I think I've done pretty well considering the barrage of varied insects that feel the need to co-habitate with me in my home.
This week though, we've had a number of incidents that I would have been just fine having never had experienced them.
Matt pulled down the suitcases so we could get them ready for our trip to the states. we had to decide which ones to take and then let them air out (it is really humid here and it is just good to do that before using them again). He had placed them on the bed in the morning and I did not get to them until that evening. The kids were watching a video before bed and Matt was gone to his discipleship groups. I went to open the first suitcase and I heard this buzzing noise. I grabbed the suitcase from the bed, not knowing what was in there, but feeling certain I needed to get that suitcase out of the house, I hollered "OPEN the door!!!" Immediately all three kids jumped up and them...all three of them FROZE! I ended up opening the door and throwing down the suitcase and began to weigh my options. The best option by far was to leave the suitcase there, walk to the door, go inside, close the door and leave the suitcase and its contents for Matt when he got home! :) But, I decided I could tackle it. So I carefully and calmly unzipped it and lifted back the lid and, as the sound of the buzzing continued to grow, what did my eyes find? A suitcase full of the largest flying ants I have ever seen! It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen! There must have been 1000 ants in that suitcase- huge wasp sized ants with large wings. They began flying all around. I ran in and grabbed the Mata Todo (Kills it all!) which, doesn't by the way, kill it all! I began spraying, trying not to ingest the fumes...and slowly but surely they began dying off and finally all were dead. After they were all dead, I left it open and on the porch, for my husband to clean out! :) Which he kindly did the nest day. What a yucky disgusting mess. It ended up being one huge nest. UUGGGHH!
About two weeks ago, Isabelle and Audrey were playing with Isabelle's tea set. They had these four little white balls- they looked like little eggs or oversized NERDS candy or something. I asked what they were and they said they didn't know. They had found them inside the basket that holds Isabelle's tea set. They were in one of the tea cups. Well, two of them were pinkish and two were blue. One of them fell as we were looking at them and cracked open . And a dead baby lizard fell out! They were lizard eggs! How a lizard got into this basket (it has a lid and a slide lock on it and was closed with the lock) and laid these eggs I have no idea. But one did. So, one baby died and it had been one of the blue eggs. So we decided to keep the others in a bowl and watch to see if they hatched. Well, a few days later, we saw the blue egg moving and so we all gathered around and eventually a baby lizard broke out of the egg! That was pretty cool! We let him go after watching him for a little bit, although Isabelle wanted to keep him! One other egg has gotten broken since then but now the final remaining egg is blue and looks to be ready to hatch any day now.
A few nights ago, Reina was barking so loudly I went outside to see what was going on. She will "alert" us to scorpions, spiders or other things that are crawling on the porch- she's good like that! ;) So, I go out there and see this HUGE beetle with these massive pincers on it. NASTY! I tried to smash it with a shoe and it didn't even phase it. I ended up repeating it about 50 times and it finally killed it. YUCK!
A few weeks ago now, I killed a baby scorpion in our sink! With a random kitchen knife and fork!
And tonight, the whopper of all experience happened! No kidding- this tops it all! Matt opened the front door to take the dogs some scraps and before he could even take the first step he saw something on the ground outside the door. He stepped over it before he realized it was a snake! It then slithered right on into our living room!!!! Ethan ran to get the machete, Matt calls for the broom and I in my ever-so-helpful nature jump on the nearest chair! :) Heeheehee...always ready to help! I did think to get the kids to close their bedroom doors so that it will not get into any of the rooms. All from my spot on the chair :) Matt grabbed the broom and swished it out the front door, which it did fairly quickly in its slithering kind of way. Eehhhh...eeewwwww......YUCK! Well, by the time Ethan found the machete and the flashlight and was outside, I decided it was safe to get down and ran to get the camera. Passed it off to Matt and back to the chair :) they were not able to catch it- it was too fast but they did get some pictures...trying to look it up...I sure hope it was not poisonous...
Really, snakes? Do they have to be here, too?
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