
1 Corinthians 3:4-9

"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?

What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."

1 Corinthians 3:4-9

Friday, February 15, 2013

At once...

In some ways, our testimony is rare and unusual, and leaves people often scratching their heads wondering how exactly we made it to the mission field and how did we ever survive five years there?

 Haha...well, we wonder that EVERY DAY!  :)

I read Mark 1:1-28 today in the One Year Bible and was so incredibly encouraged by four guys whose story is quite similar to ours...their names are Andrew, Simon, James and John. Jesus was walking along, saw them, called them to follow him...and what did they do?

They did not wait years while studying in seminary to prepare themselves for service to the Lord.
(although there is nothing wrong with that)

They did not spend years raising over and beyond enough financial support.

They didn't even spend any time consulting the elders in their church or ministry leaders.
(although their is wisdom in this, as well)

They did not even tie up loose ends in their business or families.

Not one of them did any of these things.

They simply dropped what they were doing and, at once, followed Jesus!

James and John even left their father Zebedee in the fishing boat and just took off after Jesus.

(Imagine being Zebedee in the boat watching your two sons walk away from you and the family business as if it were nothing. Might our children have that same level of devotion to Jesus, oh Lord I pray!)

When the Lord called us into full time service to him, we were still baby Christians, un-trained, had not been discipled, still spiritually immature...yet, He clearly called, and so we followed. We sold everything, left family and friends and comfort behind, and just followed where He lead. We were so unaware of where we were going and of what lay ahead. Many times, we've felt completely lost, in over our heads, and utterly alone. But we've never lost sight or forgotten that it was Jesus that called to us and it is Him that we follow still today.

Our story probably still looks crazy and unconventional...and that's ok...because it IS! Hahaha...but it is OUR story! And God designed it! He ordained our days long before we came to be and we are here in Montana today because He planned it long ago. Last night was such a beautiful picture of that truth in our lives as we sat down yet again to discuss the Lord's will for our future.

He is finally uncovering important pieces of the puzzle and long-time separated pieces are now suddenly right next to each other on the table. He is fitting things together and we are just so amazed at the way the Lord does what only He can do!

Lord, today I am thankful for Your Word, which clearly is a light unto my path. Thank You Lord for Potter's Field, so much more than a ministry, Lord. You've given us a family, a team of believers united in the common goal of making much of You! Lord, our life is in Your hands. Your will is the absolute best for us and we surrender all of our desires unto You! Thank You for Your fingerprints all over our lives and that You have not let that slip by us, but have made it totally obvious to us. Thank You Lord, for the opportunity to die to self and serve You today!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

John 8:33 Inductive Bible Study (IBS)

IBS John 8:31-35 Feb 11-15
John 8:33
They answered him, "We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, "You will become free'?"

We read in previous verses in this chapter that Jesus is speaking with Jews here, and that some believed in Him. Jesus offers those whose interest has been perked, true freedom. But they still do not understand. Jesus has taken much time sharing TRUTH with these Jews. But sadly, they still do not get it.

I immediately think of two things when I read this verse.

The first is how for so long I was blind to my own sin. Before I met Jesus, I thought I was going to heaven because I was a good person. Then someone took the time to share TRUTH with me, just like Jesus did here with these Jews. Only by His grace, was my heart open and I recognized my sin...and that Jesus was the way to freedom! Even now sometimes, I do not recognize sin in my life. But I know that abiding in Him and His word reveals my sin and repentance and obedience to His word lead to freedom, even still today!

The second thing that comes to mind as I read this verse is my unsaved family members. As I read through the entire chapter of John 8, I see that Jesus takes the time to explain to the Jews who He is, the light of the world. He countered their claims of his false testimony by presenting their own law stating that the testimony of two people is true and that His own testimony is true because His Father's testimony bears witness to His own. He then offers them hope in who His Father is- one who does not abandon those who love Him to please Him. At this point some have a glimpse of understanding, but unfortunately, they are like the seed thrown on the path. Instantly it seems, whatever glimmer of belief existed has been snatched away.

Jesus is patient with the Jews as He explains to them the Truth of His word and how they will find freedom if they live out what He is teaching them and remain close to them. How often I've had conversations like this one between Jesus and the Jews with my unsaved family members. Sometimes there is no glimmer of hope and the conversation dies before it even starts. Often, there seems to be a ray of hope, even belief, but yet there is no living out of what was heard, no fruit of being a disciple.

I'm encouraged today by Jesus's example to us to be persistent in sharing Truth with the lost, especially my unsaved family members.

Application: Today I will share this passage with an unsaved family member and ask her again if she understands the gift Jesus is offering her of freedom and eternal life.

Friday, February 1, 2013

IBS (first attempt)

One of the many things Matt is doing here at Potter's Field Ranch is sitting in on classes with the interns. I rarely am able to sit in on classes simply because I am homeschooling our children or preparing for Spanish classes, or working on other things. This week however, I was able to catch my first IBS class with Pastor G. It was such a blessing and quite possibly one of the best hours I have spent while on the Ranch. What a simple, yet profound way to study the scriptures! And what and incredible blessing these 12 young people have in this community of beleivers with which they have the privilege of studying God's Word.

One of the students asked me to come back to I took down the rest of the week's assigned scriptures.

Here is my first attempt at IBS.

1 Corinthians 12:11

"All of these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills." ESV

Often, I limit God and put him in a box. My only conclusion for why I do this is because I recognize that I myself am limited and therefore my inclination is to follow the logic that my gift is only as useful as I am capable.
This scripture clearly states that it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that gifts are given and demonstrated in the life of a believer. Therefore it is not dependent on MY ability, MY strength, MY determination or even MY will, what gift I have or how I should use that gift.

"But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills." NKJV

The gifts that have been given to me come directly from God himself and are chosen specifically for me because God has a unique purpose for my life and the use of those very gifts are an intricate part of His perfect plan and purpose for me. He alone has decided the perfect gift for me.

Could it be that this is completely and utterly overwhelming to me? Could the truth really be that He loves me so much that He put so much thought into creating me, that from before time He picked out a special gift for me and created an intricate, detailed plan for my life that revolves around me using that gift and that by doing so I will not only be serving Him, but serving ALL my brothers and sisters in Christ?

Could His wisdom be so infinite that this is true not only just for me, but for each and every child of the Living God?

Romans 12:4-6 (NKJV)
"For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to to the grace that is given to us, let us use them..."

YES! again and again -YES! Each one of us has the exact same measure of love poured out upon us. We each have the same blessing given to us. Which means that not one is greater than another. We each have a gift unique to the plan the Father has for us, and that gift is intricately connected to the well being of other believers, therefore is woven into the lives of other believers in the body of Christ.

When we look at the human body, there are individual parts that function on their own. Which is to say that the heart functions to pump blood throughout the entire body. That is it's function. Yet, that specific function is intricately connected to the every other part of the body. If it were to stop working, it would shut down the entire body. If we were to look into all the parts of the body, we would surely discover parts that we could seemingly live without. The human body can survive without the spleen. The spleen is a small organ that helps our bodies fight infection by warding off antibodies and removing bacteria from the blood. When the spleen is removed due to injury or for a transplant, other body parts, such as the liver or lymph nodes, begin to play a bigger role in your immune system. As a result of not having a spleen, your body is more susceptible to illness. Without a spleen, infections can be deadly if not treated right away.

Isn't that just what Paul is saying to us through this illustration about the body and the way each member of the body functions? I may feel inadequate in my gifting. Or I may feel pretty self-righteous in my gifting. Neither is ok because it is by the WILL of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD that I have the gift that I have, not due to any merit on my part. It's not about me! It's about HIM!

In a body without a spleen, other organs work harder to make up for the lack of the spleen. It is possible for the body to survive and function and get the daily job of keeping the human alive done, but it will never be the same as having the spleen itself in the body. Likewise in the body of Christ. If I am not working and functioning fully in the Spirit, my gift will not be manifested in the way God intended, nor will I demonstrate fully the power of the Holy Spirit if I chose to rely on my own strength or understanding. Other members of the body of Christ will have to work harder in my absence or due to my lack of fully using my gift. The Body of Christ will still manage to function without me, but it will not be the same as if I were fulfilling the task for which I was uniquely created.

Application: I will seek The Lord, asking him to confirm my gifting, and praising him for fearfully and wonderfully making me . I will thank him for the gifts he has given me and thank him for the ways I have seen him use my gift in my life. I will thank him for his perfect will in my life. I will actively look for ways to use my gift today.
What Happens to Your Body Without a Spleen? Read more: |