Great is Your faithfulness, O God. Indescribable, Uncontainable O God!
You placed the stars in the sky and You know each one by name. You spoke and it was. You breathed and Adam lived.
Yet You dwell among us, live inside of us. You knit me together, intimately knowing each little part of me.
You drew me to You, pursued me, and came to me and answered me.
You rescued me, forgave me and washed me clean.
You died for me. Gave me hope when You conquered death and rose again.
You've given me Your Spirit until You come back.
Let it be soon, sweet Jesus, that You come back. Maranatha!
So thankful today, for Jesus and His sweet presence, friendship, guidance, example, death, and life.
Sweet Jesus, friend of sinners; my Redeemer, my Savior.
Thank You for thousands upon thousands of gifts.
#'s 1764 - 1776
- Ezekiel- hand held high in praise to You during worship
- a capella worship - even without electricity, You shine through the darkness, Jesus!
- worship by candelight
- going to bed at 9:00 pm and not waking up again until 6:00 am! Thank You Lord!
- Matt, Ethan and Corey having guy time- football and popcorn
- Isabelle beginning to understand the joy of serving
- Audrey singing loud and joyfully to You, Jesus!
- Ethan always willing to help at church
- Rebecca asking Isabelle to 'babysit' Elijah for a few minutes- and Isa's joy as she told me all about it!
- green grass in my yard
- early morning snuggles w/Isa
- sleepy-eyed, crazy hair little girls when they first wake up
- faithful, loyal Reina (our dog)
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