We've settled back into the laid back life that we've grown to love. The suitcases are pur away, new clothes put away, things back in their places...I sat down to reflect this morning on all that God has done in the past month- His great goodness...and read through almost 20 pages of testimony to the great things He has done!
I did not blog while we were in the States. It was a decision to rest and be still and bask in His goodness. To savor the moments of each day. And today, as I read back through them, they all came flooding back. That is the real beauty of keeping this journal of thanks- the testimony and permanent record of God's blessings in my life.
So, I feel compelled to share with you from our time in the States- not the whole record, but a glimpse. My prayer is that you will see Jesus in each entry, each record of blessing in my life, each "loveprint" as my friend
Sarah calls them.
Testimony of God's gifts taken from #1044 - #1384
- walking into Tim and Sue's at 1:30 in the morning and feeling instantly at home
- seeing my mom for the first time in over a year
- seeing the kids pick up with grandparents as if no time has passed
- the first Samantha hug
- seeing Samantha take the time to explain punctuation to Audrey
- early morning on the lake; watching the day come alive
- reading that Michaela found a way to wear out Gustavo
- Justine's emails
- Thak You Jesus for PFK interns
- seeing the ministry continue in our absense
- Sue's hospitality
- meeting with friends you haven't seen in over a year- and feeling like you just saw them last week (Ron and Carol)
-fun family time at the farm with Rog and Sue and Mark and Angyl
- wrestling with rog and mark
- seeing Mark spend time with Ethan
- Tim and Sue- 42 years of marriage
- talking with Jenny
-big, round waffles (Tyler)
- playing Euchre until 1:30 am with Chris and Amy
- Arni's junior salad with garlic bread
- red-breasted robins
- seeing all the grandkids huggin my dad and seeing his smile
- the generous giving of God's people
- carpet between my toes
- celebrating freedom
- adoption
- speaking Spanish at a little country church (Hickory Grove) in Indiana
- getting to know Zoey again
- pool time at the McCarty's
- feeling so at home at Aunt Sandy's
- Tuesday morning ladies Bible Study
- loving my friend who has lost her husband (Sharon)
- peanut butter chocolate kiss cookies
- Tanner taking Ethan to the movies with Emma and Zoey
- the blessing of older ladies who love and guide me
- remembering Naomi through Zoey
-spending time with Aunt Sandy
- getting to know Emma
- Ethan and Rob together again
- comforting Samantha
- pruney little girls after hours in the pool
- despite my ugly-offending sin, You offer me saving grace through faith in Jesus
- Ken and Sandy Meyer
- Sandy riding her bike with her Daisy dog in the basket
- being with Mom, Sam and Samantha at the lake
- the Caress family, Kevin and Telene, Aly, Jojo and Serena
- Jojo Caress hugs
- shopping with Telene- unexpected huge blessings
- Aly Caress with big plans for her life- thank You Jesus
- family shopping day
- Mike and Katrina Jenkins
- Your grace and mercy in a cruel world
- Marco Polo
- edifying conversations with good friends
- water sparkling in the sunshine, so bright my eyes are blinded for a second- reminding me of the brightness of Your glory, Jesus
- Your Word, changing me to be more like You and enabling me to flee from sin
- a day on the lake in a boat
- turtle doves- "whooawhoo-whooo"
- Marco Polo with Sam
- marshmellow faces
- Wilbur coming to visit
- peace, quiet, and relaxation
- pop-in plastic-cased lead pencils (think 3rd grade)
- fir, maple, oak trees mixed together - all green, all God
- mother-daughter talks; side-by-side and in person
- help from my brother-in-law
- life on a lake
- Steph's chili
- encouragement from people I've only 'met' through emails, letters, and phone calls (Kathie Shoemaker)
- En Secreto in the park in Terre Haute
- the call to pray fervently for a sister in Christ
- El Jaripeo
- late nights with Tim and Sue
- Costa Rican breakfast at FEPC
- the Butchko girls taking the time to come and share with us and encourage us
- having time to talk with Steph
- seeing Audrey with Andrew
- the way the cut hay shines golden bright against the green rows of corn
- seeing Ethan have so much fun with FEPC youth
- family history
- falling right back in a routine with friends who are really family- Doug and Karen
- Indiana sweet corn
- being in the kitchen with other women
- a home full of people who love and care for us and partner with us in ministry
- swimming in Aunt Paula's pool again after all these years
- reminiscing with family
- the way You God weave together hearts of friends who've come together through Your work in us
- Audrey's 7th birthday
- King's Island
- time with Rog and Sue
- Audrey's face coming off the water slide
- Audrey being able to ride the Beast
- Izzy's joyful scream down the slide
- Ethan riding the Diamondback
- Froggie- the pillow pet
- a night alone with Matthew
- Matt's sense and awareness of danger
- Sue W. being so helpful
- singing "This is the day!" on Audrey's birthday with Sue W.
- Caleb and Tyler's love for Ethan
- Ethan's patience with younger kids
- having a blreakdown and my mom being there to comfort me, hold me and let me cry on her shoulder
- Leah B's hugs
- Sharon Druley hugs
- Samantha Fern White
- hearing of God's mighty provision and seeing how He chooses to bless others so that they can then bless others
- hot water showers
- good gallo pinto breakfast the first day back in Costa Rica
- answered prayer of keeping Matt alert and giving him quick reflexes right when he needed them
- helpful airport workers- answered prayer
- our moms getting home safely from Chicago- answered prayer
- pulling up to our house and seeing our dogs for the first time
- immediate settling back in to the laid back pace of life here
- finding notes from Michaela all over the house
- Bible Club the first day back- 42 kids - Praise You Jesus!!
- Cindy's amazing smile and awesome hugs- her clinging to me
- Gustavo's kiss on the cheek, welcoming me back
- first Sunday back at Calvary Chapel
Thank You Jesus for Your presencce and blessings in my life!