Hi! Just a quick note to let you know that we have a team here this week. Two teams actually...first time for Mark and Meg. A team from East White Oak church in Carlock, Illinois arrived Friday and will be here through Saturday morning. It is only Tuesday, but WOW! is all I can say for the ways God is using this team and the ways he is working through them! I will blog more but I have a million things to do today and not near enough time to do them...Matt and I spent the day away from school yesterday to go into Tejarcillos with the team for a workl project. It was a day of hard work and difficult things to see. But oh the things the Lord is teaching Matt and I and the ways he is directing us. It seems that the Lord is revealing to both Matt and I at least a small part of his plan for our family at the same time. (More will come about that as well later...)
So, please pray for the EWO team as well as the New Hope Fellowship and West Valley Bible Church team. The second team is made of of Mark's parents, another couple and a the son-in-law of the second couple. How fun to get to know Mark's parents. They have been so encouraging already. They are here to assist with the organizing and wrapping of the over 200 presents for the members of the discipleships groups. The next few weks begin a time of celebration, as each group will have their own Christmas party. Each memeber will receive a gift- for most the only gift they will receive and some - maybe the first ever received.
Pray for stamina for the days remaining- the days have been long and tiring but it is the kind of tired you want to be after a day of serving the Lord.
Anyway, you can also pray tonight for Matt- he will be giving the evening devotion for the teams. Pray that God gives him the words to say and that in all things God receives the glory.
PS: Check out the website www.clfcostarica.com for the team blogs and pictures :)
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
I woke up this morning and thought, "Hmmm, Happy Thanksgiving?" It just doesn't feel like it...Walking home from school in the warmth of the summer (it is casi casi [almost] summer here) sun and thought, "This is just strange- it does not feel like Thanksgiving!" then we got home and I started preparing the food I had volunteered to bring for dinner with our team and started getting homesick. I was trying to make corn casserole (We found some Jiffy cornbread mix stowed away in Meg's cabinet- Praise the Lord!- because you cannot buy it anywhere here!) and it was not getting done and I was also trying to make Oreo pudding without cool whip- because that, too is not available anywhere here- except the can kind...and we all know that is just not the same...So, anyway, I am getting worried about the casserole being very jiggly in the middle after over 1 hour of cooking and also about how the Oreo dessert will turn out with my substitution of whipping cream instead of cool whip...and then we are running a little late...But, God is so good and full of grace. After we walked across the courtyard to Mark and Meg's where we were having dinner, I walked in the door and the smell of Thanksgiving filled my nostrils and I felt so at peace. Our friend Carol had made homemade noodles, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, we had rolls, somewhat like green bean casserole (without the fried onions- can't find those here...) sweet potatoes...pretty much the basic Thanksgiving meal- even turkey (Carol bought one for the tune of about $30- let me tell you it was worth it)! I loved it! It felt so good to have all the good eats!
Meg is in the states visiting her mom, so it was Mark and the girls, Melinda and her roommate Noemy, Alex, Stan and Carol, Matt and I and the kids and a teacher friend of mine, Alejandra. It was really a great day. After lunch, we called back home to talk with our family- which was so good!
We cannot really put into words what it is like to be away from everyone we love and care about- those of you who have been our support for so long...it is tough.
Today the Lord showed us that no matter where we are in the world, how far away we are from those we love the most, he will always provide brothers and sisters in Christ to demonstrate his love for us. We had such a good time getting to know each other. Matt and the kids enjoyed a good game of Clue (the kids have realized their fascination with this game - just like I have always been ;) It was really neat to have fellowship with Ticas (Costa Ricans) as well.
We miss you and love you all. We thank you for your prayers for us pray you find comfort knowing that God is providing for us family and showing his love to us through so many of his children every day! We are thankful for all of you and for those the Lord has allowed us the opportunity to share this part of our lives with here.
Happy Thanksgiving!
By the way, the corn casserole turned out fabulous and Ethan said the dirt pudding was the best he'd ever tasted! WOHOO!!!
Thank you Lord for this day. I am so thankful for you Lord, my Creator and my Savior. I am so thankful for your Son Jesus and for the way you manifest yourself into our daily lives. I am thankful for the feelings of "home" and "family" today. Father, I praise you for the great things you are doing in Costa Rica, in so many places in Costa Rica, and in so many hearts of those around me and even those I don't know, but have only heard their stories. Thank you for living through my children. Thank you for their friends in school. Thank you for the light in their eyes- you reflected in them. I love you and I trust you in all things. In Christ's name I pray, Amen.
Meg is in the states visiting her mom, so it was Mark and the girls, Melinda and her roommate Noemy, Alex, Stan and Carol, Matt and I and the kids and a teacher friend of mine, Alejandra. It was really a great day. After lunch, we called back home to talk with our family- which was so good!
We cannot really put into words what it is like to be away from everyone we love and care about- those of you who have been our support for so long...it is tough.
Today the Lord showed us that no matter where we are in the world, how far away we are from those we love the most, he will always provide brothers and sisters in Christ to demonstrate his love for us. We had such a good time getting to know each other. Matt and the kids enjoyed a good game of Clue (the kids have realized their fascination with this game - just like I have always been ;) It was really neat to have fellowship with Ticas (Costa Ricans) as well.
We miss you and love you all. We thank you for your prayers for us pray you find comfort knowing that God is providing for us family and showing his love to us through so many of his children every day! We are thankful for all of you and for those the Lord has allowed us the opportunity to share this part of our lives with here.
Happy Thanksgiving!
By the way, the corn casserole turned out fabulous and Ethan said the dirt pudding was the best he'd ever tasted! WOHOO!!!
Thank you Lord for this day. I am so thankful for you Lord, my Creator and my Savior. I am so thankful for your Son Jesus and for the way you manifest yourself into our daily lives. I am thankful for the feelings of "home" and "family" today. Father, I praise you for the great things you are doing in Costa Rica, in so many places in Costa Rica, and in so many hearts of those around me and even those I don't know, but have only heard their stories. Thank you for living through my children. Thank you for their friends in school. Thank you for the light in their eyes- you reflected in them. I love you and I trust you in all things. In Christ's name I pray, Amen.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Volcan Arenal
We spent the weekend at the Los Lagos resort, which is located at the base of Volcan Arenal (an active volcano here in Costa Rica). The volcano is active, but we stayed on the INactive side. The scenery was beautiful. Although the clouds hid the volcano until the bus ride home, it was a wonderful weekend. The hotel owns a massive amount of land so there was so much to do and see right there on sight. It was great. There were many, many pools- both cold water and those fed by the hot springs that run from the volcano. (KJ- you would LOVE these pools!!!) So the girls and I spent most of our time in the pools (the hot springs ones ;). There was a large water slide in the large hot springs pool and all of us enjoyed it. The boys enjoyed the cool water pools and the slides for those. And Matt and Ethan both conquered the Canopy- the zip line that runs through the hotel property. I have a ton of pictures that I do not have time to post right now- they will come later. For now, here are a few.
This was taken on the trip there. We stopped at a Catholic church and this was one of many shrub sculptures that were in the gardens surrounding the church.
Here are a few of Ethan on the zip line...
The road you see in the picture runs through the grounds. It is amazing the areas they went through!
Can you believe this? He loved it!
Mateo having fun flying like Superman!
Here is a picture of one of the many animals that freely roam the grounds. There were so many of these howler monkeys. You could hear them making their "howl" during the day and the night. They were pretty cool!
Here is another animal that (not so freely-thankfully!) roamed the grounds. There was a crocodile farm where many crocs hung out. We were actually standing about two feet away from this one (behind a nice and secure chain link fence...)
There was also a frog farm and butterfly garden- sorry no pics yet...BUt the kids loved it!
It was a much needed respite from school and our small cozy apartment. I was reminded of the amazing imagination of our God- the vast expanse of all creation and the beauty and magnificence of this land he has given us to live on.
This was the view from our back patio. Amazing!
On the way home, we stopped at a restaurant that attracts many tourists because there are literally hundreds of iguanas just hanging out around the restaurant and the surrounding area. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it. You could actually get close enought to touch the iguanas - and some actually did! Ethan and Isabelle were actually brave enough to feed one- I'll post pictures later...here are a few for now!
These kids got close enough to touch this iguana!
This is one of hundreds roaming around.
A weekend away like this has always been few and far between for us- so the ones we get are always memorable! We are so blessed to have this opportunity to live in such a beautiful country! Gracias a Dios!
I took this on the way home. What a beautiful way to end the day!
This was taken on the trip there. We stopped at a Catholic church and this was one of many shrub sculptures that were in the gardens surrounding the church.
Here are a few of Ethan on the zip line...
The road you see in the picture runs through the grounds. It is amazing the areas they went through!
Can you believe this? He loved it!
Mateo having fun flying like Superman!
Here is a picture of one of the many animals that freely roam the grounds. There were so many of these howler monkeys. You could hear them making their "howl" during the day and the night. They were pretty cool!
Here is another animal that (not so freely-thankfully!) roamed the grounds. There was a crocodile farm where many crocs hung out. We were actually standing about two feet away from this one (behind a nice and secure chain link fence...)
There was also a frog farm and butterfly garden- sorry no pics yet...BUt the kids loved it!
It was a much needed respite from school and our small cozy apartment. I was reminded of the amazing imagination of our God- the vast expanse of all creation and the beauty and magnificence of this land he has given us to live on.
This was the view from our back patio. Amazing!
On the way home, we stopped at a restaurant that attracts many tourists because there are literally hundreds of iguanas just hanging out around the restaurant and the surrounding area. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it. You could actually get close enought to touch the iguanas - and some actually did! Ethan and Isabelle were actually brave enough to feed one- I'll post pictures later...here are a few for now!
These kids got close enough to touch this iguana!
This is one of hundreds roaming around.
A weekend away like this has always been few and far between for us- so the ones we get are always memorable! We are so blessed to have this opportunity to live in such a beautiful country! Gracias a Dios!
I took this on the way home. What a beautiful way to end the day!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Hi! Once again I thought I'd update with some random pictures of several different events lately: ENJOY!!! :)
GOOD NEWS!!! Audrey has decided she is ready to go to the potty all by herself and has also decided that she does not want to wear diapers anymore...Praise the Lord! So, we recently had a "potty party" to celebrate this momentous occasion in her life :) (And to celebrate the extra money we'll save now that we are officially free of buying diapers!!!) We had cupcakes and Isabelle made a special card for her little sister and Audrey even got new big girl panties!!! The following picture is her with her new undies and the card Isabelle made her.
The next several pictures are from a couple weeks ago. Matt and I took the kids to a park a few blocks from our apartment and spent the morning there. There is a playground, soccer field and a very large area full of beautiful trees, flowers and lots of ducks. It was a relaxing and fun morning.
This is Ethan being adventurous and trying to get as close to the ducks as possible. He is about 2 feet from this one.
What can I say about our little girl other than isn't she beautiful? I LOVE this picture of her :)
Here are some monkeys we saw lurking in this mini tropical forest. :)
I love this picture , too :) Across the pond there were about 6 ducklings. A couple of them would occasionally wonder off and the park guard would go and get the little one and take him back to his mother :) It was very sweet.
This was taken at the edge of the park. You can see the streets of San Francisco (our little community) in the background.
This last picture was taken in Los Guido. I just love the way the clouds are settled around the mountains. This is actually just outside of Los Guido- there is no road like this one in Los Guido. It is amazing that you actually drive for awhile on a road that is barely recognizable as a road due to the enormous potholes amidst the mud, and then you turn a corner and come upon this paved, lined road that actually dead ends. It is crazy...and something that you have to see to believe!
We are so blessed to be able to see bits of such beautiful creation right outside our door. From time to time I long for a view of the turning leaves and golden fields of corn and wheat that make Indiana home, but I love being able to see these beautiful mountains every day! Just today as Audrey and I were walking homefrom school, we had a great view of the mountains from the top of the hill. It looked as if God was smiling right in a small valley- the suns rays were shining right in the middle of two peaks and it was so beautiful. Our God has such an awesome imagination to have created things as beautiful as this :)
Have a great weekend!
Thank you Father for allowing us such beautiful creation to live in every single day!
GOOD NEWS!!! Audrey has decided she is ready to go to the potty all by herself and has also decided that she does not want to wear diapers anymore...Praise the Lord! So, we recently had a "potty party" to celebrate this momentous occasion in her life :) (And to celebrate the extra money we'll save now that we are officially free of buying diapers!!!) We had cupcakes and Isabelle made a special card for her little sister and Audrey even got new big girl panties!!! The following picture is her with her new undies and the card Isabelle made her.
The next several pictures are from a couple weeks ago. Matt and I took the kids to a park a few blocks from our apartment and spent the morning there. There is a playground, soccer field and a very large area full of beautiful trees, flowers and lots of ducks. It was a relaxing and fun morning.
This is Ethan being adventurous and trying to get as close to the ducks as possible. He is about 2 feet from this one.
What can I say about our little girl other than isn't she beautiful? I LOVE this picture of her :)
Here are some monkeys we saw lurking in this mini tropical forest. :)
I love this picture , too :) Across the pond there were about 6 ducklings. A couple of them would occasionally wonder off and the park guard would go and get the little one and take him back to his mother :) It was very sweet.
This was taken at the edge of the park. You can see the streets of San Francisco (our little community) in the background.
This last picture was taken in Los Guido. I just love the way the clouds are settled around the mountains. This is actually just outside of Los Guido- there is no road like this one in Los Guido. It is amazing that you actually drive for awhile on a road that is barely recognizable as a road due to the enormous potholes amidst the mud, and then you turn a corner and come upon this paved, lined road that actually dead ends. It is crazy...and something that you have to see to believe!
We are so blessed to be able to see bits of such beautiful creation right outside our door. From time to time I long for a view of the turning leaves and golden fields of corn and wheat that make Indiana home, but I love being able to see these beautiful mountains every day! Just today as Audrey and I were walking homefrom school, we had a great view of the mountains from the top of the hill. It looked as if God was smiling right in a small valley- the suns rays were shining right in the middle of two peaks and it was so beautiful. Our God has such an awesome imagination to have created things as beautiful as this :)
Have a great weekend!
Thank you Father for allowing us such beautiful creation to live in every single day!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Sharon Baptist / Christian Light Team
Thought I'd post some about the team that was here this past week.
Here's the team.
It was actually two teams in one. They came from Sharon Batist Church in Savannah, Tennesse and Christian Light Foundation (our sending agency) in Jacksonville, Florida. Some of the team served in the three day medical clinic in Los Guido. Over 200 people came throught the clinic (which also included a pharmacy and everything was absolutely free of charge). Their physical needs were assessd and instructions and prescriptions were given. Each person that came through the clinic heard the gospel message. Many came to know the Lord through the sharing of "The Bridge."
The rest of the team walked the streets of Los Guido sharing the gospel through "The Bridge" illustration and passing out food bags- "regalos de Dios." The "gringos" were paired up with teens from the leadership team. The "gringos" presented the "regalos de Dios" and the teens shared the gospel.
Through the clinic and the street evangelism over 200 came to know the Lord! Praise the Lord!
This picture is of three nine year olds praying with one girl as she recieves Christ after hearing The Bridge (the rest of the family listens on the steps to others teens as they, too share the gospel.)
Matt and I were able to spend part of every day the team was here with them. We were even to spend all day Thursday walking the streets with the evangelism team.
One of the most amazing parts of the week for me was seeing these teens that I've known for a year and a half so boldly professing Christ to people they had never met. They boldly approached each door and began sharing with all who would listen the saving message of the God's purpose for our lives (John 10:10-abundant life and John 3:16-eternal life).
Watching these teens share so boldly really encourages me and inspires me. (To name just a few of those on the leadership team: Valedia, Mariana, Daniela, Jhorie, Isaura, Javier, David, Aracely, Roger, Memo, Ariel, Jessica, Vitza, Evelyn, Ana, Ericka, Michelle, Melissa, and Michelle- these last three being only 9 years old!!)
The day was very encouraging for me in that it helped me remember the reason I am in school right now. I need the Spanish language. I need to learn the words that I need to share the life changing message of Jesus Christ with the many many lost souls in Costa Rica. To be able to go door to door like that was such an amazing feeling. There was so much excitement watching the realization come across the faces of those who in one moment were lost and in the next moment were found! It is such a privelege to bring the gospel to those who have never heard it. The Bridge illustration works so well because it brings each person to the point of a choice.
My prayer in sharing this week with you is that you too will feel the great privelege God has given you to share the gospel with those around you. The lost are everywhere-in the country you live in, in your state, in your city, in your neighborhood, right next door to you, even in your own house.
I encourage and challenge you to become bold in Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior. I encourage you to begin today sharing Jesus Christ with those around you.
Here is a picture of Pastor Marvin teaching the Bridge illustration to the church- yes- to the church! The past four weeks of sermons in both churches - Pastor Marvin and Pastor Rogelio have taught the entire congregations how to share The Bridge with others. The people are on fire and ready to and willing to share the plan God has for each one of us.
I pray that if you are reading this right now and you have not made the choice to confess your sins, repent of them and make the choice to follow Christ and give your life to him- I pray you do so now.
If you have not chosen eternal life with Jesus Christ- will you make that choice today?
Here's the team.
It was actually two teams in one. They came from Sharon Batist Church in Savannah, Tennesse and Christian Light Foundation (our sending agency) in Jacksonville, Florida. Some of the team served in the three day medical clinic in Los Guido. Over 200 people came throught the clinic (which also included a pharmacy and everything was absolutely free of charge). Their physical needs were assessd and instructions and prescriptions were given. Each person that came through the clinic heard the gospel message. Many came to know the Lord through the sharing of "The Bridge."
The rest of the team walked the streets of Los Guido sharing the gospel through "The Bridge" illustration and passing out food bags- "regalos de Dios." The "gringos" were paired up with teens from the leadership team. The "gringos" presented the "regalos de Dios" and the teens shared the gospel.
Through the clinic and the street evangelism over 200 came to know the Lord! Praise the Lord!
This picture is of three nine year olds praying with one girl as she recieves Christ after hearing The Bridge (the rest of the family listens on the steps to others teens as they, too share the gospel.)
Matt and I were able to spend part of every day the team was here with them. We were even to spend all day Thursday walking the streets with the evangelism team.
One of the most amazing parts of the week for me was seeing these teens that I've known for a year and a half so boldly professing Christ to people they had never met. They boldly approached each door and began sharing with all who would listen the saving message of the God's purpose for our lives (John 10:10-abundant life and John 3:16-eternal life).
Watching these teens share so boldly really encourages me and inspires me. (To name just a few of those on the leadership team: Valedia, Mariana, Daniela, Jhorie, Isaura, Javier, David, Aracely, Roger, Memo, Ariel, Jessica, Vitza, Evelyn, Ana, Ericka, Michelle, Melissa, and Michelle- these last three being only 9 years old!!)
The day was very encouraging for me in that it helped me remember the reason I am in school right now. I need the Spanish language. I need to learn the words that I need to share the life changing message of Jesus Christ with the many many lost souls in Costa Rica. To be able to go door to door like that was such an amazing feeling. There was so much excitement watching the realization come across the faces of those who in one moment were lost and in the next moment were found! It is such a privelege to bring the gospel to those who have never heard it. The Bridge illustration works so well because it brings each person to the point of a choice.
My prayer in sharing this week with you is that you too will feel the great privelege God has given you to share the gospel with those around you. The lost are everywhere-in the country you live in, in your state, in your city, in your neighborhood, right next door to you, even in your own house.
I encourage and challenge you to become bold in Christ Jesus your Lord and Savior. I encourage you to begin today sharing Jesus Christ with those around you.
Here is a picture of Pastor Marvin teaching the Bridge illustration to the church- yes- to the church! The past four weeks of sermons in both churches - Pastor Marvin and Pastor Rogelio have taught the entire congregations how to share The Bridge with others. The people are on fire and ready to and willing to share the plan God has for each one of us.
I pray that if you are reading this right now and you have not made the choice to confess your sins, repent of them and make the choice to follow Christ and give your life to him- I pray you do so now.
If you have not chosen eternal life with Jesus Christ- will you make that choice today?
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Medical Mission Team this week
Hi! I thought I'd post tonight to ask you for prayer for the team that is here this week. They arrive tomorrow afternoon and will be here until Friday. The team includes several nurses and doctors and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday they will be holding a free medical clinic in Pastor Marvin's house in Los Guido. Please pray for the doctors to be of great physical help to those in need of medical care. Each person that is seen will also hear the gospel and have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with someone who they can pray with and share with. Please join us in prayer for a harvest of souls to be reapt these next few days. The clinic is open to the entire city, which includes over 40,000 people.
The rest of the team will be walking the streets of Los Guido handing out food bags and sharing the gospel. We will be specifically targeting areas of Los Guido that are unreached. Please that as the gospel is shared both during the medical clinic and also as the food bags are handed out, hearts will be broken and veils will be lifted as the life-changing message of Jesus Christ is shared to those who have never heard.
Pray for protection from the enemy specifically as we walk the streets of Los Guido passing out food. Pray for the translators who will be used by God to deliver his message to the people of this city. Pray for the doctors and nurses who will assess hundreds of people in these three short days. Pray for strength and stamina for those delivering food, for the doctors and nurses, for Marvin and Zoila and their family and Rogelio and Neris and their family. RPay for our team as well, as it takes a great amount of energy to keep up with the busy schedule of a team like this. Matt and I will be in Los Guido all three days walking with the streets with the team. Pray for our children this week as well.
I am not sure when the next post will be so I wanted to make sure to post these prayer requests tonight.
Dios te bendiga!
The rest of the team will be walking the streets of Los Guido handing out food bags and sharing the gospel. We will be specifically targeting areas of Los Guido that are unreached. Please that as the gospel is shared both during the medical clinic and also as the food bags are handed out, hearts will be broken and veils will be lifted as the life-changing message of Jesus Christ is shared to those who have never heard.
Pray for protection from the enemy specifically as we walk the streets of Los Guido passing out food. Pray for the translators who will be used by God to deliver his message to the people of this city. Pray for the doctors and nurses who will assess hundreds of people in these three short days. Pray for strength and stamina for those delivering food, for the doctors and nurses, for Marvin and Zoila and their family and Rogelio and Neris and their family. RPay for our team as well, as it takes a great amount of energy to keep up with the busy schedule of a team like this. Matt and I will be in Los Guido all three days walking with the streets with the team. Pray for our children this week as well.
I am not sure when the next post will be so I wanted to make sure to post these prayer requests tonight.
Dios te bendiga!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Mommy and Belle- classmates?
I had to share this with you before I forgot about it...
The girls love to have their hair braided and they ask me almost every morning to braid their hair. Unfortunately there is rarely time in the morning rush for me to sit down and braid their hair.
Fortunately, we have found some time to spare on a few occasional mornings and the girls have had braids for school.
Don't they look cute? :)
So, this week, Isabelle worked really hard to get ready quickly so I'd have time to do her braids (she works really well with a time limit and a goal so we are trying to allow her the opportunity to meet goals in this way and see the positive outcome of her hard work and good effort.) Anyway, to the really cute story. I braided Isabelle's hair and thought it looked pretty decent. (Sam (my little brother) never really liked me to mess with his hair, so I never had much practice doing girls hair growing up...so, now I get to practice on my girls- which sometimes ends up being a good thing- when the style looks good and sometimes it isn't so good...kinda like my cooking...but that's another story...)
So, I decided I'd try braids in my hair...I use to wear them all the time and I haven't in well...a long time. My hair is long now- about the length it was when Matt and I met- so it is a good length for braids. So I get done with the braids and walk out and Ethan says "Wow Mom- you look really cute! You like you could be in kindergarten with Isabelle!"
I had to laugh, although I am not sure how to take it really...anyway...it was cute and it will be one of those stories to retell to his future wife one day! He is so sweet and kind. He always has something nice to say to me and never passes up a moment to compliment me or try to encourage me. He is very thoughtful. And SMART! Report cards came out yesterday. Ethan received 4 A+'s, 1 A and 1 B+ ! He also received "Muy Bien" or "Excelente!" for everything in Spanish! He also made the weekly school newsletter for his progress in Spanish! He is really thriving in Costa Rica!
So...here's the picture of my kindergarten debut...(es una broma! it's a joke) Matt took pictures of our hair and Audrey wanted to be with us- she didn't want her hair done that day!
Have a great weekend!
The girls love to have their hair braided and they ask me almost every morning to braid their hair. Unfortunately there is rarely time in the morning rush for me to sit down and braid their hair.
Fortunately, we have found some time to spare on a few occasional mornings and the girls have had braids for school.
Don't they look cute? :)
So, this week, Isabelle worked really hard to get ready quickly so I'd have time to do her braids (she works really well with a time limit and a goal so we are trying to allow her the opportunity to meet goals in this way and see the positive outcome of her hard work and good effort.) Anyway, to the really cute story. I braided Isabelle's hair and thought it looked pretty decent. (Sam (my little brother) never really liked me to mess with his hair, so I never had much practice doing girls hair growing up...so, now I get to practice on my girls- which sometimes ends up being a good thing- when the style looks good and sometimes it isn't so good...kinda like my cooking...but that's another story...)
So, I decided I'd try braids in my hair...I use to wear them all the time and I haven't in well...a long time. My hair is long now- about the length it was when Matt and I met- so it is a good length for braids. So I get done with the braids and walk out and Ethan says "Wow Mom- you look really cute! You like you could be in kindergarten with Isabelle!"
I had to laugh, although I am not sure how to take it really...anyway...it was cute and it will be one of those stories to retell to his future wife one day! He is so sweet and kind. He always has something nice to say to me and never passes up a moment to compliment me or try to encourage me. He is very thoughtful. And SMART! Report cards came out yesterday. Ethan received 4 A+'s, 1 A and 1 B+ ! He also received "Muy Bien" or "Excelente!" for everything in Spanish! He also made the weekly school newsletter for his progress in Spanish! He is really thriving in Costa Rica!
So...here's the picture of my kindergarten debut...(es una broma! it's a joke) Matt took pictures of our hair and Audrey wanted to be with us- she didn't want her hair done that day!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, November 2, 2007
HI! I realize I haven't had very many pictures on here lately...I wish you could understand the time it takes to blog what little I do get done...but- all I can do is what I can do...
So, due to the lack of pictures I've posted up to this point, this post includes many from the past month or so. I tried to caption most of them...
Enjoy... :)
The following are from the Museo de Ninos:
Matt and I are demonstrating our teamwork here. This was in a free play area that was actually supposed to be only for the kids, but we couldn't resist trying it. We actually got asked to let the other kids play with the toys :) OOPS! It was in a friendly way, though :)
The coolest thing about this museum is that everything you see - I mean EVERYTHING!- is hands on. Kids can pick up ANYTHING they see. They can play with it, wear it sit on it...the kids had a blast. Ethan tried on the pirate costume:)
There was a trailer that detailed fire hazards and this fire truck and lots of information to read and look at.
This picture is solely for those of you in our immediate McClain family- this is "the face" that appears in all pictures of our gatherings. Someone (either Rog, Matt or Mark) always makes this face. Matt was having fun taking these pictures with these lifesize cutouts. It is quite funny actually!
This was such a cool area in the museum. Everything in this room was at crazy angles and our equilibrium was way off. It was really cool, but kinda made you feel sick to your stomach at the same time! We are really hanging on to keep from falling over!
There was a real airplane (a very small plane!) but the kids could get in it and pretend to be the captain. The girls had fun with the new friends we made. We went with some friends and the kids had a good time together. Can you find Ethan in this picture?
There was this saddle and you could play with lassos and real toys from the history of Costa Rica. It will be fun to go back and visit multiple times as we grow in our understanding of the language. Of course everything was in Spanish so we do not know all the history of the exhibits yet...regardless it was still a great time!
I don't know if I mentioned it before but the cost was SOOO cheap! We rode the bus there and it cost about $1.00 for the all of us. The museum was about $1.50 each for the kids and it was $2.25 for adults. How cheap!!! We took a taxi home for about $4.00. We ate lunch also- but our friends treated us- it was a great day!
So, due to the lack of pictures I've posted up to this point, this post includes many from the past month or so. I tried to caption most of them...
Enjoy... :)
The following are from the Museo de Ninos:
Matt and I are demonstrating our teamwork here. This was in a free play area that was actually supposed to be only for the kids, but we couldn't resist trying it. We actually got asked to let the other kids play with the toys :) OOPS! It was in a friendly way, though :)
The coolest thing about this museum is that everything you see - I mean EVERYTHING!- is hands on. Kids can pick up ANYTHING they see. They can play with it, wear it sit on it...the kids had a blast. Ethan tried on the pirate costume:)
There was a trailer that detailed fire hazards and this fire truck and lots of information to read and look at.
This picture is solely for those of you in our immediate McClain family- this is "the face" that appears in all pictures of our gatherings. Someone (either Rog, Matt or Mark) always makes this face. Matt was having fun taking these pictures with these lifesize cutouts. It is quite funny actually!
This was such a cool area in the museum. Everything in this room was at crazy angles and our equilibrium was way off. It was really cool, but kinda made you feel sick to your stomach at the same time! We are really hanging on to keep from falling over!
There was a real airplane (a very small plane!) but the kids could get in it and pretend to be the captain. The girls had fun with the new friends we made. We went with some friends and the kids had a good time together. Can you find Ethan in this picture?
There was this saddle and you could play with lassos and real toys from the history of Costa Rica. It will be fun to go back and visit multiple times as we grow in our understanding of the language. Of course everything was in Spanish so we do not know all the history of the exhibits yet...regardless it was still a great time!
I don't know if I mentioned it before but the cost was SOOO cheap! We rode the bus there and it cost about $1.00 for the all of us. The museum was about $1.50 each for the kids and it was $2.25 for adults. How cheap!!! We took a taxi home for about $4.00. We ate lunch also- but our friends treated us- it was a great day!
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