Most of you have heard us talk about the two teams the youth groups have - Los Bufalos (the buffalos) and Las Águilas (the eagles). Every week, the two teams compete in games and activities to try and earn points and after each youth group a winner for the day is declared. The kids love the competition and it has really been great fun watching how loyal everyone is to their team.
Un bufalo (blue) and una águila (red)
Our entire family has been buffalos since we arrived. However, lately Audrey has decided that she wants to be an aguila. So, some days she is an águila and some days she is a bufalo.
Yesterday (Saturday) we were all at La Finca for the last day of Vacation Bible School. We were riding home with Melinda and as we were walking up to her car she asked Audrey if she was an águila (Melinda is an aguila and often tries to persuade others to be one with her... :) )So, anyway, out of nowhere, in answer to the question, Audrey says to Melinda, "¡Qué feo!" Which means basically "How ugly!" or "That's bad!" It was so funny! One because she responded in Spanish so quickly without any prodding and two because it was an accurately funny thing to come back with! All three kids are learning the language so quickly!
Last week to end Vacation Bible school in Tejarcillos, we gave away team t-shirts.
Today, at church we awarded a prize to everyone who wore their team colors to church. It was great to see all the red and blue in church this morning. Here are pictures of the winners.
Los bufalos
Las águilas
And finally,
A family divided...four bufalos and one águila...
Audrey decided she was an aguila this morning. So as we all dressed in our blue, she picked out everything she had that was red to wear. She was so proud this morning wearing all red and telling everyone she was an águila!
I was just happy that the Lord has blessed her with a personality strong enough to make her own choices, even when they may be different than those around her and that she was willing to be different. My prayer is that will be a piece of her character that she will choose to use in pursuit of the Lord and for his glory.