Dear Ethan,
Today is your 17th birthday. As I sit and reflect on your life, my heart is overwhelmed with joy and gratitude at all that Jesus has done in you.
I never imagined that we would not be together physically on this day, but I cannot imagine anywhere else I would rather you be. I write this from Guatemala and you are in Montana, following the call of the Lord for your life.
Ethan, for seventeen years, you have brought great joy into our lives. Your laughter and smooth humor have kept us laughing and giggling and marveling at your impecable timing. Since you were born, you have had a way with people and a comfortableness that has always served to reassure and calm those around you. You have sought to love and protect and care for your sisters since before Isabelle was born, always wanting to talk with 'Sissy' even while I was still pregnant with her.
Your compassion for others has been an example to so many around you. And as you have grown, you have lived life as one who walks in truth.
Today, as you celebrate with so many who have watched you grow and mature over the years, know that your dad and I could not be more proud. We know without a doubt that we have had nothing to do with who you are today - because it is a miracle of Jesus that you are the young man that you are with all the mistakes we have made over the years...We thank God for your life and rejoice in the great things He has done over the 17 years of life you have lived!
He has fashioned and formed you and nurtured you and grown you. We have prayed for you since you were born and we are seeing the fruit of those prayers as you follow Jesus today.
We love you so much!
While we long to be with you today, we know God will bless you and keep you and show you His lovingkindness as you celebrate with so many who we love dearly and who love you dearly as well.
Have a wonderful 17th birthday, Bud.
Much love,