten blocks away and took off walking. The restaurant was first stop and the order was placed and paid for with out incidence. Off to pay the cell phone. Quick and easy. Back to the restaurant to check on the order progress. Once it was done we realized our dilemma- three large boxes full of food to carry all the way back to the car...we made it a block and a half or so and realized the difficulty in the task so I waited on a corner with the food while Karen went to pick up the car.
I looked at it as another opportunity to observe people, culture, the way of life. I am learning a lot about the dress, the genuine friendliness of the people, and the massive amount of tourists there are here. I also sadly see the way most tourist interact with the locals.
After finally getting back with lunch a little late, I had a few moments to see the girls and Matt and Ethan and then I was off again with the team and the staff and interns to the mercado (market) to shop. They were mostly souvenir shopping and I really needed to get to the supermarket for a few things.
There was not really a way to have someone go with me who knew the way, so I got directions and took off with Ethan to find La Bodegona, which is something like a Super Kmart (not Walmart at all- think Big Lots and ALDI scrunched together in one store).
Ethan and I wandered through the store and found most of what was on our list and felt quite accomplished. We had the chance to talk on the way back and I cherish our times like that. HE opened up about how he is feeling about being here. He is still pretty exhausted, but he loves the life the Lord has given us to live. He already feels at home, even though he notices many differences here from anywhere we've ever been.
He loves the buildings and the cobblestone streets and the volcanoes we have all around us. He likes the climate, although it is a bit warmer than we thought that it would be. We walked hand-in-hand and talked and looked and observed. It was a blessed time for me. We made our way back, got a little lost, then realized we were actually right where we needed to be and found out way back.
After a little rest, we took off as a family to get dinner for the girls and I so we could eat and get to bed earlier tonight (they got to bed early, it is yet to be determined if I will).
We ordered from the taco place one of the former interns recommended to us and we were not disappointed! It was delicious and cheap!
I was also able to sort through the suitcases and pull out most of the clothes that we ned for the next couple of weeks. We hope to find a place before classes begin next month and so I do not want to totally unpack, yet need to pull some things out.
I found some of the girls books and got them out so they could read before bed. They were asleep within minutes of laying down!
There are so many emotions and observations happening. It is amazing that we are actually here and figuring out life already. We were so shell-shocked when we first moved to Costa Rica and it was a long adjustment period. This time it sure does not feel like that will be the case. We are tired and in a temporary living situation with a campus full of people we do not know, but God is faithful and good and His plan is perfect! We are blessed beyond what we can tell you to be here and to be offered the gift of living here. The pastor overseeing the Bible College and his wife are such a sweet couple and the wife and I have quickly bonded. They are from Columbia, but homeschool which is so cool! They are humble and laid back and we are so excited to get to know them more.
We ask you to continue praying as we move through this transition time. Please pray about our housing situation and for the Lord to direct our path to the perfect spot for our family. Please pray for the entire PFM staff. God is really moving here and his hand is upon the ministry, therefore, the attacks of the enemy have heated up and he will try anything to bring this place down. Please pray against his attacks and for protection from the team here as well as the children who are part of the ministry.
I haven't had my camera out yet...so I apologize for no pictures. But stayed tuned for some soon!
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
I have tears in my eyes as I read this and think , "I know that airport and those streets they are walking and those beautiful people they are watching and describing!" Oh how I miss it! Maybe someday God will call us back there again. ;)
If you ever come back, you have a place to stay with us! Love you! Brooke :)
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