October 2011 Prayer Letter
A new season…
At the writing of this letter, we’ve only just completed one full week of October; however the events of the past week have brought about a new season for our family. In the past week, many of you have sent encouraging and inquiring emails and this seems to be the best way to share with all of you at once. Thank you for your concern, love and encouragement! For some time now, I (Brooke) have been experiencing severe headaches, along with many other symptoms. Since being back from the States, the symptoms have gotten much worse. Matt and I decided to go and see our former doctor from language school in San Jose to try to find the problem. After seeing me, he immediately wanted to admit me and begin testing. An overnight stay turned into 4 nights, 4 specialists, multiple blood tests, ultrasounds, and an MRI. Finally, on Friday after a visit with an endocrinologist, she found the problem to be a 3 mm tumor in my pituitary gland that has been causing the severe headaches, as well as many of the other symptoms. I’ve begun treatment, and thus begun a new season in my life. The tumor is benign (non-cancerous), however the drugs used to treat it are aggressive. For my particular type of tumor, the most effective treatment is actually the medicine because it is so aggressive. As with most drugs, the ones I am on have several undesirable side effects. Mine include dizziness, nausea, faintness, and mostly major fatigue, along with a few others. I am still experiencing headaches as well, which is to be expected. Much of my few days back at home have been spent in bed or laying on the couch fighting off dizziness and headaches. The Lord had his hand upon the entire situation however, from going to the right hospital and knowing the right doctor, who knows the right specialists, to having the right tests done, my doctor not quitting until the cause was found, and having wonderful insurance (100% coverage!) -even if it was a struggle with them at first. We had great care for our kids while we were away– they were in the hands of Katie, our PFK intern and Pastor Phil and Rebecca McKay. We are so thankful for their help. Many pulled together and got through the week in the ministry and we are again so thankful. In so many ways (and in just a matter of days), I’ve seen the Lord use this illness to encourage and strengthen others. One friend, who I discipled for 6 months and who, during that time never once prayed out loud, recently prayed for me out loud and in the presence of others! The Lord laid it upon the hearts of many friends in the community to bring us food during this time of adjustment. Women have brought us food, homemade bread, prayers, jokes to lift my spirits and encouragement. As I sat reflecting on this on Sunday evening, the LORD gave me this reminder of the man he gives attention to:
“But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble (poor, needy, weak, afflicted, wretched, lowly) and contrite (stricken, affected by injury, disease or sorrow) in spirit and trembles (in fear of the Lord) at my word.” [Isaiah 66:2]
Calvary Chapel Villarreal is a place we love. They have shown us great love and grace. They have reminded us over and over that we are not alone in this and that we have family here– family in Jesus Christ! And they’ve shown us that love in their actions. Please pray for all of us as we learn how to live in this new season. Pray that God would simply choose to heal me completely and therefore eliminate the need for medicine. If that is not his will, pray for the medicine to effectively eliminate the tumor. Pray against adverse effects of all the medicines I’m taking. Pray against the medicine side effects and the headaches, as well. Pray for wisdom on any changes that might need to be made in our lives and ministry. Pray for homeschool and the ‘catch-up’ that needs to be done. Pray for Matt also. He has demonstrated the meaning of ‘in sickness and health’ as he has cared for me, cared for the kids, cooked, cleaned, done laundry, and taken up my ministry responsibilities during this time, along with his own responsibilities. He is such a gift to me and the kids. Praise Jesus with us for the many blessings He has already shown us through this new journey. We praise God for all of you! We love you and are thankful for each one of you!
“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” Revelation 22:20
We are thankful for our prayer and financial partners. Please make checks payable to:
Shepherd’s Staff Mission Facilitators, PO Box 53640, Albuquerque, NM, 87153-3640
Please include our missionary account #4208 on all checks or correspondence
Multitudes...of gifts
#'s 1979 - 2000
- Philippians 4:13
-all those who faithfully give each month so we can serve You here
- Ethan and Isabelle playing Settler's
- playing Mastermind with Audrey
-naptime with Audrey
- the sweet, healing power of prayer
- my handsome hubby
-Ethan bringing me his red pillow to hold when my head hurt
- Isabelle bringing me her Mr. Smiley to sleep with to make me feel better
- Hard eucharisteo: Audrey asking me if I'll get better
- Ethan showing me his concern about seeing me sick
- coming to grips with this being All's grace
- Izzy reading about Helen Keller
- Audrey so good at narrating a story
- seeing Kerin after 8 months away
- planning for a visit from the grandparents
- remembering Gran- thank You jesus for her
- 3 days straight of rain
- 3 days of a breeze cool enough to wear a sweatshirt
- Izzy and Audrey diggin a new trench for their Daddy
- Ethan: "I learn almost everything I know from my Dad."
- That You love a humble, meek spirit Lord, not all the works in the world, but our hearts, broken before You, willing to be used by You, desiriing only You...
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