As I continue counting the great gifts God continues to bless me with, the many, innumerable ways in which He lavishes His love on me, I feel it deep...the change happening. I feel my heart changing in the deep dark places. I feel that 'old man' finally dying away. I begin to understand how freeing this new life in Christ really is. I realize I don't have to carry around that old baggage any more.
Daily I sit, daily I count the blessings, the gifts, and know they will never end.
#'s 340 - 368
Sugey and Tamara- giggling cousins
Maberick's smile
Michaela and Sarah and 7 kids and our family for a day at the beach
Gabriela- sweet girl seeking You, father
Gustavo jumping off Matt's shoulders into the ocean
Matt and Rafa talking
Eddy, rafa and Ethan hanging out
Michaela and Sarah with all the kids
Gustavo in the waves, laughing and telling jokes
Audrey sitting withme in the sand in the shallow pool
Michaela finding a sand dollar and giving it to Audrey
ice cream for all the kids! after 4 hours at the beach
The Sound of Music
Ethan asking to serve in the nursery
Surprise of Elvita and Dinorah and the whole family coming to church, Ernesto and Ana, too! Praise You Jesus!
group 2 of PFK
breezy morning
witnessing the majesty of Christ and the mystery of the Holy Spirit
solid teaching of the Word- the Lord speaking truth into my heart
unexpected gifts of love from a sweet friend
a full church
the happy giggly smiles of girls, boys just being kids
kids being themselves- Cindy, Hecotr, our kids
sweet times of prayer, the privilege to pray for a friend
seeing kids clean their plates
Michaela running, sweating, happily playing with the PFK kids
seeing youth with a purpose- God's purpose for their lives and follwoing it...
trusting, sweet peace, of God's will and plan and provision (mission team)
sweetly sleeping sisters
Will you begin counting God's countless gifts today?
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