One of my favorite times of the day is laying with her while she falls asleep. Since she was a baby, she has never wanted to be cuddle or rocked to sleep. She has always been a child who would just lay down on her own and go to sleep. However, shortly before we moved, she began wanting us to lay or sit with her until she fell asleep. Once we got here, we've cherished these times. Admittedly there ar times when even in these moements she pushes our buttons...asking to get a drink, then go to the bathroom for the 8th time...but for the most part is one of the sweetest moments of the day to have her ask me to rub her belly or her leg (there is always a part of her that needs "rubbed.") Then she sings her little sleepy song that she has sang since she was a baby or she sighs really long and loud and then she is out.
The other day, before she fell asleep, she leaned over and asked "I'm a good girl, Mommy?" And I said "Yes, Baby, you are a good girl." Then she said, "But Sissy's not...?" And I said "Sissy is a good girl, too. God gave Mommy and Daddy two good girls." Then she asked, "But Sissy get in trouble sometimes?" "Yes, Sissy gets in trouble sometimes, but so do you and so does Bubby. Even Mommy does stuff I shouldn't do sometimes. Everyone does." Then she said, "Yeah Mommy, you got your stuff, too."
At that moment I wanted to laugh and that cuteness of her comment but also thought of how true it is. Yes, we all have our "stuff" that we do that we shouldn't do. Audrey is so right.
Praise the Lord for his grace and mercy that he bestows on us that come to him, broken and dirty, wanting desperately to learn to walk again.
Within the last week, Matt and I have really searched out what the Lord wants from us right now in these moments. We realized how little time we were really putting into our family and how much time we were taking to focus on a slew of other things. So, we have spent the past week really taking the time to focus on each other and the kids. It has really been a great week. Yesterday, we all slept in a little and later in the morning all went to the feria together for the first time. Matt played with the kids at the park while I did most of the shopping. Then we spent the afternoon getting some much needed organizing and cleaning out of some things done and getting caught up on some other things. We spent the whole day together though and it was good.
Please join us in actively praying against the attacks of the enemy in areas like our marriage and our family. Please pray that we open our eyes to the "stuff" we hold on to that allows the enemy a foothold in our lives.
We are so thankful to all of you who keep in touch with us and read our blog and the ministry website- whopray for us daily, weekly or when the Holy Spirit prompts. Thank you for your investment in our lives.
The moments I treasure are the moments where we share family time :-) Luckily I have a girl that LOVES to cuddle! We snuggle, even at church. During worship times, there are moments when she wraps her arms around me, and I put my chin on her head, and we worship the Lord together. I LOVE these moments! I told her that even when she's 35, she is still required to hold my hand when we walk down the street :-) I love the children that God has allowed us to borrow for the moment. Erin
I love you and your Audrey so much! I am thankful everyday that you post a blog that allows me to always read about the lives of you, your amazing family, and the amazing community you are living in.
I love you all and miss you so much, especially those kids! Pass hugs and kisses all around.
Esto es un placer de leer su blog.
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