Hi all! I promised pictures of Marvin and Rogelio with eggs on their heads and I deliver! It was great fun Saturday as the kids lined up to adorn the heads of both pastors with eggs in traditional Costa Rican style! What great sports!
During Bible Club in Los Guido, a special luncheon was held for mothers of the children in the new discipleship group where some 35 plus children are being discipled. This luncheon was planned specifically to invite these moms who are new to the church to Sunday services, Tuesday prayer meetings and also to be part of a discipleship group themselves. Marvin shared the bridge illustration with the moms and all who attended accepted the free gift of salvation Jesus Christ offers that day! Several are interested in being part of a discipleship, as well. Praise the Lord for these new sisters in Christ!
We continue to pray for those in Los Guido and Tejarcillos that live in darkness every day, surrounded by evil and hate and abuse and violence. There are so many, who if only they were told about Jesus Christ and His endless mercy and grace and the gift He has for all of us, no matter who we are or where we come from or what kind of life we've lived before- if only they were told, they, too, may have their name written in the Book of Life.
God has brought us to this place for this reason and we continue to plug on in school for this reason. We know that God created us to serve people who have lived lives like those that live in Los Guido and Tejarcillos. We also realize that not everyone is willing (or possibly able) to go to places like these, but to us it is as if we have been uniquely created to be there and to be with these people who have become family. To us, they are beautiful, amazing lights in a world that is so very dark. Please continue to pray for us that we might never lose the vision God has given us to share the gospel and make disciples in Costa Rica. Please pray that our eyes would never become veiled to the beauty that lies in every person that the Lord has created and that we might be willing to always be poured out like wine for our brothers and sisters in Christ but also to those that might one day walk with us in internity.
Brooke :)
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