A new decade? Yes, it is.
A new me? That is yet to be determined...
However, my focus is new and the promise is forever true:
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV (emphasis and italics, mine)
It is time to stop living in the old life and begin anew, living as the new creation that I am in Christ.
ALL things have become new.
Why do we(I) Christians, little Christs, continue living in the old life, as if we have not been changed eternally, as if we have not become a new creation in Christ Jesus?
For me, this is one of the biggest sin-issues I have in my life (yes, there are more than one...). I continue to live as the old person I was before Christ saved me and washed me and cleansed me.
I walk in defeat mode, not fully living in the glory of the Lord, as a dear friend reminded me last night at church.
"You must believe in faith, trusting, approaching the throne with confidence, Brooke."
Have become.
become: v. to come to be; to change into (Mr. Webster)
Have become- has changed into
The change has happened. It is done- whether I like it or want to admit it or accept it...Or not.
A new creation I am...and this promise I will cling to in this new year.
A new focus. Yes, this I do have.
This year of 2011, it is my desire to conquer, and thus kick out for good, the defeat that exists in our family. It is my deep, driving desire to replace that ugly, stingy, bully (defeat) with the beautiful, graceful much desired JOY.
To do this, we must be intentional about giving thanks, and that, my faithful friends, is my new focus.
This is my desire for our entire family to share in this with me, but it the Lord directly speaking to me that is the fuel for this fire lit within. And, therfore, it must start with me.
The Lord is speaking to me. At times, in my self-centered old-man way of living, I don't want to listen.
I am listening now, Lord. I am listening.
"Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2
I am beginning to understand my old-man way of living stems from my desire to live my way, not God's way. Sometimes, they are one in the same. Many times, they are not.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD." Isaiah 55:8
I walk in my own way, follow my own fleshly desires, and therefore, live like the old-man did before Christ made me into the new creation I am. The old-man was selfish, bad-tempered, fearful, and easily angered. The new creation is nothing like that old-man.
"Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, " 2 Corinthians 5:18
Webster's lists as synonyms for reconcile the following: adapt, adjust, accomodate, conform. Then further defines reconcile as: "implies the demonstration of the underlying consistency or congruity of things that seems to be incompatible."
Christ's work in me has made the once incompatible old-man forever compatible with the One True God.
I am forever a new creation of God, eternally in agreement with God.
And it is my desire to desmonstrate my unending thanks for this eternal gift I have been given in 2011.
And so begins a time of healing, continued cleansing and purifying, in the midst of the heat, on the Potter's wheel, allowing the Master Potter to perfect His masterpiece (workmanship, Ephesians 2:10).
"And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish
and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.
Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. " Matthew 14:19
More prayer, focused thanksgiving, revealing joy, kicking out defeat.
Our own Lord, when even He was seemingly short on resources, looked to the source, to Him who put Him in the very situation, and gave thanks.
And the story goes on to say, you all know, that all were satisfied. Over 5000 men, not counting the women ands children, and the disciples collected 12 baskets of leftovers!
Jesus had 5 loaves and 2 fish, a thankful heart, and the faith to trust in His Father to provide.
And He did.
And they were full.
I want to be full in 2011.
I know that I won't be full until I know true joy. I know that true joy will come from a thankful heart, dedicated to praying without ceasing.
Praying before, during, after, IN ALL THINGS.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
I have been greatly challenged in the past month by a woman whom I do not know, but feel a deep connection simply because of so many similarities between her heart journey with the Lord and mine.
I have recently purchased her book, One Thousand Gifts, and am just being eaten away, chewed up and then spit out, only to have it done again and again to me.
Her story is raw. She is real. And her King is The Almighty and His work in her life is one of reconciliation- an act of making two seemingly incompatible things beautifully compatible.
And it all started for her by giving thanks.
And so...for me it will begin as well.
Today I start a year of giving thanks. Seeking joy. Choosing grace. Finding HIM along the way.
1000 gifts
#'s 5 - 12
5. 6 year old belly laughs
6. snuggling on the couch with Audrey, watching a movie
7. tickle times
8. Christmas cards in the mail
9. Sweet kisses from Isa
10. puppy kisses, 'Daisy scarves'
11. hugs from Ethan
12. luxurious giggles from an 8 year old princess
Won't you join me on Mondays, sharing your thanks as well.
Watch the joy that happens in your heart, in your life, and in your family.
If the privelege is mine that Ann might read this-
#13 - the book by Ann Voskamp
Thank you, Ann, for sharing your story with the world...one thanks at a time.
Do you have Ann's book? I know I would love it, but still thinking about getting it.
And friend, a while ago you offered to send us some Salsa Lizano ... we would love it.
Email me bedenkop at gmail dot com and I will send you our address.
I am learning already this year, that when people want to leave me a loveprint, I need to accept.
Just sent you an email my friend- THANK you for the opportunity to serve you in this way!
Many thanks for sharing your life and being such an encouragement to me!
Brooke :)
Found your blog through Ann and look forward to following your family's journey....giggles and puppy kisses are some of my favorite things too!
Melissa- thanks for stopping by...and joining in our journey!
Brooke :)
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