This is the day that the Lord has made!
Day 5 by Sandy
Our devotions this morning were precious- each person here is precious- this experience has been precious. I wish all of this for all of you- try a mission trip.
This morning we prepared for field day for the children of Villarreal. It turned out to be a huge success- sack races, ping-pnog ball spoon races, etc. Plus great refreshments. The big highlight of the day was the arrival of Spiderman (Travis, wearing an authentic suit!) on top of Matt's SUV. Travis was great! (See pictures)The big blessing was the backpacks, overflowing with school supplies, donated by all of you. Fifty children!!! Thank you!!!
We once again ate dinner at Victor's and the Costa Rica food was once again delicious - and I thought I probably wouldn't like the food!
Some of us knew little Spanish; some knew a little but still had an occasional problem. For example, Stephanie thought she was telling kids to sit down, but discovered later she was saying the number seven. Someone said, "I wondered why she kept saying "seven." Others always handled the language well- Jessica was a "go-to" person. However we discovered we could communicate well enough through smiles, kind hearts, and many gestures.
One of the most important aspects of this trip was the prayer ministry of our family and friends. We asked many of you to pray for us and we think that really attributed to an extrmemly successful trip. We grew spiritually, remained healthy, and feel we accomplished God-pleasing tasks. God listened (He is the God who hears), He answered (He is the God who cares for us), He blessed us (All blessings flow from Him) and He allowed us to be a blessing to the McClain's (We are blessed to be a blessing).
"Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving. For the Lord is a great God, and a Great King above all Gods." Psalm 95:2-3
Keep checking back thrughout the next week as I (Brooke) update from my perspective and post more pictures! God is so good!
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
FEPC Day 4
Another long, productive day. God is so good!
Here is Sandy's perspective...
Day 4:
We started the day right, once more, with devotions. It makes a difference in the day- we recommend it!
Rather than doing a morning workout at the "Y", we chose to do a home workout. Some painted Matt and brooke's bedroom and bathroom. Others crawled around on their hands and knees, scrubbing the paint speckles (at least a million and a half) off the beatiful tile floors. Still others sorted clothing for 5 people and put them away in their new locations. We actually reorganized everything they own except for the kitchen articles- we just hope Matt and Brooke, Ethan, Isabelle, and Audrey can find everything we put away. The entire process allowed us to target most mucles groups, along with stretching, bending, etc. = A Good Workout!!
Afternoon activities included a painting lesson for the Potter's Field Kids by Kathy! The kids loved it! After feeding them, we went to Victor's for dinner- chicken lasagna, potato salad, fresh pineapple, and watermelon. Victor is a master chef in our eyes. Everything he prepared for Potter's Field Kids and for us has been incredibly delicious!!
Highlights and lowlights:
-Suzie and I saw 4 monkeys on our morning walk!!
-Kathy thought an unwanted creature fell down her blouse, flew away in panic from the dinner table in order to remove it, and gratefully returned , repoting it was only a corn chip.
PS: Another item was inadvertently omitted from our beach experience. Travis caught a rather large iguana. However, it escaped, biting Travis on the arm and losing it's tail at the same time. Tom then picked up the wiggling tail and waved it as one would wave a flag- strange?!?!?!?!?
**God is evident in all we see and do!**
Here is Sandy's perspective...
Day 4:
We started the day right, once more, with devotions. It makes a difference in the day- we recommend it!
Rather than doing a morning workout at the "Y", we chose to do a home workout. Some painted Matt and brooke's bedroom and bathroom. Others crawled around on their hands and knees, scrubbing the paint speckles (at least a million and a half) off the beatiful tile floors. Still others sorted clothing for 5 people and put them away in their new locations. We actually reorganized everything they own except for the kitchen articles- we just hope Matt and Brooke, Ethan, Isabelle, and Audrey can find everything we put away. The entire process allowed us to target most mucles groups, along with stretching, bending, etc. = A Good Workout!!
Afternoon activities included a painting lesson for the Potter's Field Kids by Kathy! The kids loved it! After feeding them, we went to Victor's for dinner- chicken lasagna, potato salad, fresh pineapple, and watermelon. Victor is a master chef in our eyes. Everything he prepared for Potter's Field Kids and for us has been incredibly delicious!!
Highlights and lowlights:
-Suzie and I saw 4 monkeys on our morning walk!!
-Kathy thought an unwanted creature fell down her blouse, flew away in panic from the dinner table in order to remove it, and gratefully returned , repoting it was only a corn chip.
PS: Another item was inadvertently omitted from our beach experience. Travis caught a rather large iguana. However, it escaped, biting Travis on the arm and losing it's tail at the same time. Tom then picked up the wiggling tail and waved it as one would wave a flag- strange?!?!?!?!?
**God is evident in all we see and do!**
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
FEPC Day 3
Yesterday was a long, but very productive day...I'll let Sandy tell the story:
Day 3
This morning 10 friends in Christ celebrated our thankfulness for God and each other through another wonderful devotional time.
We worked like dogs- no "sit down" time today, except for devotional and meal time. Today, Tom, Travis and Matt built a huge storage area along an entire wall in the Audrey and Isabelle's bedroom and Doug and the girls painted Ethan's bedroom. All the rooms have cathedral seilings- so we need Doug's height.
Tonight we again assisted with the Potter's Field Kids- teaching them English and helping prepare another tasty ands healthy Costa Rican dinner. Boy, are we getting great ideas for WFEPC dinners!
Today's highlights and lowlights:
A morning monkey-walk produced no monkeys but we heard them- one sounded like a gorilla- so maybe it was best we missed them!
We broke 2 chairs: Suzie was flipped over when Audrey (who is quite enamored with Suzie) lunged at her intending to give her a big hug. Tom collapsed the other- we attributed that to the fact that he had 3 helpings of Victor's sausage-egg casserole, plus other items :)
PS: Travis was left out of the 2-3 mile hot walk group when originally reported. He gave up his seat in the van so Audrey and Isabelle could ride- the car group encountered the walking group half-way home. This self-less action is typical of Travis- and the entire group!
God is at work in us!
Day 3
This morning 10 friends in Christ celebrated our thankfulness for God and each other through another wonderful devotional time.
We worked like dogs- no "sit down" time today, except for devotional and meal time. Today, Tom, Travis and Matt built a huge storage area along an entire wall in the Audrey and Isabelle's bedroom and Doug and the girls painted Ethan's bedroom. All the rooms have cathedral seilings- so we need Doug's height.
Tonight we again assisted with the Potter's Field Kids- teaching them English and helping prepare another tasty ands healthy Costa Rican dinner. Boy, are we getting great ideas for WFEPC dinners!
Today's highlights and lowlights:
A morning monkey-walk produced no monkeys but we heard them- one sounded like a gorilla- so maybe it was best we missed them!
We broke 2 chairs: Suzie was flipped over when Audrey (who is quite enamored with Suzie) lunged at her intending to give her a big hug. Tom collapsed the other- we attributed that to the fact that he had 3 helpings of Victor's sausage-egg casserole, plus other items :)
PS: Travis was left out of the 2-3 mile hot walk group when originally reported. He gave up his seat in the van so Audrey and Isabelle could ride- the car group encountered the walking group half-way home. This self-less action is typical of Travis- and the entire group!
God is at work in us!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Multitudes on Monday (on Tuesday) :)
Well, here we are together again, on Tuesday this week. :) (big smile)
We have friends from our home church with us this week- a great group of 8, including our pastor, and we are having a fantastic time...they are doing two major projects in our home during the mornings and helping us with PFK in the has been great having them here.
The entire living room is filled with the contents of the girls' room as it was painted yesterday...and my normal notebook is I am not sure the numbers this week...but the still sure thing is that even amidst the hustle and bustle of adding 8 people into our daily lives, I'm still counting God's good blessings...they are never-ending...
#'s ? - ? :) (another big smile)
- the changing colors of the early morning sky- brilliantly put together by the Master
-bright, sky blue room, freshly painted
-18 happy, energetickids learning about You, Lord
-half a tote of chocolate from the States!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Mom! :)
-letters from Grandma to grandkids :)
- an envelope marked "For the people I lkove most in Costa Rica!!" from Samantha
- birthday gifts from back home :)
-happy kid smiles as they receive surprises from loved ones
- getting kids to eat vegetables- doesn't matter what country you are in- they never want to do it!
-red beet, white potato, hard-boiled egg salad with mayonaise dressing- surprisingly good!
- white fluffy clouds stretching across the sky
- Audrey eating cotton candy for the first time- "It tastes!"
- zip-lining across an open field in Guanacaste- WOW Lord!
- conquering a fear of heights
-communion on the beach
-family in Christ selflessly serving each other
-serving together with church family
-Joel- Father, protect this child...
-fresh brown eggs :)
forever counting God's good gifts...harvesting joy from the seeds of thankfulness...
We have friends from our home church with us this week- a great group of 8, including our pastor, and we are having a fantastic time...they are doing two major projects in our home during the mornings and helping us with PFK in the has been great having them here.
The entire living room is filled with the contents of the girls' room as it was painted yesterday...and my normal notebook is I am not sure the numbers this week...but the still sure thing is that even amidst the hustle and bustle of adding 8 people into our daily lives, I'm still counting God's good blessings...they are never-ending...
#'s ? - ? :) (another big smile)
- the changing colors of the early morning sky- brilliantly put together by the Master
-bright, sky blue room, freshly painted
-18 happy, energetickids learning about You, Lord
-half a tote of chocolate from the States!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Mom! :)
-letters from Grandma to grandkids :)
- an envelope marked "For the people I lkove most in Costa Rica!!" from Samantha
- birthday gifts from back home :)
-happy kid smiles as they receive surprises from loved ones
- getting kids to eat vegetables- doesn't matter what country you are in- they never want to do it!
-red beet, white potato, hard-boiled egg salad with mayonaise dressing- surprisingly good!
- white fluffy clouds stretching across the sky
- Audrey eating cotton candy for the first time- "It tastes!"
- zip-lining across an open field in Guanacaste- WOW Lord!
- conquering a fear of heights
-communion on the beach
-family in Christ selflessly serving each other
-serving together with church family
-Joel- Father, protect this child...
-fresh brown eggs :)
forever counting God's good gifts...harvesting joy from the seeds of thankfulness...
Monday, March 21, 2011
FEPC Day 2
"This is the day...This is the day! That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And be glad in it..."
As those of you know who read this blog regularly, it is our tradition to sing this on a member of our family's birthday. However, it will forever have new meaning for our family now as it has become something we sing with the team each day. Both yesterday and today we were able to sing this at the beginning of the day.
We are having a great time...loving every minute...and just enjoying Pastor Tom and the rest of the team and the fellowship together.
Here is Day 2's write up by Sandy:
Day 2:
This morning began with a very special devotional. We are molding as a group and know God is our everything. A mission trip certainly helps one get his priorities in order.
Today's tasks included painting the girl's room and one bathroom, shopping for groceries, preparing meals, and assisting Matt and Brooke as they ministered to and fed the Potter's Field Kids, an outreach Bible ministry to kids in the neighborhood.
We learned a surprising fact about the people in this little town of 3000: the inhabitants have moved here from the United States, Italy, France, Nicaragua, Columbia, and Peru- quite a cosmopolitan group!
Possibly the most exciting event of the day was Travis's seeing 7 howler monkey in a tree during his morning run.
P.S. Pastor tom's name was omitted from the walking group yesterday- he too walked 2-3 miles while enduring nearly 90 degree temperatures, but he did it with a smile and he even carried Audrey (6 years old) for awhile!
As those of you know who read this blog regularly, it is our tradition to sing this on a member of our family's birthday. However, it will forever have new meaning for our family now as it has become something we sing with the team each day. Both yesterday and today we were able to sing this at the beginning of the day.
We are having a great time...loving every minute...and just enjoying Pastor Tom and the rest of the team and the fellowship together.
Here is Day 2's write up by Sandy:
Day 2:
This morning began with a very special devotional. We are molding as a group and know God is our everything. A mission trip certainly helps one get his priorities in order.
Today's tasks included painting the girl's room and one bathroom, shopping for groceries, preparing meals, and assisting Matt and Brooke as they ministered to and fed the Potter's Field Kids, an outreach Bible ministry to kids in the neighborhood.
We learned a surprising fact about the people in this little town of 3000: the inhabitants have moved here from the United States, Italy, France, Nicaragua, Columbia, and Peru- quite a cosmopolitan group!
Possibly the most exciting event of the day was Travis's seeing 7 howler monkey in a tree during his morning run.
P.S. Pastor tom's name was omitted from the walking group yesterday- he too walked 2-3 miles while enduring nearly 90 degree temperatures, but he did it with a smile and he even carried Audrey (6 years old) for awhile!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
First Evangelical Presbyterian Church Mission Team Day 1
Well, we've shared one full day with FEPC and already we are worn out :) but praising the Lord for His good gifts!!!
Sandy is guest blogging for the team to give her perspective on each day's events.
Here is her perspective from today...
Today we celebrated the Lord's Sabbath with communion on the beach in the morning and an inspirational worship service tonight- in Spanish, but Brooke served as an exceptional translator. Their pastor is right on! just like Tom.
Exciting events:
- Joining the McClain's for a great breakfast, consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables with egg tacos - while sitting on their porch enjoying a refreshing breeze.
- Floating in a FAST moving current as the Pacific tide flowed into an adjoining river- we'll tell you about it!
- Being stopped behind a horse parade, resulting in Stephanie, Doug, Jessica, kathy, Brooke and the girls walking 2-3 miles home- temperatures in the high 80's
- fellowship with the Pastor and congregation of Matt and Brooke's church
Sandy is guest blogging for the team to give her perspective on each day's events.
Here is her perspective from today...
Today we celebrated the Lord's Sabbath with communion on the beach in the morning and an inspirational worship service tonight- in Spanish, but Brooke served as an exceptional translator. Their pastor is right on! just like Tom.
Exciting events:
- Joining the McClain's for a great breakfast, consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables with egg tacos - while sitting on their porch enjoying a refreshing breeze.
- Floating in a FAST moving current as the Pacific tide flowed into an adjoining river- we'll tell you about it!
- Being stopped behind a horse parade, resulting in Stephanie, Doug, Jessica, kathy, Brooke and the girls walking 2-3 miles home- temperatures in the high 80's
- fellowship with the Pastor and congregation of Matt and Brooke's church
Friday, March 18, 2011
Isabelle's birthday
I wanted to post some pictures of Isabelle's birthday. Despite the tsunami warning, we spent the morning at Langosta beach. Everything was calm and there was no danger. It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed our time. We were home before the tsunami warning and everything was fine that day.
9 years old ( 3-11-11) |
What a pretty girl... |
My growing boy |
Making a chain to swim across |
Audrey and her daddy |
I was trying to capture the reflection of the clouds in the water. It was so beautiful. |
I also wanted to post on Isabelle's birthday party- we had such a great day! She said after the party that it was the "best birthday ever!"
Happy Birthday Smiley face cake (this was my first time making the cake and the icing from scratch- it tasted great!) |
Lots of giggly girls |
Isa and Cindy |
water balloon toss |
by the end, even the parents were involved! |
Happy face piƱata and pounds and pounds of candy!!! |
I see a dentist bill in the near future... |
Ethan just being Ethan :) |
Isa and Michaela |
"CumpleaƱos feliz...Happy Birthdat to Isa!" |
Following tradition, birthday cake in the face :) YUMMY :) |
Lots of candy!!!! |
Happy Birthday to meee :)
Yesterday we celebrated another year of my a friend told me the Costa Rican ladies say "ti-cinco" (..."ty-5" as in you aren't counting the beginning of the number and holding on the '5')...
Actually, I turned 33...and it was a wonderful day. After the traditional singing of "This is the day!" and Happy Birthday, we went to breakfast at my favorite restaurant in Tamarindo (I say favorite but I've only eaten at 3 in the whole town!). The breakfast food was DELICIOUS!!! It was the perfect way to start the day...
We did some prep things for our home church mission team coming tomorrow!!! :) and then later I was able to go to dinner with my good friend Rebecca and Sarah and Michaela, the two PFK interns we've had for the last two months. We set out to eat sushi, since neither Michaela now I had ever eaten it...
It was delicious!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I expected it to taste nasty...but as soon as I put it into my mouth it was likwe one of the best tasting foods I have ever eaten! I cannot wait to go back!
Anyway, it was a wonderful day and I am so thankful to God for the goodness and His hand in my life.
Actually, I turned 33...and it was a wonderful day. After the traditional singing of "This is the day!" and Happy Birthday, we went to breakfast at my favorite restaurant in Tamarindo (I say favorite but I've only eaten at 3 in the whole town!). The breakfast food was DELICIOUS!!! It was the perfect way to start the day...
We did some prep things for our home church mission team coming tomorrow!!! :) and then later I was able to go to dinner with my good friend Rebecca and Sarah and Michaela, the two PFK interns we've had for the last two months. We set out to eat sushi, since neither Michaela now I had ever eaten it...
It was delicious!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I expected it to taste nasty...but as soon as I put it into my mouth it was likwe one of the best tasting foods I have ever eaten! I cannot wait to go back!
Anyway, it was a wonderful day and I am so thankful to God for the goodness and His hand in my life.
Ethan's super breakfast! |
Izzy's strawberry waffle and cream!!! (I had strawberry waffle without the cream) |
Daddy and Audrey <3 |
Gallo pinto quesadilla (I don't know why the picture turned..I can't get it to turn back...sorry) |
Climbing trees on the beach |
Is this really my life? Breakfast on the beach on my birthday? Thank YOU, Jesus! |
Birthday sushi!!! And even on a cute fishy plate! This was the first time I had ever eaten sushi and it will not be the last! |
Michaela and I were both 'newbie' sushi eaters... |
Girls night :) |
Monday, March 14, 2011
Multitudes on Monday
Today, as I prayed through Ephesians 6:10-18, meditating on God's provision for me and what good gifts He gives us for this battle we face, unseen, but surely felt, I reflect on the battles I've faced and through HIS strength have conquered. What a blessing thoes battles are, Lord. Truly, I can say that now.
As I sit listening to Matt teach the children about conflict, as He teaches them Your Word, Father, I reflect on your goodness. So many gifts have come from Your hand, Oh Lord. All is grace and all things are gifts! Thank you for teaching me this, Jesus!
I sit at the printer, amking copies for todays reading comprehension work, I type down today's gifts...My friend Sarah waits on the rice timer...I wait for the copies to be done...
...and reflect on today's gifts from the Father's hands...
#'s 426 - 434
for a good, Bible-church here
for Your grace, Jesus
for the privilege of appraoching Your throne, Father
for the power of prayer
because you are my strength, Lord
because my foundation is firmly built on You, my Rock
for a 10 year-old boy who still cuddles up to me on the couch
for Your armor, Lord, Your protection, Lord
for the battle
I'll never stop counting Your blessings, Lord! Thank You and Praise You Jesus for this journey...
As I sit listening to Matt teach the children about conflict, as He teaches them Your Word, Father, I reflect on your goodness. So many gifts have come from Your hand, Oh Lord. All is grace and all things are gifts! Thank you for teaching me this, Jesus!
I sit at the printer, amking copies for todays reading comprehension work, I type down today's gifts...My friend Sarah waits on the rice timer...I wait for the copies to be done...
...and reflect on today's gifts from the Father's hands...
#'s 426 - 434
for a good, Bible-church here
for Your grace, Jesus
for the privilege of appraoching Your throne, Father
for the power of prayer
because you are my strength, Lord
because my foundation is firmly built on You, my Rock
for a 10 year-old boy who still cuddles up to me on the couch
for Your armor, Lord, Your protection, Lord
for the battle
I'll never stop counting Your blessings, Lord! Thank You and Praise You Jesus for this journey...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
This is the day!...Isabelle Adair
Well, somehow, nine years have passed since that early March morning when I awoke with the all-knowing feeling that "THIS WAS IT!" and off to the hospital we went at 2:30 am...and four hours later, this tiny little
6 lbs. 8 oz. bundle was born at 6:45 am...three weeks early, and ready to face the world. So tiny, I remembering asking the Lord how I was suppose to raise this tiny little girl- all I knew was about little boys...Much has changed since then, but I still ask the Lord that question- how to raise this tiny little girl, who continues to grow by leaps and bounds.
Izzy- you make me smile in the most unexpectable ways. You make the day brighter with that killer smile of yours. You truly make the world a better place and you season it with salt and light. You are loved and cherished by your daddy and I and by your brother anmd sister, even though some days you find are hard...Even at almost 11, your brother still thinks you are the best person and friend he has and that he can tell you anything (that has never changed)...Isa, you are learning so much every day- you are excelling at Math...zipping right through the love to learn Scripture and you are beginning to learn how to work it out in your life. You realize now the cost of your sin, and you are learning about forgiveness.
Isabelle Adair, I love you so much....Sometimes I really do wish you could stop growing so I could just savor these moments with you, as such a sweet little girl...but I also truly enjoying watching as you grow, learning who you are, learning how you think, watching you process the things of the world and putting them into God's perspective.
You are a GIFT! I love you, my sweet girl!
Happy Birthday, today, March 11, 2011!
6 lbs. 8 oz. bundle was born at 6:45 am...three weeks early, and ready to face the world. So tiny, I remembering asking the Lord how I was suppose to raise this tiny little girl- all I knew was about little boys...Much has changed since then, but I still ask the Lord that question- how to raise this tiny little girl, who continues to grow by leaps and bounds.
Izzy- you make me smile in the most unexpectable ways. You make the day brighter with that killer smile of yours. You truly make the world a better place and you season it with salt and light. You are loved and cherished by your daddy and I and by your brother anmd sister, even though some days you find are hard...Even at almost 11, your brother still thinks you are the best person and friend he has and that he can tell you anything (that has never changed)...Isa, you are learning so much every day- you are excelling at Math...zipping right through the love to learn Scripture and you are beginning to learn how to work it out in your life. You realize now the cost of your sin, and you are learning about forgiveness.
Isabelle Adair, I love you so much....Sometimes I really do wish you could stop growing so I could just savor these moments with you, as such a sweet little girl...but I also truly enjoying watching as you grow, learning who you are, learning how you think, watching you process the things of the world and putting them into God's perspective.
You are a GIFT! I love you, my sweet girl!
Happy Birthday, today, March 11, 2011!
"This is the day! This is the day, that the Lord has made, That the Lord has made! Let us rejoice! Let us rejoice! And be glad in it!" |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Multitudes on Monday (on Tuesday)
I really need to just change the title of this to suit my life, since I never seem to be able to post on Mondays. They are my busiest day of the week and it just never seems to happen...
But, there is always tomorrow, right? :)
Still counting God's goodness and His abundant gifts...
#'s 373 - 391
- smoothies on the beach
- Elvita praying for the second week in a row
- clean sheets
- clean bathrooms
- seeing and understanding more of You, Lord
- Your provision- our daily bread
- making disciples
- young people learning Your Word
- walking in Your Spirit
- Sharing stories of life with new friends (Sarah and Michaela)
- Izzy singing
- having a car that runs
- fans on a hot day
- cool, clean drinking water
- food in the fridge
- bananas
- Matt taking the time and having the ability to fix computer issues
- Your forgiveness, Father
- little minds learning
But, there is always tomorrow, right? :)
Still counting God's goodness and His abundant gifts...
#'s 373 - 391
- smoothies on the beach
- Elvita praying for the second week in a row
- clean sheets
- clean bathrooms
- seeing and understanding more of You, Lord
- Your provision- our daily bread
- making disciples
- young people learning Your Word
- walking in Your Spirit
- Sharing stories of life with new friends (Sarah and Michaela)
- Izzy singing
- having a car that runs
- fans on a hot day
- cool, clean drinking water
- food in the fridge
- bananas
- Matt taking the time and having the ability to fix computer issues
- Your forgiveness, Father
- little minds learning
Thursday, March 3, 2011
March 2011 Prayer Letter
Below is the test of the email we sent out today along with our March 2011 prayer letter.
Hello dear friends and family,
We write to you this month full of joy and bring you greetings from HOT Guanacaste! We are entering the hottest, dryest part of the year here and temperatures have been in the 90's -- most days the high 90's! The vast array of colors we usually see has settled into a mix of pale yellows and browns, with a few strong plants and flowers here and there that are able to survive the heat bursting with color. The best thing about this season is the ripening of the mangos! Our tree is loaded with them and in a few short weeks they will all be ripe and we will be enjoying fresh mangos daily!
The Lord has impressed on me (Brooke) the past few weeks how just how very much He cares for me, how very intricately He created me to be a joy for Him. How intimate our relationship is and how very dependant I am on Him. In the midst of studying prayer with the ladies of Calvary Chapel church, the Lord deeply spoke to me through the words of David:
" O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my sould thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." Psalm 63:1-5
When I sit in the morning and look at the mango tree, now full of green mangos, waiting to become rich, juicy ripe mangos, my lips can almost taste the rich fruit from the tree. Even more, though, is my desire for the Lord. These words from David accurately describe what is happening in my heart these days. Mangos are one of my most favorite food, one of the "richest of foods" for me. Yet even more so is sweet communion with the Lord, worship and praise of He who created us, and the wonderful, ceaseless love He has for us.
Attached to this email you'll find our March 2011 Prayer letter. Thank you for praying for us!
May you be satisfied today by the rich love of your Savior, Jesus.
In His grace,
Matt and Brooke :)
Hello dear friends and family,
We write to you this month full of joy and bring you greetings from HOT Guanacaste! We are entering the hottest, dryest part of the year here and temperatures have been in the 90's -- most days the high 90's! The vast array of colors we usually see has settled into a mix of pale yellows and browns, with a few strong plants and flowers here and there that are able to survive the heat bursting with color. The best thing about this season is the ripening of the mangos! Our tree is loaded with them and in a few short weeks they will all be ripe and we will be enjoying fresh mangos daily!
The Lord has impressed on me (Brooke) the past few weeks how just how very much He cares for me, how very intricately He created me to be a joy for Him. How intimate our relationship is and how very dependant I am on Him. In the midst of studying prayer with the ladies of Calvary Chapel church, the Lord deeply spoke to me through the words of David:
" O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my sould thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." Psalm 63:1-5
When I sit in the morning and look at the mango tree, now full of green mangos, waiting to become rich, juicy ripe mangos, my lips can almost taste the rich fruit from the tree. Even more, though, is my desire for the Lord. These words from David accurately describe what is happening in my heart these days. Mangos are one of my most favorite food, one of the "richest of foods" for me. Yet even more so is sweet communion with the Lord, worship and praise of He who created us, and the wonderful, ceaseless love He has for us.
Attached to this email you'll find our March 2011 Prayer letter. Thank you for praying for us!
May you be satisfied today by the rich love of your Savior, Jesus.
In His grace,
Matt and Brooke :)
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
Potter’s Field Kids (Las Manos del Alfarero)
After a rough few weeks of adjusting to losing several students due to varying circumstances and also learning of a major change in the public school schedule, we have started Potter’s Field Kids 2011! In Guanacaste, the elementary school-aged children have an alternating school schedule of morning and afternoon classes. One week they have all of their classes in the morning and the next week, they rotate to the afternoon schedule. This year, the new school director added one hour to both the morning and afternoon schedule, meaning the afternoon kids will be released and 5:40 PM on Monday-Wednesday. This changed everything for our schedule and we have adjusted and are now operating on a new schedule as well. We see half of the kids one week and the other half the next week and have Bible Club on Thursdays now and are able to keep it open to all the neighborhood kids as an outreach. This has been a surprise blessing as we now have smaller classes and much more one-on-one time with the kids. Almost half of the kids this year are new, so this helps tremendously in us getting to know them. We have also seen how God has opened up the doors in a new section of Villarreal.. Last year, almost all of the children from PFK were from the barrio where the church is located and now it seems God is expanding the territory of the ministry of Potter’s Field Kids. Please pray for these children to desire a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please pray that they would desire to grow in that relationship. Please pray for their understanding in studying God’s word. Please pray as we try to help them form a biblical worldview in a very lukewarm culture. Please pray for God to grow a fire in their hearts for Him and their desire to serve Him and please Him would be greater than any temptation the world may offer. Please pray specifically for the needs that each may have, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Please pray for those who have broken homes. Please pray for those whose homes are full of violence or abuse. Please pray specifically for the purity of each of these precious children, that they guard their hearts and eyes and ears. Please pray that entire families would come to the feet of Jesus.
For more information about Potter’s Field Ministries see If you’d like to pray for a specific child in the PFK after school ministry, please contact us for more information.
Please pray this month for our children. Please pray for protection from the evil of this world, for their purity, for their hearts and minds to be guarded, and for their faith to grow. Please pray especially for Ethan this month. Please pray for our time as a family to be special and set apart and filled with laughter. Pray for our marriage to continue to grow stronger and for us to continue to grow closer to Christ. Pray that we take every thought captive for Christ and that our feet be planted firmly in the Word of God. Pray for our hearts to be humbled and broken for the Lord. Pray that we demonstrate grace, mercy and kindness to those around us at all times. Pray this month for the FEPC mission team and that God’s will be done and His majesty been seen. Pray for a special time with members of our home church. Pray with us as we plan for our next visit to the States. Pray for specific time of rest while we are there, and also that we would be able to share God’s goodness and His work here in Costa Rica with many of you. Pray with us for the price of airfare, as it has almost doubled since our last trip back. Pray for Calvary Chapel Church to continue to be a light in the darkness. Pray for Pastor Phil and his family. Pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the men and women of the church.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Just a quick update and asking for prayer
So...time flies on...with our new schedule the weeks seem to go by quickly. We as a family are still working out the kinks of this new schedule and how tings work for us, but we move forward trusting in God to lead us and guide us.
Today was kind of a rough day. All three kids were tired and school was the last thing on their minds. Usually Ethan gets started early and is done quickly and waiting on me to do our group things. Today however, he was dragging. He was still up last night when I got home from Bible Study at 9:30 PM. He was reading and wanted to finish his book! (SOmetimes he is so much like me!) So I told him he had to sleep in until 8:00 am this morning to make up for staying up late.
I think he'd love to sleep in, but one thing about where we live and the life we live is that we are close with our neighbors...and living literally close means practically being a part of everything they do....even if that means they get up at 5:00 am...Ethan's window faces our neighbors house and he rarely sleeps in because of all the morning noises.
Most people are early risers here because they want to get their work done early before it gets really hot. They take a long break in the afternoon and often head back to work in the cooler afternoon and work until dark.
So i prayed he'd be able to sleep in this morning - and he was able to. But he woke up still tired. I knew it was going to be one of those days...
It didn't take long before I saw it coming. He sat down to do his math and watched his video and thoguht he understood thigns. Then he sat down to do it and had no idea....I had not checked the last two lessons yet and so I sat down to check them...trying to ignore the grumblings I was hearing from him. Well, he just broke down.
For the first time since we've lived here, he asked to go back 'home' to the States. It broke my heart. He has always considered here 'home.' So we began to talk and he opened up (Praise You Jesus, that he does open up to me!). It is just a tough time in his life now...entering what I guess is...puberty?!?!?! (Oh my! Can it really be happening already?) He is having to make tough choices about friends, learning about the cost of following Christ, and just trying to figure it all out right now...and I think he feels really out of place for the first time in his life.
He has always been a kid who goes with the flow, not worried about much, and just fit in wherever he went. That is mostly still all true, except for the first time ever, he really does not have a true close friend here. He is beginning to understand how different he is from the boys he has hung around with in our neighborhood (not different in looks or language or skin color...different because he chooses to follow Jesus). He has friends but they are all older than him, and some have distanced themselves since starting junior high, which is hard for him as well.
We pray for his purity and for his heart and mind to be guarded every day.
But it is still a tough time for him. Tonight, even though we have PFK, I stayed home with the girls and him, mae spaghetti and garlic bread, we watched a movie and I made popcorn, and Matt went and he and Victor and Sarah and Michaela held down the fort.
Sometimes, something has to give and we've decided it will never be our kids. They are too precious to waste opportunities like tonight.
So, if you are close with us and know Ethan - would you pray for him in these days? He'd really appreciate it...and so would his momma :)
The girls have been pretty sad this week, too. Our cat has gone missing...we haven't seen her in about two weeks. She came back to eat one day and left again and has never came back. They are both pretty dad...and we are too, actually. We've had her since we moved to CR...
Tonight Audrey asked me: "Mommy, if Gatita is dead, will you get me a new kitty?"
How am I gonna say no to that?
I am studying through the Lord's Prayer with the women of calvary chapel...what the Lord is doing is a mighty work in these ladies, including me. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit in ways I have never in all 12 years of being a Christian...and it is awesome! I am so thankful for this study and these ladies. I never could have imagined the friendship I have with so many of them. I am so thankful to be here in these days!
Well, just a little bit about what is going on...
Be blessed...
Today was kind of a rough day. All three kids were tired and school was the last thing on their minds. Usually Ethan gets started early and is done quickly and waiting on me to do our group things. Today however, he was dragging. He was still up last night when I got home from Bible Study at 9:30 PM. He was reading and wanted to finish his book! (SOmetimes he is so much like me!) So I told him he had to sleep in until 8:00 am this morning to make up for staying up late.
I think he'd love to sleep in, but one thing about where we live and the life we live is that we are close with our neighbors...and living literally close means practically being a part of everything they do....even if that means they get up at 5:00 am...Ethan's window faces our neighbors house and he rarely sleeps in because of all the morning noises.
Most people are early risers here because they want to get their work done early before it gets really hot. They take a long break in the afternoon and often head back to work in the cooler afternoon and work until dark.
So i prayed he'd be able to sleep in this morning - and he was able to. But he woke up still tired. I knew it was going to be one of those days...
It didn't take long before I saw it coming. He sat down to do his math and watched his video and thoguht he understood thigns. Then he sat down to do it and had no idea....I had not checked the last two lessons yet and so I sat down to check them...trying to ignore the grumblings I was hearing from him. Well, he just broke down.
For the first time since we've lived here, he asked to go back 'home' to the States. It broke my heart. He has always considered here 'home.' So we began to talk and he opened up (Praise You Jesus, that he does open up to me!). It is just a tough time in his life now...entering what I guess is...puberty?!?!?! (Oh my! Can it really be happening already?) He is having to make tough choices about friends, learning about the cost of following Christ, and just trying to figure it all out right now...and I think he feels really out of place for the first time in his life.
He has always been a kid who goes with the flow, not worried about much, and just fit in wherever he went. That is mostly still all true, except for the first time ever, he really does not have a true close friend here. He is beginning to understand how different he is from the boys he has hung around with in our neighborhood (not different in looks or language or skin color...different because he chooses to follow Jesus). He has friends but they are all older than him, and some have distanced themselves since starting junior high, which is hard for him as well.
We pray for his purity and for his heart and mind to be guarded every day.
But it is still a tough time for him. Tonight, even though we have PFK, I stayed home with the girls and him, mae spaghetti and garlic bread, we watched a movie and I made popcorn, and Matt went and he and Victor and Sarah and Michaela held down the fort.
Sometimes, something has to give and we've decided it will never be our kids. They are too precious to waste opportunities like tonight.
So, if you are close with us and know Ethan - would you pray for him in these days? He'd really appreciate it...and so would his momma :)
The girls have been pretty sad this week, too. Our cat has gone missing...we haven't seen her in about two weeks. She came back to eat one day and left again and has never came back. They are both pretty dad...and we are too, actually. We've had her since we moved to CR...
Tonight Audrey asked me: "Mommy, if Gatita is dead, will you get me a new kitty?"
How am I gonna say no to that?
I am studying through the Lord's Prayer with the women of calvary chapel...what the Lord is doing is a mighty work in these ladies, including me. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit in ways I have never in all 12 years of being a Christian...and it is awesome! I am so thankful for this study and these ladies. I never could have imagined the friendship I have with so many of them. I am so thankful to be here in these days!
Well, just a little bit about what is going on...
Be blessed...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Multitudes on Monday...
posted on Tuesday :) due to lack of internet yesterdsay...
As I continue counting the great gifts God continues to bless me with, the many, innumerable ways in which He lavishes His love on me, I feel it deep...the change happening. I feel my heart changing in the deep dark places. I feel that 'old man' finally dying away. I begin to understand how freeing this new life in Christ really is. I realize I don't have to carry around that old baggage any more.
Daily I sit, daily I count the blessings, the gifts, and know they will never end.
#'s 340 - 368
Sugey and Tamara- giggling cousins
Maberick's smile
Michaela and Sarah and 7 kids and our family for a day at the beach
Gabriela- sweet girl seeking You, father
Gustavo jumping off Matt's shoulders into the ocean
Matt and Rafa talking
Eddy, rafa and Ethan hanging out
Michaela and Sarah with all the kids
Gustavo in the waves, laughing and telling jokes
Audrey sitting withme in the sand in the shallow pool
Michaela finding a sand dollar and giving it to Audrey
ice cream for all the kids! after 4 hours at the beach
The Sound of Music
Ethan asking to serve in the nursery
Surprise of Elvita and Dinorah and the whole family coming to church, Ernesto and Ana, too! Praise You Jesus!
group 2 of PFK
breezy morning
witnessing the majesty of Christ and the mystery of the Holy Spirit
solid teaching of the Word- the Lord speaking truth into my heart
unexpected gifts of love from a sweet friend
a full church
the happy giggly smiles of girls, boys just being kids
kids being themselves- Cindy, Hecotr, our kids
sweet times of prayer, the privilege to pray for a friend
seeing kids clean their plates
Michaela running, sweating, happily playing with the PFK kids
seeing youth with a purpose- God's purpose for their lives and follwoing it...
trusting, sweet peace, of God's will and plan and provision (mission team)
sweetly sleeping sisters
Will you begin counting God's countless gifts today?
As I continue counting the great gifts God continues to bless me with, the many, innumerable ways in which He lavishes His love on me, I feel it deep...the change happening. I feel my heart changing in the deep dark places. I feel that 'old man' finally dying away. I begin to understand how freeing this new life in Christ really is. I realize I don't have to carry around that old baggage any more.
Daily I sit, daily I count the blessings, the gifts, and know they will never end.
#'s 340 - 368
Sugey and Tamara- giggling cousins
Maberick's smile
Michaela and Sarah and 7 kids and our family for a day at the beach
Gabriela- sweet girl seeking You, father
Gustavo jumping off Matt's shoulders into the ocean
Matt and Rafa talking
Eddy, rafa and Ethan hanging out
Michaela and Sarah with all the kids
Gustavo in the waves, laughing and telling jokes
Audrey sitting withme in the sand in the shallow pool
Michaela finding a sand dollar and giving it to Audrey
ice cream for all the kids! after 4 hours at the beach
The Sound of Music
Ethan asking to serve in the nursery
Surprise of Elvita and Dinorah and the whole family coming to church, Ernesto and Ana, too! Praise You Jesus!
group 2 of PFK
breezy morning
witnessing the majesty of Christ and the mystery of the Holy Spirit
solid teaching of the Word- the Lord speaking truth into my heart
unexpected gifts of love from a sweet friend
a full church
the happy giggly smiles of girls, boys just being kids
kids being themselves- Cindy, Hecotr, our kids
sweet times of prayer, the privilege to pray for a friend
seeing kids clean their plates
Michaela running, sweating, happily playing with the PFK kids
seeing youth with a purpose- God's purpose for their lives and follwoing it...
trusting, sweet peace, of God's will and plan and provision (mission team)
sweetly sleeping sisters
Will you begin counting God's countless gifts today?
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