Here are some pictures of the rain...
This is our river...I mean road...when it rains (sorry for the poor quality)
And these are of around our home...
The rainy season is Costa Rica's winter season. We were told there is not much of a temperature change between the winter and the summer seasons so we were prepared for more of the same old heat...But we have been remarkably surprised in the many days where the temperature has dropped into the 80's and the humidity has dropped as well. It has been a welcome relief from the 100 plus degree days we were having before we left for the states.
The rain or the change in temperature or maybe both has brought new visitors to our humble abode...some of whom have been welcome, others, well, not so much...
This cute lizard iguana was watching me hang the laundry this morning...
This mama spider had made her nest and her babies were born on the cord of my dryer. I grabbed the cord to plug it in and broke the nest, therefore releasing all the babies and the mama...eeewww...But check out the crazy design on her back- yeah- it's a cross...
For one day, Izzy had her dream come true of having a least she could pretend :)
And one day she caught this brown lizard and kept him and fed him, but she let him go at the end of the day...She named him Brownie :)
Because it is winter, life is a little different here now. I've noticed that sicknesses have set in, colds are being spread around, not as much outside work gets done (because it is wet and raining most of the time) and people sleep later in the morning. One morning, while the East Hill team was here, I needed my electric skillet to make pancakes and I had left it next door the night before because Dinora had used it in cooking the supper for the team. Dona Elvita is always awake at 5:30 and usually out working or cooking or doing laundry so I wasn't worried ab out getting it back. But that morning they all had slept in - no one was out and it seemed no one was stirring in the house. I felt horrible calling and I know I woke up Ana, but they graciously brought it over to me. Later they talked about how they just don't want to get up especially when it is rainy or the sun isn't out first thing in the morning. Despite being a tropical climate and it still being warm, it is funny to me the similarities in winter-time living no matte where you are.
Even the ever-present howler monkeys had been on what seemed to be a period of hibernation. The East Hill team saw some of them though while they were here, which was cool for them. this morning it was incredibly sunny and the temperature was up surely near 95....and they were out. They'd come by to hang out, it appeared. I even caught a couple glimpses of a baby hanging around :)
We, too, have felt the effects of the rain in our family. The kids, who have grown so accustomed to being outside ALL day long don't so much like being inside when it rains. The girls came up with a creative way to sit outside and catch some QT with the dogs and the neighbor boy...
Mostly, we are in a season of change in many things. Change in 'grades' (if we actually kept track of that :) ) but also some changes in ministry. We are seeing the church leaders take hold of discipleship and begin reproducing, which is totally the Lord and totally awesome. And so, in that, we seek the Lord again, as to His will for our lives. We feel the Holy Spirit working and in no way feel Him leading us elsewhere, yet we feel a change in direction coming. As we seek His face, He changes us and molds us, teaches us and draws us to him. It is a completely uncomfortable thing at times, to be made into something you previously were not...but exhilarating at the same time. It feels so wonderful to abide in Him, to be taught by Him. Yet, even in the midst of intimate time with my Creator, the enemy's whispers can be heard. The doubt and fear surface, the inadequacies and weaknesses begin bubbling up and excuses form.
But then, He that is within me, He that is stronger than he that is in this world, strengthens me with His word, reminds me that where HE needs me to be is in that very spot of weakness so He can shine, so the Glory can be His, so His power may be made known and His Spirit allowed to work.
I am encouraged by His word, strengthened through prayer, renewed as I listen for His voice, transformed as I wait on Him.
When we were in the states and had the pleasure of staying at Conehaven in southern Georgia, there was a little plaque on the cabin wall that said, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." Isabelle liked it so much, she copied it down in her journal. I thought about that today as it rained. It was more than just a rain, as thunder and lightening accompanied the heavy downfall. Lucy, our Labrador, is terrified of storms and loud noises in general. Before we adopted her, the vet told us that we'd most likely need to buy her some pills to give to her when it stormed. I tried some natural remedy when we got her, but it did nothing for her. But what does calm her is allowing her to be inside with us. She simply comes in, sits on the floor beside one of us, generally near me, and falls asleep. It is as if there is nothing in the world happening around her, if only she can be near us as it storms. And then I thought about when Jesus and the disciples were on the boat (Thanks Janene for that book - amazingly great timing for giving it to us!) and how He slept in the midst of a horrendous storm. And the disciples quivered in fear. They were right there with him as He slept, their Savior their King, yet they were full of fear.
We can hover and cower in fear during the difficult times of life; we can become paralyzed with fear when a decision needs to be made; we can simply shut down when it all just gets too tough...OR we can bask in the glory of our LORD Jesus, rest in the safety of His arms and trust in Him to lift us and carry us and lead us through life.
I love the scene in the movie The Notebook (not an endorsement for the movie in any way...just a chick flick I happen to like), where Noah and Ally are on the lake in his boat and it is so peaceful and serene and all the geese are around them. then out of nowhere the rain starts and then the storm. Ally tries to keep dry but her efforts are worthless. Then she just gives up, throws her head back and laughs.
Isn't that the way we should be with Christ. Shouldn't we just let go and throw our head back and let Him lead, whether it is raining, pouring, storming or a bright sun-shiney day?
And also, shouldn't we learn to come close to him, to lay at His feet, and rest, without a care or a worry, as our dog Lucy does when she is scared. Isn't that what He asks us to do,
"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
I wanna learn to dance with my Savior. I love the rain. The sound it makes on the tin roof. The way it makes all things grow. The way it makes things green.
I'm tired of waiting for the storms to pass, hiding out. I wanna make the most of it...put on my rain boots, take my chair out, carry the umbrella and BE...just like my two sweet girls showed me today!
Won't you join me?
Wow. It's amazing, and beautiful, how different everything is during the rainy season. I looked at some of my pictures from March and was astounded to see how everything changes! I wish I could experience it in person! :P Hope you guys are doing well, and I'm really looking forward to the Spring Break trip next year! Praying for you guys! - David Adams
Hi! Thanks for your comment! Yes, it has changed dramatically around here! You should totally come some time during rainy season- the river is awesome to go through now that it is full! :) Thank you for your prayers and WE hope to see you back here, too!!!
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