Below you'll find the most recent email update from our family sent out by email. thank you for continuing to pray for our family.
Greetings to all! We pray that the Spirit of the Lord has been with you all during these days of celebration surrounding His birth. We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas day at home, skyp-ing family, and then headed out to the beach for the afternoon to eat supper at sunset.
We continue to marvel at God's creation and one thing is sure- those that have never heard the gospel or have never read the Word of God- they still live in a world full of evidence that He exists. I find it impossible to believe that we still deny the Living God although we see evidence of Him all around us- in the flowers and crops of the fields; in the moon, the sun, the stars and the clouds in the sky; the amazing insects, birds, animals and creatures of the sea; the unique differences in men and women, cultures and countries; the heat of one country and the cold of another.
And the Word of god says,
"By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked: Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear." Isaiah 45:23
Our prayer requests this week focus on seeing this scripture come alive here in Villareal, Costa Rica. We are becoming more and more aware of the spiritual depravity that exists in the people here. We've had several opportunities to learn more and more about our neighbors and their beliefs recently.
We also have begun to learn more and more about the widespread legends and traditions that have been passed along for generations. The people here, including those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ, also live with fears based on generations of legends and folklore. Faith in different virgens and saints, prayers or actions offered in hope of receiving something in return. Despite claiming to know Jesus as their Savior, many live without security of their salvation. We find evidence of the Christian faith mixed with bits and pieces of Catholocism.
Would you please join us in praying for the people of VillaReal. Please pray with us as we enter the new year and with that comes many parties and festivities. Please pray that God's Holy Word continues to be proclaimed in this area. Please pray with us that our family, along with Pastor Nelson and Pastor Phil and their families, continue to be lights in this dark place. Please pray that we would all continue to made more and more like Christ each day. Please pray that through the preaching of God's Word and through discipling His children, the many years of living in fear and burdened by legends and folklore would be broken through. Pray that God's Word, which is alive and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, will penetrate through the lies and mixed bits and pieces of faith. Pray that the Light of Christ will penetrate the darkness.
Please pray specifically for our neighbors- Ronny and Dinora. Ronny is an alcoholic. Ronny and Dinora have been together for 12 years, have two children, but have never been married. Dinora wishes to get married in the Catholic church, not legally by a lawyer, only in the Catholic church, as an offering to a specific virgen of the Catholic faith in trade that the virgen would take away Ronny's desire to drink. Dinora has begun coming to church with us, Praise God! Her mother-in-law and sister-in-law as well have also come and expressed - Praise God! We believe, in faith, that God will break through the darkness that exists in this family. We believe we will see members of this family come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. We also believe in the power of your prayers offered to God, the Father Almighty.
Thank you for joining with us on this journey. We feel your prayers!
Matt, Brooke, Ethan, Isabelle and Audrey :)
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
"For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:4-9
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Ethan with a gift from Ging-ging
Ging-ging sent several gifts back with me from our November I filled the kids stockings with those gifts this year :)
recorders from Ging-ging...Audrey excitedly exclaimed, "I have wanted one of these my WHOLE life!" as she opened her green one! Way to go Ging-ging (gotta love Walm-art dollar aisle!)
This picture was actually taken Christmas Eve, but it is so good I thought you needed to see it ;) We were invited to a hymn sing (in English) and went with another couple. There was a fountain there and the girls had been playing in it, can you see their wet pant legs?
As part or a new family Christmas tradition, we decided it must be done to go to the beach on Christmas Day! So off we went in the afternoon to play for awhile and then eat supper on the beach at sunset. the sky was a beautiful pinkish purple that night!
Cool picture of the gorgeous sky and Isabelle holding a friend's hula-hoop.
the beautiful beach earlier in the day
We skyped both sets of our parents during the day and Reina kept wanting to talk so she kept sticking her nose in the window..I guess she was trying to help wash them or something here by sticking out her tongue :) She is such a funny dog :)
We only get the kids one toy at Christmas. This year I had gifts from my mom and some very special friends that I had brought back from the states, plus a few things I had picked up at discount store back in San Jose before we moved. After we had opened those things, I asked the kids if they got everything they wanted and heard aresounding "YES!"(I had NOT put out the "TOY" gift yet- I had kept it hidden)
So, I said well, maybe we should check the suitcase (where I had kept the gifts) just to be sure, I was awful tired last night when I was setting things out."
they all three bolted over, grabbed the suitcase and wheeled it over and began unzipping every sipper on it until they figured out how to open it and, of course, inside were their "TOY" gifts. Each of the girls got a barbie and Ethan got a cool new Lego set.
Ethan with his Legos
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Yesterday, I spent the whole day at with our neighbors making tamales. We made the masa from scratch!)
Making tamales at Christmas time is a Costa Rican tradition. The first year we were in costa Rica for Christmas, I had the privelege of helping the Los Guido ladies make tamales and it was a day I'll never forget. You know how women are untied when we are in the kitchen preparing and working together to make a wondeful delicios meal? There is just something wonderful about it. Yesterday was like that for me.
The day started about 8:30. They had some of the preliminary work done. Their method of making tamales is very different than the first way I'd seen, but that is part of the tradition- everyone has their own recipe and own way of doing it, so no two versions are ever the same. The ladies had prepared the banana leaves, prepared and cooked the meat; shucked, cleaned and cooked the corn; cooked the potatoes, carrots and rice. So, we began by grinding the corn into a fine masa and then mixing it with spices, Lizano salsa, the lard, and mixing, mixing, mixing!
This was the first year they had made tamales together. The family tradition had been for the grandmother to make them or they made them at her house. The family had never made them at this house before. I had asked them at the beginning of the month what their Christmas traditions were, did they make tamales, etc. they said they usually didn't but this year they were going to and they invited me to help! Yesterday I found out that they actually decided to make them so I could learn! :)
Isabelle and Audrey helped with the mixing and Matt and Ethan helped with the grinding of the corn. Once the mixing of the masa was complete, we began the process of assembling them.
You start with damp banana leaves laid out on the table and a small ball of masa. You form the ball then press it into the leaves, forming a circle and pressing it to the desired thickness. Then you place a mound of rice, a piece of meat in the center, two potatoes, a carrot and a red pepper. (What goes inside varies depending on the tastes of the family. Sometimes people put tomatoes, olives, or use chicken instead of pork.)
After you assembly the tamal, you fold the banana leaves, opposite corner to opposite corner. Then create a seal down the center and fold down the leaves several times. then fold the ends down after sealing them as well. Then you take two tamales and place them seams together. then you tie them tight with string or nylon chord.
Then they are cooked in an open fire pit, time varies. Since all the ingredients were cooked ahead of time, the tamales only needed about an hour or so to cook. the last time i made them, they took several hours because everything was raw. So, it just depends on your preference. we made about 120 tamales!
They gave me the first one to try- it was so delicious!
The day was really such a blessing to me. Although no one in the family is a Christian (they all profess to be Catholic, but don't attend mass), they model love and grace. I commented to them how rare it is to see a family like them. the mother is the wife of our landlord. her name is Elvita. The daughter is Anna and she lives with her parents. The son is Ronny, and he and his wife, Dinora, live behind us with their two boys, Luis Alberto and Luis Angel. Elvita, Anna and Dinora are always together and I at first thought that Dinora was a daughter because she and Elvita do almost everything together. It is rare to see such love between a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law in this culture. It is also rare for a family to let in another family to their circle like they have done with us. Most families are really big and get together often, but just with family. Usually they stick close and play only with each other. It is very different here. Much more open to interacting with others. the neighborhood kids all play with each other, regardless if they are family or not.
Dinora has begun sharing things about her life with me. A few weeks ago, we were invited to their son's birthday party (I still need to post pictures from that day!). She shared with me that day that her husband drinks alot, they've been together for 12 years, but never have married. She desires to get married in the Catholic church as an offering to the virgen of Guadelupe in hopes that in return the virgen would cure Ronny of his drinking. She told me she was "really devoted' to the virgen. When I asked what that meant, she said she has a lot of faith in her.
Yesterday, about mid-day, she said she wanted to ask me something, but didn't know how. So i said just ask it :) She wanted to know if I or Matt knew of anyone who might be able to help Ronny, give him advice, help him quit drinking.
In this culture, most people do not ask for help- they just figure out ways to do it themselves. I praised God in this moment because in two shorts months He is breaking down barriers of language, culture and differences and I truly believe He is working to bring light to this family- to free them from years of bondage and slavery to religion.
So, we had an intimate conversation about her relationship with Ronny. I committed to her to pray for them and also Matt to pray about his relationship with Ronny. But I left her with the thought that Ronny must decide to give control of his life to God. There is nothing anyone else can do to make him quit drinking. It will be through the strength of Christ that it will be done, not because of willpower or anything else. And not because she prays to a saint or a virgen or anyone else or even because someone counsels him.
Building trust, day by day, I seek to be Christ to her. I'd love to be have the privelege of discipling each of these women, if God would so allow. I ask him for this honor and I continue to share about Him with these ladies every chance I get.
Last Sunday, Elvita and Dinora came to church with us- which was an answered prayer! They really enjoyed it and told me they wanted to come back. Yesterday, our kids had two friends over to play and when their dad came to pick them up, he came around to find me at Elvita's house. The tamales had just gotten done and so they offered him one. He sat down and began sharing with them. His name is Victor and he is part of the church. He remembered them being there Sunday and asked them if they were coming back this Sunday. they said Yes! I was so thankful for that moment as well and his thoughtfulness to ask them and for the connection to be made over coffee and tamales.
Would you consider praying for Elvita, Dinora and Anna; for Ronny and Alvaro, our landlord. Would you pray for Ethan's friend, Luis Alberto and his little brother LuisAngel? Would you join us in praying for their eternal salvation? Would you pray as we continue to love them and share our lives with them, that they would see Christ's reflection in us and that the gospel would become real to them?
Making tamales at Christmas time is a Costa Rican tradition. The first year we were in costa Rica for Christmas, I had the privelege of helping the Los Guido ladies make tamales and it was a day I'll never forget. You know how women are untied when we are in the kitchen preparing and working together to make a wondeful delicios meal? There is just something wonderful about it. Yesterday was like that for me.
The day started about 8:30. They had some of the preliminary work done. Their method of making tamales is very different than the first way I'd seen, but that is part of the tradition- everyone has their own recipe and own way of doing it, so no two versions are ever the same. The ladies had prepared the banana leaves, prepared and cooked the meat; shucked, cleaned and cooked the corn; cooked the potatoes, carrots and rice. So, we began by grinding the corn into a fine masa and then mixing it with spices, Lizano salsa, the lard, and mixing, mixing, mixing!
This was the first year they had made tamales together. The family tradition had been for the grandmother to make them or they made them at her house. The family had never made them at this house before. I had asked them at the beginning of the month what their Christmas traditions were, did they make tamales, etc. they said they usually didn't but this year they were going to and they invited me to help! Yesterday I found out that they actually decided to make them so I could learn! :)
Isabelle and Audrey helped with the mixing and Matt and Ethan helped with the grinding of the corn. Once the mixing of the masa was complete, we began the process of assembling them.
You start with damp banana leaves laid out on the table and a small ball of masa. You form the ball then press it into the leaves, forming a circle and pressing it to the desired thickness. Then you place a mound of rice, a piece of meat in the center, two potatoes, a carrot and a red pepper. (What goes inside varies depending on the tastes of the family. Sometimes people put tomatoes, olives, or use chicken instead of pork.)
After you assembly the tamal, you fold the banana leaves, opposite corner to opposite corner. Then create a seal down the center and fold down the leaves several times. then fold the ends down after sealing them as well. Then you take two tamales and place them seams together. then you tie them tight with string or nylon chord.
Then they are cooked in an open fire pit, time varies. Since all the ingredients were cooked ahead of time, the tamales only needed about an hour or so to cook. the last time i made them, they took several hours because everything was raw. So, it just depends on your preference. we made about 120 tamales!
They gave me the first one to try- it was so delicious!
The day was really such a blessing to me. Although no one in the family is a Christian (they all profess to be Catholic, but don't attend mass), they model love and grace. I commented to them how rare it is to see a family like them. the mother is the wife of our landlord. her name is Elvita. The daughter is Anna and she lives with her parents. The son is Ronny, and he and his wife, Dinora, live behind us with their two boys, Luis Alberto and Luis Angel. Elvita, Anna and Dinora are always together and I at first thought that Dinora was a daughter because she and Elvita do almost everything together. It is rare to see such love between a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law in this culture. It is also rare for a family to let in another family to their circle like they have done with us. Most families are really big and get together often, but just with family. Usually they stick close and play only with each other. It is very different here. Much more open to interacting with others. the neighborhood kids all play with each other, regardless if they are family or not.
Dinora has begun sharing things about her life with me. A few weeks ago, we were invited to their son's birthday party (I still need to post pictures from that day!). She shared with me that day that her husband drinks alot, they've been together for 12 years, but never have married. She desires to get married in the Catholic church as an offering to the virgen of Guadelupe in hopes that in return the virgen would cure Ronny of his drinking. She told me she was "really devoted' to the virgen. When I asked what that meant, she said she has a lot of faith in her.
Yesterday, about mid-day, she said she wanted to ask me something, but didn't know how. So i said just ask it :) She wanted to know if I or Matt knew of anyone who might be able to help Ronny, give him advice, help him quit drinking.
In this culture, most people do not ask for help- they just figure out ways to do it themselves. I praised God in this moment because in two shorts months He is breaking down barriers of language, culture and differences and I truly believe He is working to bring light to this family- to free them from years of bondage and slavery to religion.
So, we had an intimate conversation about her relationship with Ronny. I committed to her to pray for them and also Matt to pray about his relationship with Ronny. But I left her with the thought that Ronny must decide to give control of his life to God. There is nothing anyone else can do to make him quit drinking. It will be through the strength of Christ that it will be done, not because of willpower or anything else. And not because she prays to a saint or a virgen or anyone else or even because someone counsels him.
Building trust, day by day, I seek to be Christ to her. I'd love to be have the privelege of discipling each of these women, if God would so allow. I ask him for this honor and I continue to share about Him with these ladies every chance I get.
Last Sunday, Elvita and Dinora came to church with us- which was an answered prayer! They really enjoyed it and told me they wanted to come back. Yesterday, our kids had two friends over to play and when their dad came to pick them up, he came around to find me at Elvita's house. The tamales had just gotten done and so they offered him one. He sat down and began sharing with them. His name is Victor and he is part of the church. He remembered them being there Sunday and asked them if they were coming back this Sunday. they said Yes! I was so thankful for that moment as well and his thoughtfulness to ask them and for the connection to be made over coffee and tamales.
Would you consider praying for Elvita, Dinora and Anna; for Ronny and Alvaro, our landlord. Would you pray for Ethan's friend, Luis Alberto and his little brother LuisAngel? Would you join us in praying for their eternal salvation? Would you pray as we continue to love them and share our lives with them, that they would see Christ's reflection in us and that the gospel would become real to them?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
11 Years ago...
I married my best friend :)
On a rainy winter day, 11 years ago, Matt and I promised each other that through good times and bad, through prosperous times and those not so, until death do us part, we would pledge our love as husband and wife. I've never regretted it and he still my best friend today.
We spent the day yesterday walking along the shoreline at a nearby beach, walking around the town, browsing in a used bookstore, and then eating at a fabulous restaurant on the beach. It was one of the best dates we've ever had!
Here are a few pictures:
On a rainy winter day, 11 years ago, Matt and I promised each other that through good times and bad, through prosperous times and those not so, until death do us part, we would pledge our love as husband and wife. I've never regretted it and he still my best friend today.
We spent the day yesterday walking along the shoreline at a nearby beach, walking around the town, browsing in a used bookstore, and then eating at a fabulous restaurant on the beach. It was one of the best dates we've ever had!
Here are a few pictures:
Thursday, December 17, 2009
And you shall be washed whiter than snow
This week we had a wonderful opportunity which ended up being a tremendous blessing for our whole family.
One of the churches we are working with qualified to receive Samaritan's Purse Shoeboxes this year. Many of you may have lovingly packed these boxes this year or in years past. Matt and I always packed them after we were married, and then we would pack one from each of our kids and put pictures in them and it was always so much fun.
Of course, we haven't done that since we came on the mission field, but I have always thought it would be neat seeing the receiving end of the boxes or being part of distribution in some way.
This year we were able to gain a little more insight into the training, what is expected from receiving churches and so forth from the Samaritan's Purse organization. And, then, we were able to be a part of the Christmas party where 102 children received boxes.
Each child who takes part in the weekly Bible Club was given two tickets with which they could invite friends. The kids had to write down the names of their invitees and then were to guard their tickets. They could not enter the party without their ticket! No one knew that they were going to be given a gift, so that was even more fun for those of who did know!
The church leaders knew that they only had so many boxes and only a certain number for boys and a certain number for girls, so trusting God was huge in this, because no one really knew for sure who would come and if there would be enough of each gift and so on.
Matt and I were in charge of seating kids as they arrived. They were sat according to age, boys on one side and girls on the other. Also, parents were encouraged to attend. Not only did we run out of chairs, but there were just so many kids and parents!
A Christmas drama was presented about the importance of Christmas, and that the real focus is not about gifts or Christmas cookies, but about Jesus and his life death and resurrection. Then, the Nativity story was re-enacted using kids from the crowd and Christmas carols were also sung. the gospel was presented and also a call to Christ was answered by many. Which is the biggest joy- that little ones gave their lives to Christ and we'll be in eternity forever!
Ethan had invited three friends (actually Audrey used one of her tickets to invite one of Ethan's friends) and he told Matt and I after that he had two new brothers! Two of his friends accepted Christ that night! :) Praise Jesus!
Finally, the boxes were handed out. The fact that they kids were seated in order by age and separated into boys and girls made things run so smoothly! All the kids were to hold their boxes on their heads until everyone got them and then the countdown began to open them! It was fun to see 100 kids with boxes on their heads and big smiles of anticipation!
The best was seeing them open their boxes. Samaritan's Purse supplies boxes now, apparently and they are nice sturdy shoeboxes. Some of the boys were so excited to get into their gift they, just ripped open their box! These boys, who had been trying to be so cool all evening (I had been crowd control on the boys side) were just like any other kid at Christmas- full of excitement and joy at what they had been given. Except that this was most likely their only gift they would receive.
I walked around as they were opening their gifts and asked many of the kids what they had received. they would excitedly open their box and start to show me all that was inside. I saw so many things about these kids and their reactions that brought tears to my eyes, but two things I'll share about.
One boy who was in the 10 14 age group had been, well, just acting his age, really throughout the evening. You could tell he was trying hard to keep up the tough guy image. I looked over at him as he opened his gift and thought, "Praise you God that for one minute, here tonight, he can be a kid - a normal kid- without worries or an image to keep up. Praise You, Father." I asked him to show me what he had gotten and he wouldn't show me. But before I walked away, he unclutched his box enough to quickly pull out a sock cap he had gotten. It is so stinking hot here- no one wears a sock cap, but I am sure I'll see him around with it on. he thought it was so cool!
Then there was the little girl and the Ivory soap. As she showed me her gifts, she came to the familiar white bar of soap. Except that I am sure it was not familiar to her. It was all carefully wrapped in plastic wrapped. She pulled it out of the box, carefully unwrapped just a little corner or it and put it up to her nose and inhaled deeply with a smile so big on her face. "Aaahhhhh!" she said. then she held it under my nose and let me smell it. "Ahhh, it smells so good!" I said. "Thank you for letting me smell it." And she smiled up at me and wrapped it back up and closed her box up tight and then clutched it in her arms as all the rest of them were doing.
It was such a sweet experience to be a part of and we were all so blessed. Isabelle, as well as the rest of our kids, commented on how very special it was to see the kids open their gifts and how they were so blessed!
As we walked home, I thought about that white bar of soap. How sweet it smelled. How it was wrapped up so carefully in plastic, the love and care that went into the packing of that box.
How much more our Father in heaven cares for each of us. How much sweeter it is to him, those new creations- those that excepted the Lord that night. How now those little hearts have been washed clean- white as snow- white as that bar of ivory soap.
I do not have the numbers of those that accepted the Lord that night, but I do know that a woman from the church went around taking down names and addresses of each one that asked Jesus to be their Savior that night. A follow-up visit has been scheduled and I do also know that each one will be discipled- because God has already ordained us to be here, training the leaders in discipleship. God is so amazing, how before we know it, He is organizing and arranging things like this. He has our futures planned even before He forms us. My heart is full of joy at how the gospel is going forth this week in this area and the surrounding areas.
May you be blessed this Christmas season with the True meaning of this holiday. May you wish others "Merry Christmas" and not just "Happy Holidays" because the difference is significant. May you come to know your heavenly father in a new and fresh way as you celebrate His birth. May you begin your relationship with His son this Christmas, if you never have known Him before. May you share the gospel with boldness to your unsaved family and friends. May you shine your light bright (which is Christ inside of you), like those on your tree shine each night. May we never forget the reason for His life was to die so that we may have life eternally and abundantly.
PS: the little blonde boy is one of Ethan's friends, Kevin. he accepted the Lord that night! :)
One of the churches we are working with qualified to receive Samaritan's Purse Shoeboxes this year. Many of you may have lovingly packed these boxes this year or in years past. Matt and I always packed them after we were married, and then we would pack one from each of our kids and put pictures in them and it was always so much fun.
Of course, we haven't done that since we came on the mission field, but I have always thought it would be neat seeing the receiving end of the boxes or being part of distribution in some way.
This year we were able to gain a little more insight into the training, what is expected from receiving churches and so forth from the Samaritan's Purse organization. And, then, we were able to be a part of the Christmas party where 102 children received boxes.
Each child who takes part in the weekly Bible Club was given two tickets with which they could invite friends. The kids had to write down the names of their invitees and then were to guard their tickets. They could not enter the party without their ticket! No one knew that they were going to be given a gift, so that was even more fun for those of who did know!
The church leaders knew that they only had so many boxes and only a certain number for boys and a certain number for girls, so trusting God was huge in this, because no one really knew for sure who would come and if there would be enough of each gift and so on.
Matt and I were in charge of seating kids as they arrived. They were sat according to age, boys on one side and girls on the other. Also, parents were encouraged to attend. Not only did we run out of chairs, but there were just so many kids and parents!
A Christmas drama was presented about the importance of Christmas, and that the real focus is not about gifts or Christmas cookies, but about Jesus and his life death and resurrection. Then, the Nativity story was re-enacted using kids from the crowd and Christmas carols were also sung. the gospel was presented and also a call to Christ was answered by many. Which is the biggest joy- that little ones gave their lives to Christ and we'll be in eternity forever!
Ethan had invited three friends (actually Audrey used one of her tickets to invite one of Ethan's friends) and he told Matt and I after that he had two new brothers! Two of his friends accepted Christ that night! :) Praise Jesus!
Finally, the boxes were handed out. The fact that they kids were seated in order by age and separated into boys and girls made things run so smoothly! All the kids were to hold their boxes on their heads until everyone got them and then the countdown began to open them! It was fun to see 100 kids with boxes on their heads and big smiles of anticipation!
The best was seeing them open their boxes. Samaritan's Purse supplies boxes now, apparently and they are nice sturdy shoeboxes. Some of the boys were so excited to get into their gift they, just ripped open their box! These boys, who had been trying to be so cool all evening (I had been crowd control on the boys side) were just like any other kid at Christmas- full of excitement and joy at what they had been given. Except that this was most likely their only gift they would receive.
I walked around as they were opening their gifts and asked many of the kids what they had received. they would excitedly open their box and start to show me all that was inside. I saw so many things about these kids and their reactions that brought tears to my eyes, but two things I'll share about.
One boy who was in the 10 14 age group had been, well, just acting his age, really throughout the evening. You could tell he was trying hard to keep up the tough guy image. I looked over at him as he opened his gift and thought, "Praise you God that for one minute, here tonight, he can be a kid - a normal kid- without worries or an image to keep up. Praise You, Father." I asked him to show me what he had gotten and he wouldn't show me. But before I walked away, he unclutched his box enough to quickly pull out a sock cap he had gotten. It is so stinking hot here- no one wears a sock cap, but I am sure I'll see him around with it on. he thought it was so cool!
Then there was the little girl and the Ivory soap. As she showed me her gifts, she came to the familiar white bar of soap. Except that I am sure it was not familiar to her. It was all carefully wrapped in plastic wrapped. She pulled it out of the box, carefully unwrapped just a little corner or it and put it up to her nose and inhaled deeply with a smile so big on her face. "Aaahhhhh!" she said. then she held it under my nose and let me smell it. "Ahhh, it smells so good!" I said. "Thank you for letting me smell it." And she smiled up at me and wrapped it back up and closed her box up tight and then clutched it in her arms as all the rest of them were doing.
It was such a sweet experience to be a part of and we were all so blessed. Isabelle, as well as the rest of our kids, commented on how very special it was to see the kids open their gifts and how they were so blessed!
As we walked home, I thought about that white bar of soap. How sweet it smelled. How it was wrapped up so carefully in plastic, the love and care that went into the packing of that box.
How much more our Father in heaven cares for each of us. How much sweeter it is to him, those new creations- those that excepted the Lord that night. How now those little hearts have been washed clean- white as snow- white as that bar of ivory soap.
I do not have the numbers of those that accepted the Lord that night, but I do know that a woman from the church went around taking down names and addresses of each one that asked Jesus to be their Savior that night. A follow-up visit has been scheduled and I do also know that each one will be discipled- because God has already ordained us to be here, training the leaders in discipleship. God is so amazing, how before we know it, He is organizing and arranging things like this. He has our futures planned even before He forms us. My heart is full of joy at how the gospel is going forth this week in this area and the surrounding areas.
May you be blessed this Christmas season with the True meaning of this holiday. May you wish others "Merry Christmas" and not just "Happy Holidays" because the difference is significant. May you come to know your heavenly father in a new and fresh way as you celebrate His birth. May you begin your relationship with His son this Christmas, if you never have known Him before. May you share the gospel with boldness to your unsaved family and friends. May you shine your light bright (which is Christ inside of you), like those on your tree shine each night. May we never forget the reason for His life was to die so that we may have life eternally and abundantly.
PS: the little blonde boy is one of Ethan's friends, Kevin. he accepted the Lord that night! :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A day in the life...
Thought you might like to see what was hanging around our house today...
(By the way, all are real- that's a millipede crawling on the wall, an ant the size of Maine crawling on a different wall, a nice friendly iguana who passed a little too close for comfort outside our back door! and then your average very day pencil-sized grasshopper!)
(By the way, all are real- that's a millipede crawling on the wall, an ant the size of Maine crawling on a different wall, a nice friendly iguana who passed a little too close for comfort outside our back door! and then your average very day pencil-sized grasshopper!)
Monday, December 14, 2009
A boy and his dog
Today we welcomed Lucy to our home and our family. Lucy is an adult pure Labrador was abandoned several months ago not far from our home in San Jose. We met her when we met Reina, Isabelle's dog. Isabelle and Audrey fell in love with Reina and Ethan fell in love with Lucy. So, we made the decision to get both dogs. Reina made the move here with us while Lucy continued recovering from a skin infection she had contacted. We had tentatively planned to bring Lucy back with us when the girls and I came back from the states, but she wasn't ready yet. So, the veterinarian who had taken her in graciously made arrangements for her father to bring her to us when he came to our area for business. so, today, she arrived! :)
The look on Ethan's face is priceless! He is so happy! I have never had a dog this big, so it is very different for me and neither Matt nor I have ever had a Lab, although we've both always wanted one. God answered our prayers with both of our dogs.
I've been quiet with posts lately. All I can say is that God has really been working on my heart and for now, it needs to remain between He and I. As time permits, I'll post more pics and an update. We've been pretty busy lately, plugging in where we can. God is working here.
The look on Ethan's face is priceless! He is so happy! I have never had a dog this big, so it is very different for me and neither Matt nor I have ever had a Lab, although we've both always wanted one. God answered our prayers with both of our dogs.
I've been quiet with posts lately. All I can say is that God has really been working on my heart and for now, it needs to remain between He and I. As time permits, I'll post more pics and an update. We've been pretty busy lately, plugging in where we can. God is working here.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Chickpea Curry, yummy hummus and friendly fellowship
Wanted to share a quick post about our day...
About 8:00 this morning we had kids at our door wanting to play...our neighbor was hauling dirt from the dirt pile in our yard from the new drainage hole the landlord dug to try to fix the clogged washer we've been dealing with all week...So, her boys were hanging out on the front problem, except I was moving slower than usual because I stayed up later than normal last night and I was...ummm...still in my pj's ;) it was only 8:00 am! So I sat on the porch watching the little one, who turned 2 today...thankfully I had decent pj's on and looked more like lounge clothes. I don't mind if they hang out but he's so little and still into those days of touching and turning and observing everything and he isn't the most gently with Reina and I am afraid she might nip at him if he hurt her...she never has before, but she is still a puppy...
So, there I am, pj's, trying to finish my coffee, but since I am not in front of the fan, which is where I have to be to drink my morning just wasn't working for me... but it was great bonding time with Luis Angel. finally, he ran off with his momma and I dodged inside to go get a shower (my first of the day). Before I made it to the shower, I saw someone through the window at the gate. I recognized him to be from the Calvary church/ I asked Matt to go out and greet him so I could change. When I got out there, his daughter, who is super sweet, was inside already playing with the girls. he had asked if she could come and play for the morning. So, she stayed until about 12:30 and the girls played great together. (I finally got in the shower right after her dad left).
Today was kind of a cooking day for me. I was making dinner for some friends coming over tonight, but also cooking ahead for the next few days. today, I cooked black beans in the pressure cooker- enough for the meal tonight, breakfast tomorrow and then lunch tomorrow! I was excited!
Also, today I made hummus - without tahini- because I couldn't find any here - even at the pricey American grocery store. It turned out fantastic! We ate it with cucumbers, peppers and carrots. I have pita bread that we are going to eat with it tomorrow that I found for about a $1.00, which I thought was a good price.
Then, for the main course for supper tonight, I made my first ever curry. I have been wanting to try it and our friends that came over tonight love curry so I thought I'd go for it! I made Curried Chickpeas and Black beans and it was fantastic! I am hooked on curry and can't wait to make it again! T I she kids loved it (except Ethan does not like chickpeas, so I'll have to use different beans for him). I served it over white rice.
I also had some bananas that needed to be used, so I tried to make banana cake, a Costa Rican recipe. It turned out yummy, too! Since it was Luis Angel's second birthday today (remember the little boy I was playing with at 8 am in my pj's?) I made him a small cake for his birthday :) That was really fun giving it to him!
After I had gotten most of the supper made and/or prepped, I took my second shower of the day so that I would not gross out our guests with an offensive odor during dinner.
We enjoyed wonderful fellowship with our friends and dinner was a hit!
I wanted to share the recipes with you so you could enjoy t hem, too! :)
Curried Chickpea and black beans
1-2 tsp. olive oil (I used soy oil)
1c. chopped onion
1 T. minced ginger
2-3 tsp. curry powder
1 14 1/2 oz can black beans (I made my own)
1 15 oz can chickpeas (garbanzo bean
1 14 1/2 oz can diced tomatoes (I buy large caindustrial sized can and separate out into cup sized portions and place in baggies and then freeze- I used 2 c. )
1/3 c. fresh cilantro or parsly
1 T. fresh lemon juice
*I added the following as well:
cayenne pepper to taste
fresh garlic
1. Heat oil on med. heat.
2. Add onion and ginger (and garlic). Saute 3 minutes.
3. Add curry powder, stir to coat onions and garlic evenly.
4. Add tomatoes with juices- cook 1-2 minutes until slightly thickened, stirring well.
5. Add black beans, chickpeas, salt, cayenne pepper and any other seasoning you may wish to use to taste.
6. Stir to coat evenly.
7. Cover, reduce heat, simmer 5 minutes until heated.
9. Turn off heat, stir in cilantro and lemon juice.
10. Serve warm over rice.
Tahini-Free Hummus-
1 15 oz. can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained, juice reserved
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1 T olive oil (I used soy)
Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend on low, gradually adding reserved liquid until hummus reaches desired consistency.
Super Yummy! :)
Queque de banano (Banana cake)
1 c. sugar
5 ripe bananas
1 T. butter
spices to taste (vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg) - I used all three
1 1/2 c. flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 egg
Mix bananas, sugar and butter and beat well. Sift the dry ingredients and add to the mixture, add the egg, hand beaten. Bake at moderate temperature- about 275 degrees F for about 40 minutes or until knife inserted comes out clean. Is a very moist cake. Serves 8
Also I cooked enough beans and rice yesterday to have for gallo pinto this morning for breakfast and then had enought beans left over to make taco dip for supper tonight. So I did not have to cook at all today becausee we had leftovers for lunch!
About 8:00 this morning we had kids at our door wanting to play...our neighbor was hauling dirt from the dirt pile in our yard from the new drainage hole the landlord dug to try to fix the clogged washer we've been dealing with all week...So, her boys were hanging out on the front problem, except I was moving slower than usual because I stayed up later than normal last night and I was...ummm...still in my pj's ;) it was only 8:00 am! So I sat on the porch watching the little one, who turned 2 today...thankfully I had decent pj's on and looked more like lounge clothes. I don't mind if they hang out but he's so little and still into those days of touching and turning and observing everything and he isn't the most gently with Reina and I am afraid she might nip at him if he hurt her...she never has before, but she is still a puppy...
So, there I am, pj's, trying to finish my coffee, but since I am not in front of the fan, which is where I have to be to drink my morning just wasn't working for me... but it was great bonding time with Luis Angel. finally, he ran off with his momma and I dodged inside to go get a shower (my first of the day). Before I made it to the shower, I saw someone through the window at the gate. I recognized him to be from the Calvary church/ I asked Matt to go out and greet him so I could change. When I got out there, his daughter, who is super sweet, was inside already playing with the girls. he had asked if she could come and play for the morning. So, she stayed until about 12:30 and the girls played great together. (I finally got in the shower right after her dad left).
Today was kind of a cooking day for me. I was making dinner for some friends coming over tonight, but also cooking ahead for the next few days. today, I cooked black beans in the pressure cooker- enough for the meal tonight, breakfast tomorrow and then lunch tomorrow! I was excited!
Also, today I made hummus - without tahini- because I couldn't find any here - even at the pricey American grocery store. It turned out fantastic! We ate it with cucumbers, peppers and carrots. I have pita bread that we are going to eat with it tomorrow that I found for about a $1.00, which I thought was a good price.
Then, for the main course for supper tonight, I made my first ever curry. I have been wanting to try it and our friends that came over tonight love curry so I thought I'd go for it! I made Curried Chickpeas and Black beans and it was fantastic! I am hooked on curry and can't wait to make it again! T I she kids loved it (except Ethan does not like chickpeas, so I'll have to use different beans for him). I served it over white rice.
I also had some bananas that needed to be used, so I tried to make banana cake, a Costa Rican recipe. It turned out yummy, too! Since it was Luis Angel's second birthday today (remember the little boy I was playing with at 8 am in my pj's?) I made him a small cake for his birthday :) That was really fun giving it to him!
After I had gotten most of the supper made and/or prepped, I took my second shower of the day so that I would not gross out our guests with an offensive odor during dinner.
We enjoyed wonderful fellowship with our friends and dinner was a hit!
I wanted to share the recipes with you so you could enjoy t hem, too! :)
Curried Chickpea and black beans
1-2 tsp. olive oil (I used soy oil)
1c. chopped onion
1 T. minced ginger
2-3 tsp. curry powder
1 14 1/2 oz can black beans (I made my own)
1 15 oz can chickpeas (garbanzo bean
1 14 1/2 oz can diced tomatoes (I buy large caindustrial sized can and separate out into cup sized portions and place in baggies and then freeze- I used 2 c. )
1/3 c. fresh cilantro or parsly
1 T. fresh lemon juice
*I added the following as well:
cayenne pepper to taste
fresh garlic
1. Heat oil on med. heat.
2. Add onion and ginger (and garlic). Saute 3 minutes.
3. Add curry powder, stir to coat onions and garlic evenly.
4. Add tomatoes with juices- cook 1-2 minutes until slightly thickened, stirring well.
5. Add black beans, chickpeas, salt, cayenne pepper and any other seasoning you may wish to use to taste.
6. Stir to coat evenly.
7. Cover, reduce heat, simmer 5 minutes until heated.
9. Turn off heat, stir in cilantro and lemon juice.
10. Serve warm over rice.
Tahini-Free Hummus-
1 15 oz. can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained, juice reserved
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1 T olive oil (I used soy)
Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend on low, gradually adding reserved liquid until hummus reaches desired consistency.
Super Yummy! :)
Queque de banano (Banana cake)
1 c. sugar
5 ripe bananas
1 T. butter
spices to taste (vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg) - I used all three
1 1/2 c. flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 egg
Mix bananas, sugar and butter and beat well. Sift the dry ingredients and add to the mixture, add the egg, hand beaten. Bake at moderate temperature- about 275 degrees F for about 40 minutes or until knife inserted comes out clean. Is a very moist cake. Serves 8
Also I cooked enough beans and rice yesterday to have for gallo pinto this morning for breakfast and then had enought beans left over to make taco dip for supper tonight. So I did not have to cook at all today becausee we had leftovers for lunch!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself polluted from the world." James 1:27
How many times I have heard this verse quoted. How many times I've thought about it, but let it pass through me with the wind.
God is doing a work in our family. We do not know quite what it is yet, nor are we able to share much about it yet. But, one thing is for sure, God's heart is burdened for those who have no one, no family, those who are all alone. The Old Testament is full of examples of widows who were cared for by others and in fact it was part of the law to leave a portion of the harvest for the widows and orphans to gather (see Ruth for one example).
If we truly want God to abide in our hearts, and therefore have our heart become His heart, do we not want our hearts to be broken for the same things that break His heart?
I was introduced to a woman (in a way only God can orchestrate) about a year ago whose heart has been broken for orphans. We had several email conversations about her passion for orphans and an organization called Children's HopeChest. Many months ago, God began burdening our hearts for orphans and recently He has opened the door for us to be able to help in a tangible way.
Children's HopeChest is an organization committed to serving orphans in Southern Africa and Eastern Europe through centers called carepoints. Not only are they committed to serving orphans by meeting their very real physical needs, they are committed to seeing to it that each one knows about their Hope in Jesus Christ, their Savior and then seeing them grow in their relationship with Him. How do they do this? They've partnered with an organization called Adventures in Missions and a guy named Seth Barnes . Matt and I share one key passion with Seth Barnes- discipleship. I encourage you to read some of his blogs on it- but be ready to be challenged! So, he leads the discipleship part of the Children's HopeChest vision. Each child served at the carepoint receives physical nourishment through the meal program, education, and the care of those that love the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Each child is also discipled- taught of their worth in God, His love for them, about who Jesus is and just how very much He loves each one of them. The carepoint workers are also being trained to develop industry and infrastructure. The desire of the founders of Children's HopeChest is that one day the carepoints will be run by one of the orphans whose life was changed by the saving power of the gospel through one of the carepoints.
Those children who are blessed to have sponsors also have the special understanding that there are members of the body of Christ praying specifically for them, writing letters to them and sacrificing for them.
Unfortunetly, not all children have sponsors. Although no child is ever turned away from a carepoint. Sponsored children are receiving specific prayers and letters and encouragement.
Our family has prayerfully committed to sponsoring children from a carepoint in Swaziland, Africa. Sixty-percent of the population of Swaziland live on less than $1.25 a day. Swaziland has the highest population of AIDS cases in the world, despite its small size as a nation. Twenty-six percent of adults are infected with AIDS and 50% of adults in their twenty's are infected. This means that parents are dying. leaving their children orphaned. Children are infected at birth - and dying of AIDS. The carepoint we are sponsoring is called Beveni.
Currently, there are 29 unsponsored children at this carepoint. The woman I told you about in the beginning of this email is named Deb Gangemi. She heads up the search for sponsors for children at the Beveni carepoint. From the moment God wove our lives together, our friendship began developing. Although we have not yet met face-to-face, I believe God has truly broken her heart for orphans and I am thankful to be able to journey together with her.
This is a recent email from her that I would like to share with you:
What a Thanksgiving we just celebrated: over the last few weeks, 5 of the newly identified children receiving care at the Beveni Carepoint have become sponsored! These kids now have hope that sponsorship represents to them.
At the same time, I received the updated spreadsheet of all the children, and learned that several formerly sponsored kids are no longer sponsored for various reasons.
And so today, we still have 29 children unsponsored and in desperate need of the care a sponsor represents to them.
I am writing to each of you today to ask for your help. Some of you receiving this email already sponsor kids, others are incredible Prayer warriors for the children. What joins all of us is the fact that all of us care about these children!
Would you please prayerfully consider sharing my email address, blog site, Flickr account and the stories of the 29 unsponsored children with people you know? Of course we are actively praying for more sponsors, but truthfully, we covet prayer support and people who are willing to raise awareness of these children and more like them receiving care at other carepoints.
My Flickr account is:
My blog is:
I am on Facebook, as is the Beveni Carepoint FB group.
I appreciate your efforts in networking on behalf of the children of Beveni. I so look forward to the day I can write to you to say:
"They are all sponsored!"
If you have any questions, please contact me via email or Facebook. Remember that we have travel dates of September 18-29, 2010; all are welcome to join our team as we plan on being with the children and caregivers of Beveni!
I pray that our Father richly blesses each of you with His joy and peace. I know He is delighted when we care for His little kids!
In Him, with faith in His plan!
Deb Gangemi
Today, I simply ask you to plant the seed of scripture from James in your hearts, let it be watered and grown by God himself through His Holy Spirit and let Him guide you today.
How many times I have heard this verse quoted. How many times I've thought about it, but let it pass through me with the wind.
God is doing a work in our family. We do not know quite what it is yet, nor are we able to share much about it yet. But, one thing is for sure, God's heart is burdened for those who have no one, no family, those who are all alone. The Old Testament is full of examples of widows who were cared for by others and in fact it was part of the law to leave a portion of the harvest for the widows and orphans to gather (see Ruth for one example).
If we truly want God to abide in our hearts, and therefore have our heart become His heart, do we not want our hearts to be broken for the same things that break His heart?
I was introduced to a woman (in a way only God can orchestrate) about a year ago whose heart has been broken for orphans. We had several email conversations about her passion for orphans and an organization called Children's HopeChest. Many months ago, God began burdening our hearts for orphans and recently He has opened the door for us to be able to help in a tangible way.
Children's HopeChest is an organization committed to serving orphans in Southern Africa and Eastern Europe through centers called carepoints. Not only are they committed to serving orphans by meeting their very real physical needs, they are committed to seeing to it that each one knows about their Hope in Jesus Christ, their Savior and then seeing them grow in their relationship with Him. How do they do this? They've partnered with an organization called Adventures in Missions and a guy named Seth Barnes . Matt and I share one key passion with Seth Barnes- discipleship. I encourage you to read some of his blogs on it- but be ready to be challenged! So, he leads the discipleship part of the Children's HopeChest vision. Each child served at the carepoint receives physical nourishment through the meal program, education, and the care of those that love the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Each child is also discipled- taught of their worth in God, His love for them, about who Jesus is and just how very much He loves each one of them. The carepoint workers are also being trained to develop industry and infrastructure. The desire of the founders of Children's HopeChest is that one day the carepoints will be run by one of the orphans whose life was changed by the saving power of the gospel through one of the carepoints.
Those children who are blessed to have sponsors also have the special understanding that there are members of the body of Christ praying specifically for them, writing letters to them and sacrificing for them.
Unfortunetly, not all children have sponsors. Although no child is ever turned away from a carepoint. Sponsored children are receiving specific prayers and letters and encouragement.
Our family has prayerfully committed to sponsoring children from a carepoint in Swaziland, Africa. Sixty-percent of the population of Swaziland live on less than $1.25 a day. Swaziland has the highest population of AIDS cases in the world, despite its small size as a nation. Twenty-six percent of adults are infected with AIDS and 50% of adults in their twenty's are infected. This means that parents are dying. leaving their children orphaned. Children are infected at birth - and dying of AIDS. The carepoint we are sponsoring is called Beveni.
Currently, there are 29 unsponsored children at this carepoint. The woman I told you about in the beginning of this email is named Deb Gangemi. She heads up the search for sponsors for children at the Beveni carepoint. From the moment God wove our lives together, our friendship began developing. Although we have not yet met face-to-face, I believe God has truly broken her heart for orphans and I am thankful to be able to journey together with her.
This is a recent email from her that I would like to share with you:
What a Thanksgiving we just celebrated: over the last few weeks, 5 of the newly identified children receiving care at the Beveni Carepoint have become sponsored! These kids now have hope that sponsorship represents to them.
At the same time, I received the updated spreadsheet of all the children, and learned that several formerly sponsored kids are no longer sponsored for various reasons.
And so today, we still have 29 children unsponsored and in desperate need of the care a sponsor represents to them.
I am writing to each of you today to ask for your help. Some of you receiving this email already sponsor kids, others are incredible Prayer warriors for the children. What joins all of us is the fact that all of us care about these children!
Would you please prayerfully consider sharing my email address, blog site, Flickr account and the stories of the 29 unsponsored children with people you know? Of course we are actively praying for more sponsors, but truthfully, we covet prayer support and people who are willing to raise awareness of these children and more like them receiving care at other carepoints.
My Flickr account is:
My blog is:
I am on Facebook, as is the Beveni Carepoint FB group.
I appreciate your efforts in networking on behalf of the children of Beveni. I so look forward to the day I can write to you to say:
"They are all sponsored!"
If you have any questions, please contact me via email or Facebook. Remember that we have travel dates of September 18-29, 2010; all are welcome to join our team as we plan on being with the children and caregivers of Beveni!
I pray that our Father richly blesses each of you with His joy and peace. I know He is delighted when we care for His little kids!
In Him, with faith in His plan!
Deb Gangemi
Today, I simply ask you to plant the seed of scripture from James in your hearts, let it be watered and grown by God himself through His Holy Spirit and let Him guide you today.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
December Prayer letter
Here is our current email and December prayer letter. If you'd like to be added to our email list/newsletter list, please email me at and I will gladly add you! :)
Good evening! Wow! Can anyone else not believe it is December already? This year has flown by, especially the second half of the year. God is so good, all the time! Amen? Amen!
We hope this email finds you all well and staying warm, for those in not so warm areas of the world. We put the Christmas tree up Saturday, in the heat of the day, fans blowing around the hot air, in our tank tops and shorts, sweat dripping from our bodies and I must admit it was hard to get into the spirit of things. We played Christmas music and really did make special memories after we got over how weird it was that it was so hot and we were putting up our tree.
Isn't it like that with our faith? Don't we sometimes just not feel in the spirit of sharing Christ with our neighbor or our brother or our mother who does not yet know Him. Don't we sometimes wait for that one thing that we hope will energize our spirit and our faith a little bit and get us moving again? What if that one catalyst moment never comes? What if our faith never gets that jump start we were hoping for? Maybe we are looking at things all wrong.
Maybe when we put up our tree, our focus should have been about Who and Why we celebrate instead of the material and traditional aspect of the tree and what usually goes along with it. Maybe when it comes to our lives and living up to our call to love one another, we have put our hope into all the wrong things and forgotten our One True Hope, the Only real Hope, who is Jesus Christ and spending eternity with Him.
Philippians 3:14 says, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." This earthly life is all about our transformation into one who is more and more like Christ. Our Hope is that one day, we will all be with Him, worshiping Him forever, in heaven. Jesus wasted no time healing the sick. He wasted no opportunity to love them. He wasted no time being with the least of these.
What more do we need to jump start our faith, to give us hope, and to spur us on to fight the good fight that Paul talks about in Philippians than Jesus Christ and spending eternity with Him?
Our prayer for each of you this Christmas season is that you waste no time sharing Christ with your lost neighbor, brother, mother, co-worker, spouse, child or whoever it may be. You can pray that we waste no time sharing about the Great Physician either.
In Christ, who is our HOPE,
Matt and Brooke :)
December Prayer Letter:
In both January and May 2009, we asked you to pray with us throughout the year for specific things. Please join us in praising our God, who is able to do immeasurably more than anything we might ever ask, for these answered prayers!
Praise God that Isabelle has been free of asthma-related issues for many months now and is not taking any medication or inhalers!
Praise God that for the first time since we moved to Costa Rica, Audrey is sleeping through the night! Praise God that our children play hard during the day, watch little television and therefore go to bed tired and sleep soundly through the night. Therefore, they are showing less signs of fatigue. Praise God!
Praise God for the thirst and hunger growing inside both Matt and Brooke for the Word of God! Praise Him that while being spiritually challenged and spiritually fed, the hunger and thirst continues to grow. Praise God that we are learning how to more effectively study the Word and seeing it come alive.
Praise Him that we felt His will for our lives, were obedient, and in a matter of mere weeks are seeing fruit from that obedience. Praise God for revealing in both of us areas of sin in our lives. Praise God that as we repent of these sins we become more like Christ. Praise Him as He continues to lead us.
Praise God for a son that loves to read, research and learn about new things and spends time reading the Bible every day and who wants to be a Lego designer one day. Praise God for one daughter who loves to create things with her hands, loves to serve, and loves to sing and wants to be a doctor or a teacher. Praise God for our youngest daughter who loves animals, loves laughing and joking and imaginative play and wants to be a ballerina one day. Praise God that we are seeing them grow up amazed at the world we live in and all there is to learn about.
Praise God for those that pray for us without ceasing, those that strengthen us with their intercession, those whose prayers are heard and answered by the all-powerful God, El Shaddai. Praise God with us for new financial and prayerful partnerships this year. Praise God for those that sacrifice financially for our family to serve Jesus in Latin America. Praise God for the encouragement we receive from the Body of Christ from literally all over the world. Our thankfulness cannot be described accurately on this page for those of you who are the hands and feet of Jesus to our family.
Praise God that He is showing us lost people around us and He is speaking through us in ways we most often don’t realize. Praise God for opportunities to share the gospel with our neighbors, as well as to share our lives.
Praise God that He has fitted our feet with the gospel and we will go where He leads. In what now seems like such a crazy thing to do, we left all that was comfortable and “working” to go to yet another unfamiliar place and are now seeing people accept Jesus as their Lord and immediately begin discipleship! Praise God for the gift of faith—of believing what is not yet seen.
Praise God that in financially hard times, we have faithful financial supporters. Praise God that even though what we have may be little to some, we can give generously to those who have so much less or have nothing at all.
Praise God that we are saved by grace. Praise God that Jesus’ grace is a gift that He gives freely, that we cannot earn, nor buy with works.
Praise God that He is changing us, as a couple, as parents, but mostly as His children. Praise God for times when we feel most weak and He can then be shown to be the strong and powerful God He is.
As we approach the celebration of the birth of Christ and the end of another year, please continue to pray for our family. Continue to pray for the ministry of our family and the ministry of evangelism and discipleship. Pray as we seek to be discipled. Pray as we seek out the lost around us and share Christ with them. Pray as God burdens our hearts for the poor and dying around the world. Pray for financial gifts to purchase a vehicle and an increase to our monthly support level.
Good evening! Wow! Can anyone else not believe it is December already? This year has flown by, especially the second half of the year. God is so good, all the time! Amen? Amen!
We hope this email finds you all well and staying warm, for those in not so warm areas of the world. We put the Christmas tree up Saturday, in the heat of the day, fans blowing around the hot air, in our tank tops and shorts, sweat dripping from our bodies and I must admit it was hard to get into the spirit of things. We played Christmas music and really did make special memories after we got over how weird it was that it was so hot and we were putting up our tree.
Isn't it like that with our faith? Don't we sometimes just not feel in the spirit of sharing Christ with our neighbor or our brother or our mother who does not yet know Him. Don't we sometimes wait for that one thing that we hope will energize our spirit and our faith a little bit and get us moving again? What if that one catalyst moment never comes? What if our faith never gets that jump start we were hoping for? Maybe we are looking at things all wrong.
Maybe when we put up our tree, our focus should have been about Who and Why we celebrate instead of the material and traditional aspect of the tree and what usually goes along with it. Maybe when it comes to our lives and living up to our call to love one another, we have put our hope into all the wrong things and forgotten our One True Hope, the Only real Hope, who is Jesus Christ and spending eternity with Him.
Philippians 3:14 says, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." This earthly life is all about our transformation into one who is more and more like Christ. Our Hope is that one day, we will all be with Him, worshiping Him forever, in heaven. Jesus wasted no time healing the sick. He wasted no opportunity to love them. He wasted no time being with the least of these.
What more do we need to jump start our faith, to give us hope, and to spur us on to fight the good fight that Paul talks about in Philippians than Jesus Christ and spending eternity with Him?
Our prayer for each of you this Christmas season is that you waste no time sharing Christ with your lost neighbor, brother, mother, co-worker, spouse, child or whoever it may be. You can pray that we waste no time sharing about the Great Physician either.
In Christ, who is our HOPE,
Matt and Brooke :)
December Prayer Letter:
In both January and May 2009, we asked you to pray with us throughout the year for specific things. Please join us in praising our God, who is able to do immeasurably more than anything we might ever ask, for these answered prayers!
Praise God that Isabelle has been free of asthma-related issues for many months now and is not taking any medication or inhalers!
Praise God that for the first time since we moved to Costa Rica, Audrey is sleeping through the night! Praise God that our children play hard during the day, watch little television and therefore go to bed tired and sleep soundly through the night. Therefore, they are showing less signs of fatigue. Praise God!
Praise God for the thirst and hunger growing inside both Matt and Brooke for the Word of God! Praise Him that while being spiritually challenged and spiritually fed, the hunger and thirst continues to grow. Praise God that we are learning how to more effectively study the Word and seeing it come alive.
Praise Him that we felt His will for our lives, were obedient, and in a matter of mere weeks are seeing fruit from that obedience. Praise God for revealing in both of us areas of sin in our lives. Praise God that as we repent of these sins we become more like Christ. Praise Him as He continues to lead us.
Praise God for a son that loves to read, research and learn about new things and spends time reading the Bible every day and who wants to be a Lego designer one day. Praise God for one daughter who loves to create things with her hands, loves to serve, and loves to sing and wants to be a doctor or a teacher. Praise God for our youngest daughter who loves animals, loves laughing and joking and imaginative play and wants to be a ballerina one day. Praise God that we are seeing them grow up amazed at the world we live in and all there is to learn about.
Praise God for those that pray for us without ceasing, those that strengthen us with their intercession, those whose prayers are heard and answered by the all-powerful God, El Shaddai. Praise God with us for new financial and prayerful partnerships this year. Praise God for those that sacrifice financially for our family to serve Jesus in Latin America. Praise God for the encouragement we receive from the Body of Christ from literally all over the world. Our thankfulness cannot be described accurately on this page for those of you who are the hands and feet of Jesus to our family.
Praise God that He is showing us lost people around us and He is speaking through us in ways we most often don’t realize. Praise God for opportunities to share the gospel with our neighbors, as well as to share our lives.
Praise God that He has fitted our feet with the gospel and we will go where He leads. In what now seems like such a crazy thing to do, we left all that was comfortable and “working” to go to yet another unfamiliar place and are now seeing people accept Jesus as their Lord and immediately begin discipleship! Praise God for the gift of faith—of believing what is not yet seen.
Praise God that in financially hard times, we have faithful financial supporters. Praise God that even though what we have may be little to some, we can give generously to those who have so much less or have nothing at all.
Praise God that we are saved by grace. Praise God that Jesus’ grace is a gift that He gives freely, that we cannot earn, nor buy with works.
Praise God that He is changing us, as a couple, as parents, but mostly as His children. Praise God for times when we feel most weak and He can then be shown to be the strong and powerful God He is.
As we approach the celebration of the birth of Christ and the end of another year, please continue to pray for our family. Continue to pray for the ministry of our family and the ministry of evangelism and discipleship. Pray as we seek to be discipled. Pray as we seek out the lost around us and share Christ with them. Pray as God burdens our hearts for the poor and dying around the world. Pray for financial gifts to purchase a vehicle and an increase to our monthly support level.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
This year Thanksgiving held many first for our family. It was the first year that Matt and I had been separated since we've been married. He and I had been separated from the kids in 2006 when we came on our vision trip to Costa Rica, but we've never been separated from each other. Matt and Ethan spent the day traveling back from Nicaragua, where they had been for a few days to renew their visas.
The girls and I were actually invited to two separate dinners this year, which was a very nice welcome to the area. We accepted the first invitation to spend the day with the family that we spent time with on our vision trip here back in September, the Akin family. So, we got a ride to their house midday and the girls ran off to play while I found my place in the kitchen and began helping with the last minute things to be done.
The Akin's children attend a private school here in Costa Rica where children from literally all over world attend. Their children have a wide variety of culture in their day-to-day lives. The family extended the invitation to several families of friends from their school who had never before experienced Thanksgiving. Also invited were several young women who are here in the area studying Spanish for various lengths of time.
So there were people in attendance from the states, London, Holland, Italy, Venezuela, as well as Costa Rica. It was very interesting to talk with many of the people and hear there stories and learn about their countries and lives.
The story of the first Thanksgiving Day was shared, along with a few tears, when it was discussed how now, for their family as well as for Christians this is a day to give thanks, glory and honor to God for all we have in our lives and most importantly for the sacrifice of His life for ours.
It was a joy to me to be able to help out in the kitchen, discover this family's favorite Thanksgiving foods and learn how to make them, see how they all pitched in to make the day happen, down to the youngest in the family, and to make new memories in the new place God has lead us.
I learned a lot about Venezuela, Holland and Italy. Some of the stories I heard were quite amazing to me. Many that were there do not know the Lord and so this day was a chance to share Christ and His love with them.
So, the day for us was a first also to meet people from Holland, and share the special day with people from there as well as from Italy. there were two girls I never got the chance to talk with and I'm sad I didn't get to hear their stories or where they were from...Maybe we'll meet again...
Thankfully, we brought home a plate of leftovers for Matt and Ethan, so they got to enjoy a few yummy Thanksgiving favorites as well! :)
Here is a picture of all those present, except Audrey and the youngest Akin, Rebecca. They must have ran off somewhere right before the picture was snapped.
The girls and I were actually invited to two separate dinners this year, which was a very nice welcome to the area. We accepted the first invitation to spend the day with the family that we spent time with on our vision trip here back in September, the Akin family. So, we got a ride to their house midday and the girls ran off to play while I found my place in the kitchen and began helping with the last minute things to be done.
The Akin's children attend a private school here in Costa Rica where children from literally all over world attend. Their children have a wide variety of culture in their day-to-day lives. The family extended the invitation to several families of friends from their school who had never before experienced Thanksgiving. Also invited were several young women who are here in the area studying Spanish for various lengths of time.
So there were people in attendance from the states, London, Holland, Italy, Venezuela, as well as Costa Rica. It was very interesting to talk with many of the people and hear there stories and learn about their countries and lives.
The story of the first Thanksgiving Day was shared, along with a few tears, when it was discussed how now, for their family as well as for Christians this is a day to give thanks, glory and honor to God for all we have in our lives and most importantly for the sacrifice of His life for ours.
It was a joy to me to be able to help out in the kitchen, discover this family's favorite Thanksgiving foods and learn how to make them, see how they all pitched in to make the day happen, down to the youngest in the family, and to make new memories in the new place God has lead us.
I learned a lot about Venezuela, Holland and Italy. Some of the stories I heard were quite amazing to me. Many that were there do not know the Lord and so this day was a chance to share Christ and His love with them.
So, the day for us was a first also to meet people from Holland, and share the special day with people from there as well as from Italy. there were two girls I never got the chance to talk with and I'm sad I didn't get to hear their stories or where they were from...Maybe we'll meet again...
Thankfully, we brought home a plate of leftovers for Matt and Ethan, so they got to enjoy a few yummy Thanksgiving favorites as well! :)
Here is a picture of all those present, except Audrey and the youngest Akin, Rebecca. They must have ran off somewhere right before the picture was snapped.
Friday, November 27, 2009
House pictures
I finally can put some pictures of the house up. I'll post more later, but here are just a few :)
The one of the hill (yep- it is considered a hill, not a mountian) and the trees is the view from our front door- beautiful, eh?
There are also three of the girls room- finally unpacked the last box of theirs!
Then one of Ethan outside in the front yard playing catch with Matt.
The one of the hill (yep- it is considered a hill, not a mountian) and the trees is the view from our front door- beautiful, eh?
There are also three of the girls room- finally unpacked the last box of theirs!
Then one of Ethan outside in the front yard playing catch with Matt.
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