GOOD NEWS!!! Audrey has decided she is ready to go to the potty all by herself and has also decided that she does not want to wear diapers anymore...Praise the Lord! So, we recently had a "potty party" to celebrate this momentous occasion in her life :) (And to celebrate the extra money we'll save now that we are officially free of buying diapers!!!) We had cupcakes and Isabelle made a special card for her little sister and Audrey even got new big girl panties!!! The following picture is her with her new undies and the card Isabelle made her.
The next several pictures are from a couple weeks ago. Matt and I took the kids to a park a few blocks from our apartment and spent the morning there. There is a playground, soccer field and a very large area full of beautiful trees, flowers and lots of ducks. It was a relaxing and fun morning.
This is Ethan being adventurous and trying to get as close to the ducks as possible. He is about 2 feet from this one.
What can I say about our little girl other than isn't she beautiful? I LOVE this picture of her :)
Here are some monkeys we saw lurking in this mini tropical forest. :)
I love this picture , too :) Across the pond there were about 6 ducklings. A couple of them would occasionally wonder off and the park guard would go and get the little one and take him back to his mother :) It was very sweet.
This was taken at the edge of the park. You can see the streets of San Francisco (our little community) in the background.
This last picture was taken in Los Guido. I just love the way the clouds are settled around the mountains. This is actually just outside of Los Guido- there is no road like this one in Los Guido. It is amazing that you actually drive for awhile on a road that is barely recognizable as a road due to the enormous potholes amidst the mud, and then you turn a corner and come upon this paved, lined road that actually dead ends. It is crazy...and something that you have to see to believe!
We are so blessed to be able to see bits of such beautiful creation right outside our door. From time to time I long for a view of the turning leaves and golden fields of corn and wheat that make Indiana home, but I love being able to see these beautiful mountains every day! Just today as Audrey and I were walking homefrom school, we had a great view of the mountains from the top of the hill. It looked as if God was smiling right in a small valley- the suns rays were shining right in the middle of two peaks and it was so beautiful. Our God has such an awesome imagination to have created things as beautiful as this :)
Have a great weekend!
Thank you Father for allowing us such beautiful creation to live in every single day!
Brother Matt,
Great to hear from you! God has us both in a mission field of sorts;
I am doing prison ministry now. Went to Nashville,TN this summer & rode my motorcycle inside the prisons!Have gone into 2 different Indiana prisons for 3 day spiritual retreats. Am going to lead one in April. You are all in my prayers. My best to Brooke & kids.
Be Blessed
YAY AUDREY!!! I am so excited!!!! I cant believe it, she is growing up soooo fast! :)
I miss you guys!
I love each and every one of you soo much! Please dont forget me!
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